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Illegal Immigration And You

By Curt Maynard
I don't blame a Mexican for wanting to come north of the Mexican border in order to make ten times what he or she can make in Mexico. I blame the American government for not only allowing them to do it, but making it easy too. I don't blame a Mexican for wanting to bring his wife and children across the same border in order to be close to them and to enable them acquire all of the welfare benefit's the land of milk and honey will provide them, I.e. subsidized rent, food stamps, AFDC [free cash], free health care [Yes it's free, despite what the media tells you], subsidized daycare, incredible tax returns amounting to thousands of dollars per child, despite the fact that the parents never pay into the tax base, a free education, at the expense of the education of American children, I blame the American government for giving it to them. I don't blame Mexicans for desiring Amnesty, I.e. "immigration reform," and not wanting the gravy train to come to an end, I blame the US government for its seemingly unstoppable drive to give it to them, despite the fact that more than 85% of Americans, INCLUDING Hispanic Americans, don't want to see the government amnesty twenty million illegal aliens.
A quick lesson - immigration 101:
Why would Hispanic Americans be against illegal immigration, after all, aren't they Mexicans? Nope, they aren't, they were born in America, in many cases going back numerous generations, and thus are Americans. Because of the fact that Hispanic Americans often are performing menial labor in the United States, I.e. painting, roofing, carpentry, lawn maintenance, automotive mechanics, tree trimming, etc illegal aliens are more likely to negatively impact their ability to make a decent living first. It's pretty much that simple. If illegal aliens were coming over here and acquiring jobs as doctors, scientists, chemists, engineers, lawyers, and college professors, and by so doing, displacing white collar Americans, rather than blue collar, Hispanic Americans might be slightly less concerned. The fact of the matter is though, Hispanic Americans are first in line for being dispossessed of their jobs, so it's really a "no brainer", as to why they'd be against illegal immigration.
The media doesn't tell you this because the media and the government is hard at work attempting to make opposition to illegal immigration look "racist." Hispanics really can't exercise "racism" against their own ethnicity [Mexicans], so the media suppresses the fact that Hispanic Americans are overwhelmingly against illegal immigration in order to focus on White, European Americans, predominantly White males, who righteously and intelligently oppose it, in order to drive the alleged "racist" angle home, and hopefully create an atmosphere of fear [Fear of being labeled a racist] among the population, in order to suppress all dissent, and amnesty a cheap labor pool amounting to at least twenty million people, in order to make the rich even richer.
There are other, even more sinister reasons, the media and government are behind the amnesty of twenty million non-European immigrants, that I won't go into, but let me say it has to do with dispossession of the majority, primarily for political and cultural reasons. The media wants Americans to be "patriotic" when it comes to going off to fight Zionist created wars; to fight, kill, and die for Israel, but they then claim that "patriotism" is "racist," when it comes to believing that America ought to be a sovereign state and be able to defend its own borders against illegal immigration, a process that is literally dispossessing those in the military who are out fighting, killing, and dieing in order to make their own dispossession possible in the first place. Crazy huh?
Allow me to highlight the absolute deceitful hypocrisy of the American government's policies regarding Mexico, illegal immigration, and the crossing of the border. If you are an obvious American citizen, let's say you're alabaster White, with blue eyes and blond hair, and speak with a thick east coast accent, and you want to visit a Mexican border town in order to say you've been to Mexico, you're going to need a passport or a passport identification card, which requires slightly less effort than an actual passport to acquire. In order to cross back into the United States, you're going to have to have one of these two items.
If you don't have one of them, you're not going to get back into the United States without going through an incredible and time consuming process that'll prove both expensive and onerous. So, while American citizens are being scrutinized and stymied from crossing the border, the US government is doing less than nothing about the millions of non-Americans illegally crossing the border where there are no check points. That's right, Mr. and Mrs. American citizen, believe it or not, illegal immigrants don't cross the border in Laredo, Brownsville, El Paso, or Tijuana, they cross in places where there are no identification check points, and they cross in the millions. The American government focuses on the check points for one reason, and one reason only, to convince inattentive American dumb asses that the American government is doing something about illegal immigration. Pure bovine feces, the truth is, they're doing less than nothing. The Zionist owned media knows this, but they are part of the problem, not part of the solution, and aren't about to inform you.
What the media does is create heroes, who more often than not are anything but heroic. It's gotten to the point now where to say anything less than positive about Martin Luther King is considered "racist," thus the media has a free hand when discussing him and his alleged ideas - after all, who's going to question the media, when to do so might get the nonconformist labeled a racist? One of the media created heroes is a gentleman named Dr. Hector P. Garcia, the founder of LULAC, an organization that has been co-opted by the US government and media in their drive to pass an amnesty program nobody, but them, and the illegal aliens, want.
Hector P. Garcia is heralded as a "civil rights" hero, who made his name desegregating schools. What the media never tells you is that Dr. Hector P. Garcia did in fact fight for desegregation, but did so only in South Texas, where schools were often segregated, whites in one, Hispanics in another, and blacks in another still. Dr. Garcia NEVER attempted to include blacks in his drive for desegregation, and he didn't have to fight for it outside of South Texas, because Texas schools generally didn't exclude whites and Hispanics from attending school together [Neither did any other state with the possible exception of some school districts in Arizona and New Mexico, and for exactly the same reason].
