- India and Pakistan are the focus of a lot of foreign
policy attention in recent years--and for good reason: Both are rival nuclear
powers as well as long-time client states of competing world powers Russia
and China, respectively. However, during the last three decades the US
has made extensive covert inroads--first into Pakistan--and then into India.
Ultimately, I believe, US globalist leaders are attempting to take advantage
of this second most populous area of the globe to create a future counter
force to China's growing hegemony. However, in the interim period Pakistan
and India have been used to foment both state-sponsored terrorism and nuclear
proliferation on behalf of CIA black operations. Bits and pieces of this
story have began to emerge from the statements of retired Lieutenant General
Hamid Gul who was the head of Pakistan's Inter Service Intelligence Agency
from 1987 to 1989, the last two years of the CIA-managed, secret war against
the Soviets in Afghanistan.
- General Gul obviously knows a lot about the CIA's relationship
with Osama bin Laden and other "former" US allies in the proxy
war against the Soviets--perhaps too much. Whereas the US tells the story
that Osama bin Laden turned against the US, Gul believes the covert mission
of the CIA for bin Laden changed, creating a top secret group of private
terrorists called al Qaeda that would be used to act as a catalyst for
intervention and change in the New World Order.
- Gul, for example, does not believe that al Qaeda pulled
off the 9/11 attacks independent of the US, but that it was an "inside
job." Gul told Alex Jones in a December 2008 interview that "9/11
took place on the American soil, [and] not a single person has been caught
inside America, even though for doing such a job I think [it would] require
a huge amount of logistic support in the area where such operation is carried
out." He's absolutely correct. The hijacked airliners alone were incapable
of bringing down the two main WTC towers, let alone building 7 which symmetrically
imploded even though never directly hit or structurally damaged by debris.
- Just to plant the amount of explosives in the various
WTC buildings needed to bring them down at near free fall speed would require
at least 50 explosives experts trained in high rise demolition work. Such
work had to be planned and implemented with highly sophisticated electronic
timers and the use of special thermite burning explosives to deal with
the massive size of the vertical main steel columns--technology exclusive
to the West. The WTC buildings were completely shut down for "maintenance"
the weekend prior to the attack, something that had never been done before,
and which was ordered by the building security people themselves--not Middle
Eastern terrorists. I think that's when the final explosives were planted.
No small group of Middle Eastern terrorists could have gained that kind
of official access to the highly secured buildings.
- Because Gul believes 9/11 was an inside job, he has become
the target of a major disinformation and smear campaign by the US. US officials
have even induced India to accuse him of helping plan the Mumbai attacks.
India is demanding his extradition on those charges. Pakistan says "show
us the evidence" and we will try him in open court--but so far, no
- It appears Gul knows enough secrets involving high ranking
US and Pakistani officials to ensure his safety from extradition from Pakistan,
but certainly not enough to keep the US from trying to paint him as a supporter
of the Taliban and other terrorist organizations. That is why he is speaking
out more openly now, not only to defend himself but to tell the truth before
he gets killed.
- Here are comments and excerpts from his various interviews.
First, from the Foreign Policy Journal, Jeremy R. Hammond reports: "He
has been called 'the most dangerous man in Pakistan.' and the U.S. government
has accused him of supporting the Taliban, even recommending him to the
United Nations Security Council for inclusion on the list of international
terrorists. In an exclusive interview with Foreign Policy Journal, I asked
the former ISI chief what his response was to these allegations.
- "He replied, 'Well, it's laughable I would say,
because I've worked with the CIA and I know they were never so bad as they
are now' [Gul correctly views his work with the CIA to destabilize the
Russian occupation of Afghanistan as legitimate, but not the CIA's subsequent
use of terror to attack targets in the West]. He said this was 'a pity
for the American people' since the CIA is supposed to act 'as the eyes
and ears' of the country. As for the charge of him supporting the Taliban,
'it is utterly baseless. I have no contact with the Taliban, nor with Osama
bin Laden and his colleagues.' He added, 'I have no means, I have no way
that I could support them, that I could help them.'
- "After the Clinton administration's failed attempt
to assassinate Osama bin Laden in 1998, some U.S. officials alleged that
bin Laden had been tipped off by someone in Pakistan to the fact that the
U.S. was able to track his movements through his satellite phone. Counter-terrorism
advisor to the National Security Council Richard Clarke said, 'I have reason
to believe that a retired head of the ISI [Gul] was able to pass information
along to Al Qaeda that the attack was coming.' When I put this charge to
him, General Gul pointed out to me that he had retired from the ISI on
June 1, 1989, and from the army in January, 1992 [and that this info from
the CIA about the hunt for bin Laden could only have come to Gul through
the ISI -which was still controlled by the CIA]. 'Did you [the US] share
this information with the ISI?' he asked. 'And why haven't you [the US]
taken the ISI to task for parting this information to its ex-head?' [devastating
argument, to which the US or ISI has no response]. The U.S. had not informed
the Pakistan army chief, Jehangir Karamat, of its intentions, he said,
so how could he have learned of the plan to be able to warn bin Laden?"
