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 Italian Professor Doubts Holocaust As Portrayed
From Dick Eastman
ROME (AKI) -- The Holocaust-denying views of an Italian academic at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza,' Antonio Caracciolo, has sparked calls for him to resign. The 59-year-old philosophy of law researcher's blogs have described the World War II Nazi Holocaust - or extermination of six million Jews - as "a legend" and claim the gas chambers "are one of many 'truths' which need to be verified."
The head of Rome's Jewish community, Riccardo Pacifici, said it will take legal action against the academic. "We are waiting for the university to take measures to protect students and will certainly be taking action against Caracciolo," Pacifici said. "We are confident the university won't be the only institution to act and that the whole of civil society will react."
In 2007, Italy's previous center-left government, headed by Romano
Prodi, passed a law making Holocaust-denial a crime.
The rector of 'La Sapienza', Luigi Frati has announced the university "will consider taking disciplinary action" against Caracciolo, without giving any further details. "He would do well to visit Dachau, which I visited when I was 16, or if he can't manage that, the Ardeatine Caves," said Frati. He was referring to the former Nazi concentration camp in southern Germany and to the notorious World War II massacre of 333 Italian civilians in Rome by Nazi troops.
Rome's mayor Gianni Alemanno has stated his opposition to university lecturers with such views. "I don't think a professor who holds Holocaust-denying views can teach at 'La Sapienza," he stated.
The president of the Lazio region surrounding Rome, Piero Marazzo, and of the Province of Rome, Nicola Zingaretti condemned Caracciolo's views.
'La Sapienza' professors and students also expressed shock and dismay at the content of Caracciolo's blogs. The head of the Political Science Faculty, where Caracciolo teaches, Gianluigi Rossi, said it was "a very bad day." Social sciences undergraduate Massimo, from Florence, described Caracciolo's Holocaust-denying views as "extremely serious."
Caracciolo has denied he is a "historical revisionist" and says he
believes in freedom of thought and expression which are guaranteed under the Italian constitution.
It is not the first time that an Italian academic has expressed such views. In November last year, Roberto Valvo, a high-school history teacher was suspended after he claimed there was "no proof" of the Holocaust.
In May 2007, authorities barred a visit to Italy by the French
Holocaust-denying historian Robert Faurisson, on the invitation of
Claudio Moffa, a lecturer at the Univerity of Teramo in Italy's central Abruzzo region. The move came after heated protests from Italy's Jewish community. Caracciolo had defended the planned debate.
British Bishop and Holocaust-denier Richard Williamson has been fined over remarks on Swedish television that fewer than 300,000 Jews died in Nazi death camps.
A German court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg on Monday commanded Williamson to pay ¤12,000.
Williamson said he believes that no more than 300,000 Jews died in Germany's Nazi concentration camps rather than the 6 million.
His German lawyer Matthias Lossmann said his client had been told to pay ¤100 a day for 120 days and that he was likely to appeal. If an appeal is lodged, there will be a trial in Regensburg, which Williamson will not be forced to attend.
Holocaust denial is classed as a hate crime in Germany and because the interview took place in Regensburg, German prosecutors were allowed to investigate, The Guardian reported.
In several other countries, including France and Austria, "Holocaust denial" is against the law, and "deniers" have been punished with prison sentences.
For no other historical massacre does such a law exist.
62-year old math lecturer Terry Tremaine in prison
Regina is the murder capital of Canada but the Regina police major crimes unit has devoted a great deal of time and money to prosecuting the 62-year old math lecturer. Terry Tremaine is in prison for stating that Jewish Communism killed millions and he is not only right, but he was providing a public service in warning society about the dangers of Communism.
REGINA. October 19, 2009 -- In town for the preliminary hearing into Sec. 319 "hate law" charges against math lecturer Terry Tremaine, Doug Christie promised: "We'll not give up one inch of territory or freedom easily. It's important to support the victims."
Terry Tremaine is another of Richard Warman's victims, In 2005, Warman filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission about some of Mr. Warman's posts on STORMFRONT that were critical of Jews. Warman also complained to Mr. Tremaine's employer the University of Saskatchewan. Mr. Tremaine quickly lost his job. Warman also filed a hefty complaint with the Regina Police Service. That and pressure from his close allies the Canadian Jewish Congress seemed to pressure the "major crimes unit" to lay its first ever "hate" charge.
We're heading toward totalitarianism, the "Battling Barrister" warned the meeting organized by the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE).
Referring the his father, an RCAF WW II vet who just celebrated his 90th birthday, Mr. Christie: "We have a duty to the memory of those who fought for freedom. So, we must make this battle as costly as possible for the enemies of freedom." And, he added: "We're here to fight and fight we will. We're doing the right thing and we'll hold every inch of ground we can."
"The state is growing and the individual is diminishing," Mr. Christie observed, looking back over his 38 year career, as a defender of the individual and the underdog. "What we are looking at is more and more of a police state," he warned,
"We must use all our talent and resources to fight for freedom, ours and others," he urged.
