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A Neocon Manual For The Lynch Mob
Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underwold that's Conspiring to Islamize America (hardcover)
by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry
Reviewed by Michael Hoffman
Gaubatz and Sperry's screed illustrates the huge double standard in the U.S. media, where it is perfectly respectable to refer to the religion of Islam as a "Mafia" and warn of the supposed "Islamizing" of America. Books like this one can be advertised without interdiction in all media. Imagine, however, the prospects of a book titled, "Jewish Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Judaize America." Such a book attacking Judaism would be banned in the sub-rosa manner in which "free" western capitalist societies implement such bans: banned from Google Ads, banned from advertising in the New York Review of Books, The Nation and National Review -- in other words across the spectrum from Right to Left.
This book is not history or investigative reporting: the hysterical thesis of "Muslim Mafia" is that CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) is out to destroy western civilization (!) and is part of the larger "Muslim" conspiracy dedicated to that nefarious end. "Muslim Mafia" sees the world through Zionist-tinted glasses, wherein armed resistance by Hamas to Israeli mass murder and occupation is always terrorism, while the state-terror and war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli government on defenseless Palestinian civilians is self-defense.
The tenor of the book is to indict Islam and stampede the American people into the Neocon, Israeli lobby/Fox "News" position of full support for war at home and abroad on "terror." In this context, "terrorism" is a code word for anything that threatens the hegemony of Zionism over America - including Islamic-American lobbyists, politicians and intellectuals. We are urged to have zero tolerance for them. Meanwhile, any time any investigation into dual-loyalty Israeli-Americans is mounted it is met by howls of outrage at such "intolerance." Tolerate Judaic-Americans whose loyalty to the Israeli state trumps loyalty to America, but hunt down Muslim-Americans and their alleged "Muslim Mafia." This is the not so subliminal message of this book.
CAIR is a legitimate lobbying group for the rights and civil liberties of Muslims in America, who need protection from witch-hunters like Gaubatz and Sperry, who are little more than mouthpieces for the Israeli lobby's policy of neutralizing the growth of any Muslim political power in the U.S. Some will argue that curbing such power is a legitimate aim in the marketplace of competing ideologies. In consideration of present realities, however, such an argument would be rank hypocrisy, since it has been ruled a monstrous breach of civility, even outright bigotry, to seek to curb Judaism's political power. According to received opinion, from Fox TV to the NY Times, Judaic political power is necessary to ensure civil liberties' protections for Judaic-Americans. But for the authors of "Muslim Mafia" no such similar right is enjoyed by Americans who follow Islam.
"Muslim Mafia" is another in a long train of manuals for the lynch-mob that seeks to intimidate Americans of the Islamic faith into silence, while providing convenient targets for bigots. As a Christian I find this targeting and scapegoating an appalling betrayal of American ideals.
Hoffman is the author of "Judaism Discovered."
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