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Madoff Billions Are In Israel
The Voice Of The White House
WASHINGTON, DC -- "It is truly wonderful to behold how craven and controlled our American print and television media is. Although the foreign press spoke about the attack on Forward Base Falcon, the damage and heavy loss of life, not one word ever appeared in our media. We can say the same thing for the Iranian ship full of radioactive waste bound for the eastern end of the Mediterranean.
The foreign press spoke often and in detail about this floating immense dirty bomb but no word was ever heard about it in our allegedly free press. Also, the economy of the PRC is tanking, very seriously, but again, no mention of this. Why not? Because major, and wealthy, American business interests have heavy investments in China and have told the corporate-controlled media not to mention the pending upheaval in China.
And on a more domestic note, we never see questions about where swindler Bernie Madoff hid his billions. Bernie wasn't running a Ponzi scheme and our government and media is fully aware of this. Why not mention any of this? Because Bernie put most of his loot in Israeli banks and investment companies and under Israeli law, no information on any of this can be given to any foreign government or business entity. Also, Israel does not have to return a cent of this money and our people in DC know this.
Therefore, the victims are given loads of worthless paper to read but note that nothing will ever be done about this. There will never be any official American attempt to force Israel to disgorge Bernie's stolen billions. Why? Because in the first place, Israel won't ever give it back and in the second, the Jewish lobby has a lock on Congress, worse than the very obvious one the medical industry has, and no one inside the Beltway who values their job will ever dare to open their mouths. Tough luck, victims and remember this at the next election in 2010."
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