- In fact, bin Laden, still working for the CIA to help
organize the actual hijackers (none of which were the named hijackers),
was tipped off, and the CIA picked Gul to take the rap as the fall guy,
to divert attention away from the ISI and others.
- "General Gul turned our conversation to the subject
of 9/11 and the war on Afghanistan. 'You know, my position is very clear,'
he said. 'It's a moral position that I have taken. And I say that America
has launched this aggression without sufficient reasons [at least, not
the stated reason]. They haven't even proved the case that 9/11 was done
by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.' He argued that 'There are many unanswered
questions about 9/11,' citing examples such as the failure to intercept
any of the four planes after it had become clear that they had been hijacked.
He questioned how Mohammed Atta [or Hani Hanjour], 'who had had training
on a light aircraft in Miami for six months' could have maneuvered a jumbo
jet 'so accurately' to hit his target. He made reference to the flight
that hit the Pentagon and the maneuver its pilot had performed, dropping
thousands of feet while doing a near 360 degree turn before plowing into
its target.
- "'And then, above all,' he added, 'why have no heads
been rolled? The FBI, the CIA, the air traffic control ---- why have they
not been put to question, put to task?' Describing the 9/11 Commission
as a 'cover up', the general added, 'I think the American people have been
made fools of.'
- "At this point in our discussion, General Gul explained
how both the U.S. and United Kingdom stopped granting him an entry visa
[which he views as contradictory to their attempts to get him extradited
to India]. 'If I'm a security risk [and charged with terrorism], then it
is paradoxical that you should exclude me from your jurisdiction. You should
rather nab me, interrogate me, haul me up, take me to the court, whatever
you like [Good point. They want him tried in India where others can deal
with rigging the evidence].
- "I turned to the war in Afghanistan, observing that
the ostensible purpose for the war was to bring the accused mastermind
of the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden, to justice. And yet there were plans
to overthrow the Taliban regime that predated 9/11. The FBI does not include
the 9/11 attacks among the crimes for which bin Laden is wanted. After
the war began, General Tommy Franks responded to a question about capturing
him by saying, 'We have not said that Osama bin Laden is a target of this
effort.' The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Myers, similarly
said afterward, 'Our goal has never been to get bin Laden [as Chris Floyd
writes, "Does anyone believe that if Osama bin Laden was found tomorrow
-- dead or alive -- the Terror War would suddenly stop? The Terror Warriors
long ago gave up even the pretense that the war in Afghanistan is about
'getting' bin Laden].
- "But what, I asked General Gul, in his view, were
the true reasons for the invasion of Afghanistan, and why the U.S. is still
there? First, he says, the U.S. wanted to 'reach out to the Central Asian
oilfields' and 'open the door there', which 'was a requirement of corporate
America, because the Taliban had not complied with their desire to allow
an oil and gas pipeline to pass through Afghanistan. UNOCAL is a case in
point. They wanted to keep the Chinese out [who are desperately seeking
more sources of oil]. They wanted to give a wider security shield to the
state of Israel, and they wanted to include this region into that shield.
And that's why they were talking at that time very hotly about 'greater
Middle East'. They were redrawing the map.' Second, the war 'was to undo
the Taliban regime because they had enforced Shariah', or Islamic law,
which, they would never approve.' Third, it was 'to go for Pakistan's nuclear
capability.' This was the reason the U.S. 'signed this strategic deal with
India, and this was brokered by Israel. So there is a nexus now between
Washington, Tel Aviv, and New Delhi.'"
- Gul doesn't really understand the larger globalist agenda
that involves creating the atmosphere of hatred for the US essential for
a Third World War. Inflaming the Muslims against America was the basic
underlying reason for everything done in this part of the war on terror.
The oil and secure Israel were secondary, but important.
- He's quite wrong about the US out to kill Pakistan's
nuclear capability. The US was behind the Pakistani nuclear smuggling ring,
and help Abdul Qadeer Kahn to smuggle nuclear plans and material not only
to his home country but to other rogue nations the US wanted to set up
for future conflict. Some of those smuggled nuclear plans apparently contained
computational errors. The tactic was to get nations like North Korea and
Iran deep into nuclear research, but slow them down in the production process.
