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Writer's Room With A View
Things Are Looking Pretty Hairy Out There
By Dave Lindorff
I'm the first to admit that you can get a little out of touch working as a freelance writer, if you aren't careful. Here I am up in my upstairs garret, surrounded by my books and computer paraphernalia, my phones and two cats, and my sources of information tend to be the piles of newspapers I have delivered, my wife, who works with other human beings at a university, my son, who goes to an urban high school, and of course the internet.
When I get out, it's either to do solitary repair work to rescue my barn, or to get a coffee at the local café.
So when I read that housing prices are picking up, or that the stock market is back over 10,000 again, it would be easy to start imagining that things are starting to look up after the worst recession since World War II.
But then, I do have personal evidence that this is hardly the case.
Take my work. Business Week magazine, a publication for which I have written for some 17 years, nearly folded and has been sold for a song by McGraw-Hill to Bloomberg, where it will operate as a shadow of its former self.  One editor there wrote recently for advice because his wife had been stiffed on a $3000 writing assignment for some company, and he wanted to know how to pursue the case in small claims court. He said they need that money, because his current income is precarious, given the planned staff cuts Bloomberg will be making....
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