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Here's What Must Happen And Why
By The Lone Ranger
Edited by Tonto
The mass-murdering Zionist Jewish Merchant Bankers - who have financed every major war and financial escapade since the Crusades cannot -- absolutely cannot -- let continue to live those informed historians and other social scientists who have discovered their great, heinous crimes and understand too much of their present anti-social undertakings. Nor can they allow to survive any who are bearers or spreaders of this horrific truth.
This is the only thing Zionists fear because individuals cannot be blackmailed with thermonuclear weapons as the Zionist state of Israel has been doing to nation states for decades. Don't think so? Read this US Air Force paper on Zionist Israeli thermonuclear blackmail against America HERE
This is how they have ultimately prevailed and controlled every major US Foreign Policy decision involving them since their complicit murder of JFK - who sought to prevent them from getting the bomb by demanding we be allowed to monitor and inspect what they were doing at Dimona.
Meanwhile, major US Domestic Policy has been completely controlled by their ruthless and witheringly dominant Zionist financial and social machines such as the Federal Reserve, AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and B'Nai B'rith. The mass-murdering dictatorship of China (a sociology, not the Han Chinese) are confederated with them. If they are to live, we must die. Which brings us to the present moment.
Can we defeat them? No. They've planned our destruction too well, the trap has proceeded too far -- they control our food supply and they don't have to eat what they choose to feed us -- they also control our money and the weather and all of our information and education -- the armamentarium is impregnable and irresistible.
Can we surrender to them, becoming Maoist servants of a finally united China which is now all the earth, and, as well, Zionists, worshiping any and every Jew as we would have welcomed and worshiped Jesus had he come to us as prophesied Apocalypse of St. John? No.
The chances of effecting this are the product of the tiny probability that we could organize in the time available to make the offer (which involves us coming face to face with our situation, which our conquerors could never allow to happen), multiplied by the tiny probability that that these two great killers could or would turn around so great a battleship built over so many generations of conspiracy, so that actually no one is controlling it now, they are merely executing the orders of men (Cecil Rhodes, Herzl, Trotsky, Rothschild, Zhou, Baruch among those whose names we know) long dead -- secret societies are super organisms that have minds of their own that control those who preside over them as tightly as the conspiracy's more overtly targeted victims. They are steeped in Zionist racism and Malthusianism (we are inferior, we are unsustainable) as well as held by the very logic here elucidated.
Will Jesus come? Yes, for the few survivors there will from now on be a leader before whom every knee must bow and every tongue confess -- with modifications of course to allow for the Chineseness of the new world order. (India is in there too, I should add -- the "world's greatest democracy" is as far from their Jefferson (Gandhi) as the world's oldest democracy (US, us) is from their Gandhi (Jefferson) and the intention of those Founding Fathers (Madison, Paine, Mason etc.) who were not agents of the conspiracy (e.g., Hamilton, John Marshall etc.); India having been run from the days of the East India Company by the very worst of the worst -- despite the always futile efforts of liberals such as John Bright and Gladstone -- through the opium wars, and World War One (Rothschild's conditions for allowing British victory was a Jewish Viceroy -- and after the Gandhi revolution came Gandhi's murder and corruption through the control of money and credit rather than direct governance. Anyway India is in on it with China and monolithic Jewry (no Jew can buck Rothschild power -- and in return they get warnings before the planes hit etc.)
Is there hope? What about "Betty Crocker Feminism" (a servants revolt in which they one day club their masters to death with whatever $100,000 dollar bronze figurine happens to be nearby etc.)
No. They have big brothers watching little brothers and bigger brothers watching the big brothers all in a complex system (including underground cities etc.) that is foolproof. They have some slaves caught up in perversions so completely that all that I am talking about here would make no difference to them.
So we die?
Despite all of the promise of what mankind could do if we were free to create and think and build and dream etc.? Yes, despite of that good potential. It has happened many times before in human history and it will happen again as long as the sun continues to provide.
