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Zionist Attack On Iran - Scenarios  
From Lord Stirling 
Now that the Iranian/Six Power talks have concluded with no breakthrough we can expect an Israeli attack on Iran at any time. We need to consider what will happen next.
Scenario 1 -- The Israeli Air Force bombs the major Iranian nuclear sites. The destruction of the fully-fueled nuclear reactor causes massive deaths. Iran does nothing. This is the pre-school level thinking scenario and believe it or not, it is the scenario that is most likely covered by the corporate owned mainstream news media. If you believe this scenario it is likely you should also believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
Scenario 2 -- The Israeli Air Force bombs the major Iranian nuclear sites. Iran mines the Strait of Hormuz. It takes several weeks to several months to remove the advanced mines using the best mine sweeping technology available. The World's economy, already in a depression, goes into total collapse. The economic depression becomes far worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s. Early grade school level thinking.
Scenario 3 -- Same as number 2 above but Iran fires some missiles on Israel, most are shot down by Israeli and American air defense systems, however some hit their targets and several thousand Israeli civilians are injured and a few hundred killed. Middle school level thinking.
Scenario 4 -- The Israeli Air Force bombs the major Iranian nuclear sites. Iran mines the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian missiles and Syrian missiles and Hezbollah rockets and missiles rain down on Israel. After several days of back and forth missile and air attacks the UN Security Council establishes a truce. Thousands are killed in the attacks on Israel and many more in Syria, Lebanon and Iran (plus the large number killed by the destruction of the fully fueled nuclear power plant in Iran). The World's economy is toast from the cutting of the Strait of Hormuz but eventually a type of peace returns and the economy gets better. Congratulations you have reached high school level thinking. Still not realistic but better.
Scenario 5 -- The Israeli Air Force bombs the major Iranian nuclear sites using low yield nukes but claims that only conventional weapons were used. Deaths from the destruction of the nuclear sites, including the fully fueled nuclear power plant, run into the millions. Nuclear fallout spreads throughout the Middle East and SW/SE Asia and eventually over the Northern Hemisphere. Iran responds with a full MAD (mutually assured destruction) counter-force attack. Iranian missiles with radiological warheads, chemical warheads, advanced conventional warheads (fuel air explosive warheads with yields in the tactical nuke range), and some conventional warheads. Syrian missiles, equipped with similar warheads, also fly towards Israel.
The Hezbollah missile force, which is controlled by Iranian and Syrian officers, cuts loose with everything it has. This amounts to over 50,000 rockets and guided missiles, everything from large numbers of unguided Katyusha 122 mm artillery rockets with a 19 mile/30 km range and capable of delivering approximately 66 pounds/30 kg of warhead to longer range guided missiles that can and do hit all of Israel. Many of the 50,000+ Katyushas have simple 'dumb' conventional warheads but others, and most of the larger guided missiles, use chemical, or radiological ('dirty bombs'), or FAE warheads and cause massive damage as a all-out effort to fire as many as possible, in as short of time as possible, is made.
The Syrians and Iranians fire a range of medium range guided missiles, mostly with advanced conventional/NBC (nuclear [radiological]/biological/chemical) warheads. The Iranians release the large Advanced Biological Warfare arsenal, that they have spent most of twenty years building up (first using former Soviet biowar scientists to jump-start their entry into the 'poor man's nuke' genetically engineered biowar virus 'game'), into Israel, select Arab nations, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and certain other EU/NATO nations. The 50+ different super-killer viruses are spread using 'sleeper agents' and use the population as vectors to spread the advanced biowar viruses. Total numbers killed in the target nations run into several hundred million.
The Israelis use neutron bombs (atomic bombs with a low blast effect but high short term radiation effect) on a large area of Lebanon and Palestine in an effort to 'kill' the launch sites and personal involved in the launches. The Israelis see most of their civilian population killed or seriously injured. Large areas of Israel are contaminated with long-term radiation by the radiological warheads of its enemies. Israel, using a combination of aircraft released weapons, ground-to-ground guided missiles, and sub lunched cruise missiles showers Iran and Syria with nuclear warheads from smaller yield weapons to high yield Hydrogen bombs.
Most Iranian and Syrian cities are totally destroyed with too few people left to bury the dead. Nuclear fallout spreads throughout the world, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. The Advanced Biological Warfare viruses continue to spread throughout the world, although the most stringent quarantine measures are put into place including total lock-downs of most cities and the issuance of RFID chips to buy or sell anything (especially food and medicine) and to pass military checkpoints (total martial law throughout most of the world).
Scenario 6 -- Same as the above but Illumunati agents and Illumunati controlled governments arrange massive 'terrorist' strikes/bombings in India and Pakistan and China and in the Georgia area. A major sea incident takes place near Georgia with Russian naval forces. India and Pakistan and China engage in a major nuclear war destroying over a billion people's lives and spreading truly massive amounts of nuclear fallout across the land. Russia and China release a barrage of ICBMs and SLBMs at what is left of Israel destroying all life there and in much of the Middle East. America and NATO and Russia and China engage in limited nuclear war when suddenly the return of Jesus Christ puts an end to what would be total destruction for the human race.
Earl of Stirling
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