Speaking of the Tremaine hearing, Mr. Christie promised?: "We've made the uncomfortable and we'll make them more uncomfortable. We have no weapons but truth and cross-examination. The police are well trained liars and are usually protected by the judiciary." Earlier in the day Mr. Christie had told CBC TV: "The police should get off their fat backsides and stop playing computer games, surfing the net for dissidents, and start chasing real criminals." Regina is the murder capital of Canada but the Regina police major crimes unit has devoted a great deal of time and money to prosecuting the 62-year old math lecturer.
The preliminary hearing, originally scheduled for three days, will continue all this week and will resume later in November.
Lets Stop With The Auschwitz Lies
Judy Gates helpful tips
1. Zionism Is Nobody's Friend
2. Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum Condemns Zionists For Role In Holocaust
3. Zionists Were Spiritually And Physically Responsible For The Holocaust
By Rabbi Gedalya Liebermann
4. How The Zionists Created The Holocaust - 10 Questions For The Zionists
By Rabbi Michael Dov Weismandl
5. The Hidden History Of Zionism
6. Watch For Yourself The Difference Between Jews And Zionists - Video
7. Ilya Ehrenberg - The Man Who Invented The 'Six Million'
8. Other Holocausts - The Other Side Of 'Holocaust Denial'
9. The Black Book Of Communism - 100 Million Killed
10. 51 Documents - Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis
11. Ten Questions To The Zionists By Rabbi Michael Weissmandl
12. Red Cross Finds No Evidence Of WWII Jewish Holocaust
13. US, UK Slaughter 500,000 German Civilians At Dresden In 3 Days
14. Zionism And Judaism - Comparing Apples To Rocks
15. Zionism Is Nobody's Friend
16. Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax
17. Treblinka 'Death Camp' Examined By Scientists - No Traces Of Extermination Found - Video
18. Mass Slaughter Of 7-8 Million Germans Between 1945-50
19. Zionism And Israeli Propaganda - Important Quotations
20. How Jewish Supremicists Wrecked America
21. The Power Of The Rothschilds
22. How Jewish Supremacists Wrecked America
23. Extremely Important Questions About The 'Holocaust'
24. The Bloodlines Of WWII Leaders
25. One Million German Soldiers Killed By The U.S. AFTER The War Ended
26. Mass Slaughter Of 7-8 Million German Civilians By The U.S. AFTER The War Ended, 1945-1950
27. Hideous Allied War Crimes During And After WWII
28. Mass Slaughter Of Germans AFTER The War Ended
29. The Destruction Of Ethnic Germans And German Prisoners Of War
In Yugoslavia, 1945-53
30. Argument Boils Over True Number Of Auschwitz Dead
31. The Truth About The Talmud
Deciphering Dov Zakheim
Here are a number of videos:
The Persecution of Revisionists: The Holocaust
Unveiled - Why Do Some People Try to Censor, Terrorize and Suppress Revisionists?
"Cole in Auschwitz"
Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at
World War II
One Third of the Holocaust
Treblinka Was No Extermination Camp
A Jew Defends Hitler
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
You may want to read some of these articles:
Auschwitz - Myth and Facts
Unlike Bush, Hitler's War on Terror Fought Real Enemies
Remarkable Nonsense About the Holocaust
Interview With Professor Robert Faurisson
The Facts About the Origin of the Concentration Camps
and Their Administration
Exploring the Occult Origins of Crucial Holocaust
The Auschwitz 'Gas Chamber' Illusion by Nicholas
Kollerstrom, PhD
Online Book:
What Actually Happened To Europe's Jews
Before the war, the Nazis encouraged emigration of German Jewry. Laws were instituted and governmental pressures were brought to bear to make life more difficult for Jews in many professions which Jews came to dominate in the Weimar Republic. The 'Ha'avara' or transfer agreement was reached with Zionist leaders to facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. Emigrating Jews very often were forced to abandon much of their wealth when they left Germany. After the defeat of France, a plan was discussed by the Nazis to remove the Jews from Europe to the French colony on Madagascar. This plan was soon dropped in favor of a resettlement plan which transferred Jews into ghettos and work camps inside Soviet territory following the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. This was to be the first stage toward the ultimate creation of a Jewish homeland after the war.
As the Germans invaded and the Russians retreated, large shifts in population occurred in eastern Europe. This shift went from west to east. Tens of millions of people were involved. Many were forcibly deported into the Russian interior. Others willingly accompanied the Communists as the Red Army retreated eastward. General Gehlen estimated in his memoirs that a third of the population in the areas the German army was to occupy was evacuated eastward ahead of the German invasion.
Since Jews were viewed by many eastern Europeans as willing accomplices of the Communists who had occupied the area in the years and months preceding the German assault, pogroms occurred after the retreat of the Red Army and prior to arrival of the German army. Many of these assaults on local Jews were in reaction to the murdering of political prisoners by the Soviet police as they prepared to retreat. These events left areas of eastern Europe, now occupied by the German Wehrmacht and under Nazi administration depopulated. The Nazis took the situation as an opportunity to remove Jews eastward into the areas abandoned during the Soviet retreat. Jews were assembled at train terminals and deported to ghettos and concentration camps established for them in the east. Some Jews were not deported, however, due to the fact their work was considered too important to the German war effort.