The new world government will evolve and it will have its breakdowns due to incompetence (especially incompetence that comes from underestimating and denying the potential of free association, of social economy among men and women whose lives are not planned by others. All centrally planning is achieved by conquest (including conquest by conspiracy) and it always perishes by becoming an envyocracy -- you'll find out what that is -- and continued class warfare -- as Milovan Djilas discovered and wrote about -- the New Class -- the new rulers who fancy themselves the Kingdom of David or "China" -- simply the Kingdom that is everything where there will be either nepotism or Confucianism - frozen by custom where people take tests to become high bureaucrats -- and there is order after the well-run farm. The new world order is just a repetition. Empires come and go.
When a relatively empty continent -- North America -- was discovered, refugees from Europe managed for a time to break free of the European and Asian Systems of despotism. Lacking the later advanced is social science they knew enough to realize that this breakaway from tyranny was a solitary and singular event in human history. But the seeds of conspiracy were not recognized, not overcome -- the Federalists took power over the Jeffersonians even under Washington. In 1900 the Federalists were thrown out -- but the war of 1812, settled by conspirator Henry Clay before Jackson's army fired its first shot in the Battle of New Orleans -- another period of freedom when Jackson vetoed the Bank of the United States (the BUS being a central bank like the FED) -- but that was followed as soon as Jackson stepped down by a great depression brought on by the Rothschilds restricting credit and calling in all the loans -- gold is manipulated as easily as paper by the Money Power.
Calhoun in one of his great speeches -- you are kept from knowing about his battles for a fitting money and credit system for this country, his speeches are the greatest in our history -- but there are no "revisionist" (real and honest) historians to relay them to you. -- At any rate, Calhoun warned that if our taxing power and banking power were centralized the Rothschilds would take an interest in the US, but so long as we were everywhere decentralized and small with free banking etc. it would be too much trouble -- too much expense, too high a transactions cost) to come here and take over. Unfortunately, the Civil War followed by Reconstruction Laws and the Spanish American War and World War One and the New Deal and the Cold War and the Great Society and the War on Terror were not stopped by the great statesman whose words, in the end, were still too feeble to hold us to vigilant liberty, populism, anti-conspiracy etc.
Until now, I believed that we had a chance of breaking the system of control which relys on dividing us to conquer us, dividing us by race, by sex, by religion, by many Zionist-created "isms", and which destroys our will by taking away role models of free men. I thought I saw the way out in all of the races, sexes, religions and "ismists" to unite together -- I offered the slogan: "Populist Nationalist Social Credit Brotherhood of American Citizen Peacemakers of All Races and Creeds -- This is our Common Ground!!! "
And I saw a man who despite everything against him was able to see what was going on (as many have besides myself -- all of those people who are smarter than I am have played along with the conspiracy because they already saw where it must lead, and resigned themselves to simply live and let it happen without a struggle, thinking that it doesn't matter whether they serve the conspiracy or not since the outcome will be the same) -- as I was saying, I saw one man who understood the situation but who also was a strong leader of great personal integrity even as he bucked the political correctness and the culture of what I call Judeo-pornographic society, the society of slaves chained by their own vices carefully cultivated by the organized ruling minority -- but Farrakhan stood up against them and so did his Church of Islam, poor black people of Detroit etc. who gleaned the truth from a true leader (and his predecessor, Elija Mohammed, about whom I know little -- or his rival, Malcom X, about whom I am undecided -- but I do not believe Lousi Farrakhan had anything to do with the death of Malcom X -- (just as I am certain that O. J. Simpson did not kill his former wife and her Jewish boyfriend) -- but this is too many words -- too much commentary
Farrakhan was the right sort of man to lead a people to freedom -- but now I see the impossibility of persuading people that this is so, of getting people to rally behind a man who is incorruptably opposed to Sino-Judeo World Domination -- because whites don't trust blacks (especially after Obama) and blacks don't trust whites (especially with Jews being viewed as also white) and all the "isms" -- all of the falling short of the message of Jesus on how people should interrelate -- we could never fall behind one man -- and one man could never rule for freedom when tempted all the time by absolute power. Maybe the Jehovahs Wintesses have been right all along -- and the Mormons -- convert hearts to Christian love -- and Islam -- acknowledge one God and the brotherhood of all, pray, give alms, respect the Prophets of this God and live in peace and friendship.
So that is the situation.
We have to find a way around it and the trail we are on won't get us there.
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