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HI Legislators Question H1N1 Vaccines
Doctors Express Serious Reservations About Safety

By Dr. Len Horowitz
HILO, HI -- Discussing H1N1 vaccine safety, on behalf of Hawaii legislators considering the question, Dr. Michele Carbone, Director of the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, and full Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, openly acknowledged HIV/AIDS was spread by the hepatitis B vaccine produced by Merck & Co. during the early 1970s.
This is the first time since the initial transmissions took place in 1972-74, that a leading expert in the field of vaccine manufacturing and testing has openly admitted theMerck & Co. liability for AIDS.
The matter-of-fact disclosure came during discussions of polio vaccines contaminated with SV40, the fortieth simian (monkey) virus discovered that caused cancer in nearly every species infected by injection. Many authorities now admit much, possibly most, of the world's cancers came from the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, and hepatitis B vaccines, produced in monkeys and chimps.
"There is no question that the FDA is much more vigilant today than it was 40
years ago," Dr. Carbone wrote. "I guess they learned the lesson from the SV40 mess.
"On the other hand, you can only test for what you know: new viruses are discovered continuously and some of them, for example HIV, are quite dangerous....[M]any people, for example, received in the early days hepatitis vaccines contaminated with HIV," Professor Carone wrote.
The vaccine testing expert stated, "This is to say that although I do believe -and hope- that the present vaccines are safe and clean, and this is partly based on my experience in testing polio vaccines prepared in the Western world after 1963 (see Cutrone R et al, Cancer Research 2005), neither I nor anybody in the world can assure you that with 100% confidence."
Also engaged in the discussion was Rev. Roxanne Hampton, who sourced the legislative resolution urging passage of vaccination exemptions for religious persons in the State of Hawaii and elsewhere. Rev. Hampton raised the question of vaccine makers' reliability, to which Dr. Carbone responded.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, a vaccine risk investigator and author of sixteen books includingEmerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron, LLC, 1-888-508-4787) was also invited to reply to the question of H1N1 safety testing.
"Dr. Carbone's testimony is very important," Dr. Horowitz said, addressing the little-known fact that "1) HIV was spread via the earliest hepatitis B vaccines, and 2) Despite the most advanced intelligence in vaccine science, there is no certainty that benefits outweigh risks, since the full extent of H1N1 vaccine risks are not known."
"Without certainty, and the past history, it is my humble opinion," Dr. Horowitz added, "you would have to be a complete fool to trust the people that promote getting vaccinated this flu season (or any flu season for that matter)."
Dr. Horowitz went on to address the problem of lacking confidence in the H1N1 vaccines by considering those who manufactured the fright and these viral vaccines.
"Regarding #1, it is gross criminal negligence that Dr Carbone's factual statement has never been adequately investigated or acknowledged by anyone with authority in the four groups that produced that horrible HIV-contaminated hepatitis B vaccine, manufactured using chimpanzees (not VERO cell cultures contaminated with SV40, as Baxter Corp. is doing for some of its H1N1 flu vaccines)."
Dr. Horowitz cited the FDA, CDC, NIAID, and Merck & Co. as responsible for the production of the hepatitis B vaccines that massive evidence suggests triggered AIDS.
"This evidences gross official criminal malfeasance at the highest levels of health science and the US Government," Dr. Horowitz charged. He then went on to discuss the earlier pan-genocide as it relates to today's H1N1 pandemic:
"At that time 1972-74, Dr. David Sencer was the CDC director who was very knowledgeable about this hep B vaccine investigation by NY University Medical Center researcher, Saul Krugman, et. al. His collaborators were at the New York City (NYC) Blood Bank, including Wolf Szmuness.
"Dr. Sencer was also the CDC director who authorized the continuation of the Tuskeegee Syphilis study by the Public Health Services".
"As HIV-was out-breaking in NYC (and due to this same vaccine in Africa and Willowbrook State School for mentally retarded children on Staten Island, NY) Dr. Sencer was "demoted" to go from Atlanta, and transition from CDC director, to become the Health Department Director for the City of New York. This was done so that he could oversee the propaganda for damage control at the New York Blood Bank, created and controlled by the Rockefeller family (including Sen. Jay Rockefeller advancing the Senate Democratic Party's health care reform plan).
"Dr. Sencer was successful in preventing safety testing of the contaminated blood. This intended delay, according to medical historians and lawsuits, spread HIV/AIDS internationally along with the herpes type viruses, including Epstein Barr causally-linked to several cancers and immune dysfunctions.
