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Beating Up The Messenger With A Bat
By Ted Twietmeyer

Would you ever get into a vehicle and start the engine, shift it into drive and jam the gas pedal to the floor - yet fail to notice there is no door unlock buttons on the inside and the steering wheel and brake pedal are missing?

But most of the world is already doing this ­ and their vehicles are all headed for cliffs, brick walls, oak trees and other assorted immovable objects.

Many messengers have risked their lives, livelihoods and reputations to help and educate countless people. Yet the reward from the brainwashed, green-washed and just plain ignorant consists of internet slander, laughter, smirks and endless ridicule.  These are the very same people feverishly traveling down the road at high speed in that car without the steering wheel, door unlock buttons and a missing brake pedal.

We absolutely must have the craziest planet on this side of the universe. No wonder there is an epidemic of UFO sightings - so many other races come here for the amusement just to watch and listen to humans. Earth must be the laughing stock of the universe, and perhaps even other universes.

For an intelligent being to come from a sane, peaceful organized planet and visit Earth must be like a civilized human being watching the movie, "The Gods Must Be Crazy." For those who haven't seen the film, it details what happens when a private airplane pilot carelessly tosses an empty glass Coke bottle overboard and it comes crashing to Earth in the Kalahari. This is a very remote part of the world where everything has remained the same for about 5,000 years. A local bushman finds the Coke bottle and the rest is, well history.

Overall, when you stop and think about it, most people are duplicates of the Kalahari bushman. Talking sense to a brainwashed, network news addict is very much like talking to the ignorant, uneducated bushman. But the real difference is about learning. An average person doesn't want to learn the truth but the bushman does.

Western civilization thinks it is so sophisticated and well-read, as did the British soldiers that fought against those rebellious colonists in America in the revolutionary war. Perhaps we should use today's vernacular for those colonists, and refer to those who want freedom as insurgents. (A judge once chastised Curly Howard of the Three Stooges for his vernacular in court, but Curly corrected the judge and telling him, "This aint a vernacular, it's a derby.")

Colonists were up against well trained, dedicated British soldiers who lined themselves up in nice long, straight rows across the battlefield. British soldiers were two deep, shooting straight ahead to fire their muskets at those pesky colonists. Sounds real smart, doesn't it?

As soon as the front row fired they began reloading. Directly behind them was another row of soldiers firing over their heads, while the front row struggled to manually reload as quickly as possible. (Makes you wonder how many soldiers lost their hearing for being in the front row, not to mention a sudden death from lead poisoning.) All the time they stood there, both rows of soldiers were the perfect sitting ducks for the colonists. No wonder England lost the war using this suicidal strategy. British soldiers dropped like flies, practically giving America to the colonists. Perhaps that was the purpose of the stupidity.

So what does all this have to do with beating up the messenger? Messengers bring good news, bad news and sometimes warnings. But the public at large is so brainwashed it hears little or nothing at all until it's too late. Consider the closed factories. When free trade and other agreements we being negotiated, the public heard about them and did nothing. Now we're in a depression, and little hope of getting out of it anytime soon. Why? All the manufacturing went overseas ­ and John Q. Public SAT ON HIS ASS doing absolutely NOTHING to stop it. NOTHING.

Confront someone with the truth and back them into a corner, and most of them will run to their closets to dig out their favorite Louisville slugger baseball bat. Then they rush out to join the mob forming in the street. This is of course an analogy ­ for the average person today the Louisville Slugger bat has been replaced with mindless quotations of talking network television heads or quoting some covert NWO-loyal or black ops radio host. The mob is an analogy for John Q. chiming in with other brainwashed people. These same people mutter pre-programmed brain-washed responses like, "I never saw or heard what you're talking about on the nightly news." Of course, such remarks are almost always accompanied by an obligatory smirk.

Many people are thrilled that the hate-crime law has been passed. It makes it a federal crime to beat up a gender-challenged person. Yet you would be hard-pressed to find a true, straight heterosexual person who thinks this new law was worth all the trouble and expense to kiss the ass of a minority group. How far UP Congress can special interest lobbyists go? Apparently all the way up to their tonsils.

It's also odd that this new federal law was attached to the new DoD spending bill - hanging on like a brown cling-on dangling over a toilet. It was signed into law by an "elected" federal employee ­ the same clown who just a couple years ago, pulled his appendage out of his pants in the back of a limo for another man to do more than examine it. This is essentially the same hate crimes bill which the late senator Kennedy put on the table year after year and was never passed. Even though Kennedy is dead and isn't around to see it pass, it will be signed into law by the appendage-puller. Surely this must be a coincidence, right?