A result of the tremendous movement of people is many families and communities were scattered and people lost contact with one another. Many of these contacts were not reestablished after the war due to a multitude of reasons the greatest of which were the splitting of Europe in two after the war and the establishment of the state of Israel. Guerrilla groups were formed to fight the Nazi occupation. A campaign of sabotage and assassination by these groups was countered by repression on the part of the occupiers in the form of the Einsatz groups. The Einsatzgruppe fought the partisans in ways which included reprisal shooting of civilians. Jews were believed to make up the majority of partisans. They were also the people targeted for reprisals. These reprisals took several forms which included the shooting of hostages or their deportation to ghettos and concentration camps.
During the summer of 1942 a major typhus epidemic swept the Nazi concentration camp system. The most severely affected camp was Auschwitz camp in Poland. The epidemic continued for many months. Crematories were built in some of the concentration camps as part of hygienic measures established to fight the epidemics. The fumigant Zyklon B was used to exterminate the typhus-bearing body louse which spread the disease. The total number of Jews and others who died in the camps is not known, but the total is probably in the hundreds of thousands. As the Germans suffered military reversals in 1944 and 1945, the Nazis took many who were in labor camps with them as they retreated westward. Others were left behind. As this happened, tens of millions of people were again uprooted as civilians abandoned almost everything in an effort to escape the approaching Red Army. The migration in 1941-42 was eastward. In 1944-45 it was westward.
In the beginning, Europe's Jewish communities were concentrated in eastern Europe. By the end of the war, Europe's Jews were still in eastern Europe, but the communities were shattered. Tens of millions of people, particularly Germans and Jews were left homeless by the war. As a result, millions of Jews emigrated. Many settled in Palestine. Many more moved to North America. Others settled in Australia, South America, and South Africa. The war was a boon for the Zionist movement.
The Holocaust become the founding myth of modern day Israel. As such it became an excuse for behavior of the Israelis which would have been inexcusable. It also became the excuse for billions of dollars in aid and 'reparations' being sent to Israel from Germany and the United States even though Israel did not exist during the war and its citizens were not subject to Nazi repression. Much of the aid the new Zionist state was to receive was for the purpose of resettling European refugees who did not want to go there, but had little alternative at the time.
The Concentration Camp Photographs
Do the photographs taken at the Nazi concentration camps at the end of the war prove the Nazis were exterminating people?
No. How often have we heard the phrase "bodies stacked like cordwood"? Certainly, the photos of the sickening conditions in some of the Nazi concentration camps in the spring of 1945 were not faked, but they were taken out of context. Many concentration camp prisoners survived the war in very good physical condition. Others died for a variety of reasons.
As World War Two approached its conclusion in Europe, Germany was a chaotic mess. The Allies controlled the sky all over Germany. One of the missions of the Allied pilots was to disrupt German communications as much as possible. This meant they shot at just about anything that moved. Trains with supplies bound to concentration camps were attacked just like any other train. Rail lines, roads, bridges, and airstrips were bombed and destroyed to prevent the supply and movement of the German army.
As Germany collapsed upon itself, it suffered from many shortages. This included medicine, food and fuel. Not being the highest priority, concentration camps were affected as well. Some camps had not received supplies for days before the British or American troops arrived. Add to this the Germans retreat. Prisoners were evacuated from labor camps near the fronts and moved to other camps. As a result, the remaining camps became extremely overcrowded. Combine the overcrowding with the lack of food and medicine. Conditions became perfect for the outbreak of epidemics. This is what happened.
Bergen Belsen which had been designed by the SS as a sick camp in the waning days of the war became the destination of many prisoners who were already sick from other camps. A typhus epidemic was raging there when the British captured the camp where an uncounted number-usually estimated to be between 10,000 and 30,000- of prisoners died primarily from disease. Similar circumstances contributed to the awful conditions discovered at Dachau, Buchenwald, and several other concentration camps. Germany's enemies used the scenes of dead and dying prisoners as documentary evidence of German malevolence.
While the pictures are authentic, the films of bodies being bulldozed into trench graves do not tell the whole story. There was a war going on. It is in this context that these pictures need to be viewed. There are several reasons the Germans didn't simply release those in the camps. Many of the inmates were common criminals. Many were politically anti-German or anti-Nazi. Those infected with disease posed the threat of spreading the epidemics into the countryside if allowed to roam Germany. The healthy prisoners had nowhere to go. There was a war raging all around. Their homes were on the other side of the battle lines. Additionally, the likelihood that freed prisoners would form criminal gangs was too high for them to be released. Many were imprisoned because they were considered risks to security to begin with. Releasing them to roam the countryside was out of the question.
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The Holocaust Industry by Prof Norman Finkelstein
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