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I Cut My Hair But I Am Not A Terrorist
TSA in Philly Must Stand for Truly Stupid A******s

By Dave Lindorff
I figure I may as well get out front of things here. I'm about to fly to  Switzerland to lead a panel on how to change pro-capital punishment attitudes in a country at the Fourth Congress Against the Death Penalty being sponsored by the United Nations in Geneva. And judging from the stories I've been reading about the Transportation Security Administration, or at least its Philadelphia International Airport operation, and the Philadelphia Police who backstop the TSA here, I'm afraid I'm liable to be hauled away as a suspected terrorist before I can get on my flight.
        Why?  Because I will be carrying copies of one of my books, which has the title "Killing Time"  (It's an investigation into the death penalty case of Philadelphia journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, and was published in 2003 by Common Courage Press), and more importantly, because I just got a haircut.
A haircut, you may well ask? Well you see, we just learned today from an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer that the TSA last fall handcuffed, arrested and held for five hours young Nick George, a 21-year-old Pomona College student on his way back to campus in California, because they found 200 Arab/English flashcards on his blond, blue-eyed person, and despite his protestation that he is a Middle Eastern Studies major, they decided that he must be a terrorist. The reason they stopped him in the first place, though, according to Philadelphia Police, who were called in to put him in detention, is that the TSA and police were suspicious that George's hair was shorter than it appeared in the photo on his Pennsylvania driver's license.  "That," as Polict Lt. Louis Liberati told the Inquirer, is "an indication sometimes that someone may have gone through a radicalization."
Damn. Just last week, I decided that my shaggy grey locks and Santa-like beard were becoming too unruly, so I got out the old electric hair-clipper and gave myself a very short buzzcut.  It hasn't changed my politics, but I sure look radically different...
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