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Obama's War And Remembrance Day
By Dave Lindorff
With word being leaked out over the weekend that our Nobel Peace Prize President is close to announcing plans to escalate the US troop level in the Afghanistan War by 50%, we are about to have perhaps the ultimate of ironies-a president announcing a big step-up in American war-making on November 11, the day known around much of the Western world as Armistice Day.
          While modern Americans might not know it, with all the boom and bombast and mindless flag-waving featured in the military parades popular in today's warrior culture, November 11 was originally established by Congress back in 1919, a year after the day the guns of World War I finally went silent over the blood-drenched fields of Europe in what was once, in a naïve spasm of optimism, referred to as the War to End All Wars. In declaring the national holiday Armistice Day, Congress said it was to be "a day dedicated to the cause of world peace."
          It's hard to see how President Obama, who has yet to actually receive his Nobel Prize as a peacemaker from Norway's King Harald, is contributing to peace with the addition of another 34,000 US soldiers and Marines to the 68,000 already fighting, killing and dying on Afghan soil. Maybe he thinks holding this escalation to 34,000 instead of accommodating Afghanistan Theater Commander Gen. Stanley McCrystal's request for 80,000 more troops is an act of pacificistic moderation.
          I doubt it. (Incidentally, some Pentagon and White House flaks are referring to this escalation as another "surge," but you can't call a 50% increase in troop commitments a "surge." It is what it is-a massive expansion of the current war effort.)...
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