NK bypassed these disinformation errors with the help of the Chinese and
Russian scientists, but Iran was the real target of these tainted nuclear
designs, and still at risk of a US/Israeli attack.
- But Gul is right about India now being part of the US
globalist's equation. Bringing India into the Western ring of control will
yet come in handy for counterbalancing China's hegemony in the next war.
Most Americans don't realize the extent in which India is controlled by
Communists left over from the anti-colonial revolution. Despite India's
growing reputation as a high tech center, this is limited to Mumbai and
a few other smaller centers. The vast majority of India is a seething caldron
of potential unrest due to extreme poverty brought on my socialism and
tight fisted control by corrupt provincial governments.
- This particular interview did turn up some new information
about the role of India in the cross border skirmish between Pakistan and
the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Taliban have a lot of basing operations
in Pakistan. "I turned the conversation towards the consequences of
the war in Afghanistan on Pakistan, and the increased extremist militant
activities within his own country's borders, where the Pakistani government
has been at war with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP, or Pakistan Taliban).
I observed that the TTP seemed well funded and supplied and asked Gul how
the group obtains financing and arms. He responded without hesitation.
'They are getting it from across the Durand line, from Afghanistan. And
the Mossad is sitting there, RAW -- the Indian intelligence agency -- is
sitting there they have the umbrella of the U.S.'
- "'And now they have created another organization
which is called RAMA. It may be news to you that very soon this intelligence
agency ---- of course, they have decided to keep it covert ---- but it
is Research and Military Analysis Afghanistan. That's the name. The Indians
have helped create this organization, and its job is mainly to destabilize
Pakistan.'" If this is true, it may indicate that the US has lost
some control of Pakistan and the ISI and is now turning to India as its
main surrogate in the area. Gul offers yet more evidence of the growing
India connection.
- "'General Bismillah Khan Mohammadi, former Deputy
Minister of Defense of the Northern Alliance under Ahmad Shah Massoud and
the Chief of Staff of the Afghan National Army since 2002 ---- 'whom I
know very well,' General Gul told me ---- 'had gone to India a few days
back, and he has offered bases to India [in Afghanistan], five of them:
three on the border, the eastern border with Pakistan, from Asadabad, Jalalabad,
and Kandhar; one in Shindand, which is near Heart; and the fifth one is
near Mazar-e Sharif. So these bases are being offered for a new game unfolding
there.' This is why, he asserted, the Indians, despite a shrinking economy,
have continued to raise their defense budget, by 20 percent last year and
an additional 34 percent this year.
- "He also cited as evidence of these designs to destabilize
Pakistan the U.S. Predator drone attacks in Waziristan, which have 'angered
the Pathan people of that tribal belt. And this state of anger is being
fueled [The US always says that killing civilians at wedding parties is
accidental and "collateral damage," but it may not be]. It is
that fire that has been lit, is being fueled, by the Indian intelligence
from across the border.
- "Turning the focus of our discussion to the Afghan
drug problem, I noted that the U.S. mainstream corporate media routinely
suggest that the Taliban is in control of the opium trade. However, according
to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Anti-Government Elements
(or AGEs), which include but are not limited to the Taliban, account for
a relatively small percentage of the profits from the drug trade. Two of
the U.S.'s own intelligence agencies, the CIA and the DIA, estimate that
the Taliban receives about $70 million a year from the drugs trade. That
may seem at first glance like a significant amount of money, but it's only
about two percent of the total estimated profits from the drug trade, a
figure placed at $3.4 billion by the UNODC last year. Meanwhile, the U.S.
has just announced its new strategy for combating the drug problem: placing
drug traffickers with ties to insurgents ----and only drug lords with ties
to insurgents ---- on a list to be eliminated. The vast majority of drug
lords, in other words, are explicitly excluded as targets under the new
strategy. Or, to put it yet another way, the U.S. will be assisting to
eliminate the competition for drug lords allied with occupying forces or
the Afghan government and helping them to further corner the market. I
pointed out to the former ISI chief that Afghan opium finds its way into
Europe via Pakistan, via Iran and Turkey, and via the former Soviet republics."
- This last comment is quite correct. The US has its own
drug pipelines controlled by black operations in the CIA and DEA in Mexico
and Panama etc. Drug wars are fought not against the CIA's own drug lords
but the constant stream of competitors rising to get in on the action.