"Also at that time, as Willowbrook children were dying of the 'abuse' Geraldo Rivera was reporting, and Dr. Sencer was transitioning from CDC to the NYC Health Dept., in neighboring Fort Dix, New Jersey, a mysterious Swine flu outbreak occurred in military personnel, none of whom had any contact with pigs. That virus had been, according to experts, extinct for two decades.
"The 1976-1977 outbreak was most likely a military experiment, and precisely like the 2009 Mexican H1N1 outbreak in its media propaganda. The media promoted the 1976 Swine Flu campaign that was devastating in its side effects and adverse events including Guillain-Barre, that my mother died from, linked to this vaccination. In 1977, the swine flu outbreak has been widely acknowledged by top officials, including Dr. Sencer himself, to have been "laboratory sourced." Dr. Sencer wrote in a CDC publication, that this swine flu outbreak came from "a refrigerator."
"In 1997, it was Dr. Sencer who led the team of virologists to Alaska, against international outrage and protests from leading scientists. He and his team, under top secret security, resurrected the 1918 Spanish flu virus and genetically reconstructed it. This was the virus said to have killed 50 million people worldwide. At that moment, it was a no-brainer for all these protesting scientists, that this virus would outbreak from containment in a high level security "refrigerator."
"H1N1 currently circulating, carries genes from this virus! Since this virus had gone extinct, and only existed in military labs, it is safe to say its genes were recombined with avian H1N1 and swine H1N1 to give you this never-before-seen "reassortant"-- the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.
"Now it was Reuter's News Service, Thomas Glocer, Editor-in-Chief that broke world news in April regarding the Mexican outbreak. Thomas Glocer's propaganda alleged H5N1 was possibly in this mix--a virus that kills 60% of humans infected. Thomas Glocer is a Director, on the Board of Directors, of Merck & Co. owner of CSL, Inc. the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine maker that provided the world's safety testing and assurances of vaccine safety for pregnant women, babies, and children.
"These safety tests were conducted in Australia at the Victoria Women's Hospital directed by Elisabeth Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch's mother. The children were tested at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute under the direction of Sarah Murdoch, Rupert's daughter-in-law. FOX, Time Warner, and more are controlled by Murdoch. This GROSS CONFLICTING INTEREST would stun the world; yet it is not being reported at all in mainstream media despite my best efforts.
"The other day, Dr. Oz told America on ABC that everyone needs to get vaccinated. The financier behind ABC-Disney is Lloyd Blankfein. Thomas Glocer, Rupert Murdoch, and Lloyd Blankfein are David Rockefeller's partners in Partnership for New York City, the world's premier biotechnology trust, advancing "genetopharmaceuticals"--vaccines for everything. These are the people that dictate what people like Dr. David Sencer and Dr. Anthony Fauci (NIAID AIDS Czar, premier promoter of H1N1 Flu vaccines) say and do.
"By the way, Dr. Fauci joined Dr. Oz on ABC the other day as "the government's leading flu vaccine expert." Dr. Fauci, the co-patent holder, and royalty earner for IL-2, a vaccine adjuvant, did not disclose his conflicting interest, nor the amount of money he has been paid for IL-2's use in vaccines. Nor did Dr. Oz who, in his book, urged readers to examine ingredients carefully prior to consuming products. The fact is, the ingredients of the H1N1 flu vaccines are not listed in the package inserts. One needs to go to their patents to find them.
"Suffice it to say, only mentally-manipulated fools think these vaccines are safe. Further only downright idiots would consent to getting vaccinated this flu season having the aforementioned intelligence."
For your benefit, linked on FLUscam.com's home page is a new 8 page, full color, H1N1 FLU Newsletter freely downloadable in pdf format for mailing and distributing widely. (Click the link near the upper right side of the page to download the H1N1 FLU 2009 Newsletter .pdf) This was published by Tetrahedron, LLC as a public service with support from natural products manufacturers and promoters. This provides more stunning revelations about those who control media and medicine in-so-far-as this pandemic."
Best wishes for staying healthy as the injected highly unstable flu viruses circulate in the population picking up other genes, including potentially H5N1 shipped by 'accident' by Baxter Corp. to 18 labs across Europe earlier this year.
Tetrahedron, LLC
Health Science Communications for People Around the World
Release: No. 204-H1N1-36
Date Mailed: Oct. 7, 2009
Contact Jackie Lindenbach--208-265-8065

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