We are not seeing society crumble slowly, but instead see it come crashing down all around us.  Are those of us heralding this great degradation taking place before our eyes re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? Holding a door open for a lady (if you can find one today that wants to act and look like a lady) usually results in an ugly look. But I still do it anyway because I believe in it and refuse to give in to the degradation of society. And those dirty looks I get? They assure me I'm doing the right thing, too.

Rudeness is another sign of degradation, as people often won't even dim their high beams on their vehicles. Children use parents as doormats and as fools, simply because they can get away with it. In past years a child could be picking himself off the floor or wall after being nasty with his parents, brother or sister. Today they have been brainwashed by schools into having no fear of any punishment by parents, so they get away with it. A child needs a cell phone just as much as a surgeon needs a rusty scalpel. But most parents are far too brainwashed to see the truth. Isn't it interesting how "texting" and "trouble" both have seven letters and both start with T? 

Some have said, "Why fight what's happening to the world? You can't stop it."

To that apathetic, lame disgusting remark here is my response:

"Then YOU tell ME what we have to lose. When the freedoms we have left are abolished or compromised by draconian laws to make them useless, the bloodshed of millions on a national scale will be the only hope to bring it back. Is that what you want to happen? If so then sit on your ass and do nothing. You'll get your wish."

There are those who think that if oppressors have high technology on their side then nothing can be done to stop it. This is not true, since it requires someone, somewhere to use that technology on the American people.

We already know that within the ranks of the oppressors there are three kinds of people:

1. Soldiers who are brainwashed and support the oppression, ignorantly thinking they are "patriotic." They are the useful idiots who use vaccination guns on camp detainees.



2. Soldiers who are quietly against it altogether.



3. Soldiers who have their doubts and can be persuaded to rebel.

Those in the No. 1 category are lost souls. But combine No. 2 and 3 together, add the internal rebels within the NWO to those who can be persuaded to see the light of truth and freedom, add the disgruntled public at large and the people have the majority, and the NWO won't stand a chance to last any length of time. I'll repeat that ­ THE PEOPLE WILL HAVE THE MAJORITY and there is NOTHING the NWO can do about it. Nothing.

Think about king of France hundreds of years ago and his fate when the people finally had enough. Governments everywhere know there are limits to what they can and cannot do. Technology cannot possibly compensate for a lack of support by the people.


Want proof we can win this fight? Consider Iraq, just another Vietnam without the jungle. It proves that without a doubt if the ordinary people and civilians ­ the NON-soldiers don't want you there, you are going to fail militarily. Iraq proves we will win, Afghanistan proves we will win and history proves we will win.

Slapping the political BS label of "insurgents" on good people patriotic to their country will accomplish nothing to help the NWO win their already lost cause..

PATRIOTS ARE PATRIOTS, whether the NWO likes it or not. And regardless what labels they use. MSG in food has about ten different names but its still MonoSodium Glutamate.

Castles with walls 20ft. thick were built 500 years ago with massive blocks of stone to provide the best possible protection. A siege, if extended long enough, forced the surrender of those inside the castle sooner or later. But it was tedious, expensive and time consuming. Soldiers out in tents holding the siege froze their butts off while those in the castle had a good time.

But there was no need to hold a long, expensive siege. There was a better way to conquer what appeared at first, to be unconquerable.

While a thick wall might seem impenetrable, a simple shovel and a fire allowed these massive buildings to be conquered. A tunnel was started under the corner of the castle wall from far enough away from the deadly arrows volleyed by castle archers. During construction the long tunnel was shored up with heavy timbers. When the tunnel penetrated far enough under the wall, a fire was built to destroy and the weaken timbers. When the tunnel collapsed it brought down the corner of the castle into the tunnel. Once the wall began moving, nothing could stop it. A partial collapse of the wall was enough to allow soldiers to enter and take the castle. Do you see the key element here? Once the wall began moving ­ nothing could stop it.

Soon castles would no longer be constructed due to the great cost of construction, as well as not being 100% secure. So where's the messenger when all this is happening? He's standing out there in the woods, giving soldiers shovels and explaining to them the steps they need to do.

Messengers come in all forms, shapes and sizes. Every problem no matter what it is, has a solution. Sometimes a little time is needed to solve it.

Back in May 2004 I wrote one of my first essays for rense.com, titled "Are you a Couch Patriot?" [1] What I said then still applies today, perhaps even more so.


It is as Poe once wrote about the knocking on the chamber door - Quoth the raven, "nevermore."

-Ted Twietmeyer

(1) COUCH PATRIOTS - http://www.rense.com/general52/couch.htm

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