The reason they excluded Hispanics from attending school with whites in South Texas was primarily political, Hispanics have always represented a relatively large part of the population in "the valley," AKA "South Texas," today they represent the overwhelming majority. During the post war years in the late 1940s and early 1950s, whites represented the political leadership in South Texas [they no longer do], and they wanted to hold on to their political power, thus they embraced segregation as one means to achieve this end. Dr. Garcia took these few school districts to court in order to force them to integrate, his argument being that they couldn't exclude Hispanics from attending schools with whites because Hispanics are white. One must understand that this argument had a great deal of merit in the 1940s and 1950s because science really only recognized three basic races, Mongoloids [Asiatics], Negroids [Africans], and Caucasoids [Europeans], a view that is still upheld today among many scientists still bold enough to explore race as a scientific issue, J. Philippe Rushton, as one example.
In any case, what I'm driving at here, is how Dr. Hector P. Garcia, the alleged "civil rights" hero, has been co-opted by the government, media, and pro-immigration NGO's, in an effort to advance their agenda, I.e. the amnesty of at least twenty million illegal immigrants, when in fact, he was less than interested in universal civil rights, he never intended to include blacks in his litigation for desegregation, just Hispanics, and his argument wasn't based on racial equality, it was based on racial similarity.
Despite what people's feelings on race are today, one must understand that contemporaneously [at that time] Garcia had a valid legal point, one couldn't exclude Hispanics from attending school with white's because in the eyes of the law, and science, Hispanics were white. He won his legal case for exactly that reason too, and schools in South Texas were forever afterwards desegregated when it came to Hispanics as whites. Of course, today's government, media, and pro-amnesty organizations aren't about to tell you that blacks remained excluded for more than another decade, and/or that the "civil rights" legend, Dr. Hector P. Garcia, had less than nothing to do with their eventual inclusion.
The Jew, Israel Shamir, recently and accurately noted:
"Opposition to immigration does not require feelings of racial superiority or even racial identity Humans and other animals have defensive mechanisms used to protect their territory and their access to resources. These mechanisms are now deliberately misrepresented as 'racism', or as the unleashing of brutal natural tendencies, but the protection of one's territory is morally defensible."
He's right, and the fact of the matter is, racism in this day and age, among a deracinated public, has almost nothing to do with opposition to illegal immigration, but the government and media count on people believing in this chimera, because once the American public figures out that racism is nothing more than a canard exploited by the neo-Bolsheviks running our government and media, to manipulate and control us, game's over in Washington D.C., and real change will occur. Until then, and trust me on this, nothing, not a damn thing that matters will ever change, you'll continue to finance your own destruction, your children will continue to fight, kill, and die for Israel, and world Zionism, and you'll foster the enslavement of your own progeny. It is guaranteed.
What Shamir doesn't say in his piece about illegal immigration is how our very natural opposition to it [illegal immigration] and the dispossession it causes, is how our opposition to it is being "deliberately misrepresented as 'racism." The answer is simple, it's being done primarily through the mainstream media, with the connivance of a treasonous government, and treasonous pro-amnesty groups, which in this day and age, represents almost every element of information we're allowed to acquire through academia, the television, news magazines, newspapers, publications, and yes, even the Internet, which is slowly but surely being hijacked by the very same people that now monopolize the MSM.
Once the Internet, the very last bastion of free speech, and the last ever to exist, is in their stranglehold, game over for us, literally. You'll never have access to a free, independently acquired thought again. You'll never again hear the name Ernst Zundel, or that he was illegally arrested, unlawfully deported, and imprisoned for nothing more than questioning a historical event. You'll never again hear the name Germar Rudolf, who conducted real scientific experiments, that support and reinforce the need to question the very same events the political martyr Ernst Zundel has been imprisoned for questioning. You'll never again hear my name, Curt Maynard, despite the fact that I've done nothing more than highlight truths that others find too politically incorrect to mention, let alone explore.
The names Michael Rivero of whatreallyhappened.com and Jeff Rense of Rense.com will disappear down the memory hole - you, and your children will only get the views of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage [nee, the Jewish Michael Weiner], Sean Hannity, the former Leftist, and supporter of the Black Panther Party, and now pseudo-conservative, David Horowitz, the duel Israeli-American citizen's Rahm Emmanuel, Michael Chertoff, and any new manifestations of the same POV the media and government decide you can have. In short, your intellectual enslavement will be complete, with your physical enslavement not far behind. Consider again the undeniable, and empirical fact that the United States government makes it far more difficult for real American citizens to travel between Mexico and America, than it does illegal aliens. Again, for the most part, Border Patrol, and INS agents are concentrated at legal border crossings, where Americans cross the border, rather than along the unprotected frontier, where illegal's cross. Starting to get it yet?
Finally, if you want to pointlessly piss in the wind, go ahead and blame the impoverished Mexican for wanting to come to the United States, work under the table, and collect welfare benefits, and refrain from blaming the real problem, the American government and its unstoppable quest to amnesty them. If you do this, it's guaranteed that accusations of racism will win out in the end, and the American public will roll over and once again take it in the rear. This isn't to say that you ought to roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens, who're are criminals by virtue of the fact that they're here illegally, but until Americans recognize who and what the real problem is, I.e. the American government and media, nothing will happen.
I guarantee you that if Americans continue to blame the symptoms, I.e. the presence of twenty million illegal aliens, instead of the disease, our treasonous government and media, that the aforementioned will amnesty those twenty million illegal aliens and we the people will lose out in the end.
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