- "According to the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan,
Craig Murray, convoys under General Rashid Dostum -- who was reappointed
last month to his government position as Chief of Staff to the Commander
in Chief of the Afghan National Army by President Hamid Karzai -- would
truck the drugs over the border. And President Karzai's own brother, Ahmed
Wali Karzai, has been accused of being a major drug lord. So I asked General
Gul who was really responsible for the Afghan drug trade.
- "'Now, let me give you the history of the drug trade
in Afghanistan,' his answer began. 'Before the Taliban stepped into it,
in 1994 ---- in fact, before they captured Kabul in September 1996 ----
the drugs, the opium production volume was 4,500 tons a year. Then gradually
the Taliban came down hard upon the poppy growing. It was reduced to around
50 tons in the last year of the Taliban. That was the year 2001. Nearly
50 tons of opium produced. 50. Five-zero tons. Now last year the volume
was at 6,200 tons. That means it has really gone one and a half times more
than it used to be before the Taliban era.'
- "General Gul named the brother of President Karzai,
Abdul Wali Karzai. 'Abdul Wali Karzai is the biggest drug baron of Afghanistan,'
he stated bluntly. He added that the drug lords are also involved in arms
trafficking, which is 'a flourishing trade' in Afghanistan. 'But what is
most disturbing from my point of view is that the military aircraft, American
military aircraft are also being used [this was also true in Vietnam and
in Central America during the Iran-Contra drug hauling scandals]. You said
very rightly that the drug routes are northward through the Central Asia
republics and through some of the Russian territory, and then into Europe
and beyond. But some of it is going directly. That is by the military aircraft.
I have so many times in my interviews said, ''Please listen to this information,
because I am an aware person.'' We have Afghans still in Pakistan, and
they sometimes contact and pass on the stories to me. So they are saying
that the American military aircraft are being used for this purpose. So,
if that is true, it is very, very disturbing indeed.'" Indeed, but
not surprising if you know the history of US covert drug operations.
- Rediff News Bureau did a comprehensive piece called,
Hamid Gul: The man who knows too much In a follow-up to the Mumbai attacks,
"the United States is reportedly using its unmatched diplomatic clout
to get the United Nations to brand four people as terrorists. And, surprise,
surprise, all the four have links to Pakistan's dreaded spy agency, the
Inter-Services Intelligence directorate. One of them, is retired Lieutenant
General Hamid Gul. From instigating violence in Kashmir to warning Osama
bin Laden of an impending US missile strike to former Pakistan prime minister
Benazir Bhutto's assassination [Gul says this was a US black operation
because she turned against the CIA. "No, Benazir was not killed by
any of the terrorists. She was removed by the Americans, because she had
violated her agreement, because the US wanted to keep Pervez Musharraf
there, and... she had become rebellious against that.]
- "Why does Gul matter to India? Gul is credited with
being the brain behind Pakistan's proxy wars with India, first in the Punjab,
and then in Kashmir. He is referred to as a godfather of the terrorist
group Lashkar-e-Tayiba, which India believes carried out 26/11 and numerous
other terror attacks in India. According to counter-terrorism expert B
Raman, Gul told Benazir Bhutto when she became prime minister: 'Madam,
keeping Punjab destabilized is equivalent to the Pakistan army having an
extra division at no cost to the taxpayers.'
- "The Washington Post reported earlier this week
in the 26/11 aftermath, Gul is among the people that India wants Pakistan
to hand over. The never-short-of-a-harsh-retort general dismissed the latest
allegations in conversation with The Washington Post: 'They (India) are
saying these boys were village boys trained to be killers. How can this
be believed? Village boys don't know anything about a 5-star hotel. They
would not know how to use the toilet.'
- "Why does he matter to the US? Gul is also called
the godfather of the Taliban. He denies that charge too. He told rediff.com's
Sheela Bhatt in an earlier interview: 'You can't create the Taliban, it
was a spontaneous body.' He said he 'didn't create the Taliban. I was a
friend of (Gulbuddin) Hekmatyar, (Burhanuddin) Rabbani and many Northern
Alliance leaders like (assassinated Northern Alliance leader) Ahmed Shah
Masood. I was trying to broker peace between them in my individual capacity.
They are wonderful people but very difficult to deal with.' In August 2003,
Gul was quoted as saying, 'The Muslim world must stand united to confront
the US in its so-called war against terror which is in reality a war against
- He was only partly right. It was and is a war on Muslim
people, but not to destroy them--only to fire them up with eternal hatred
toward America just as US interventions in the Balkins, destroying civilian
infrastructure, inflamed the Slavic people's against the US. All of this
feeds Russia's future justification to attack the US someday as the "bully
of the world."
- Finally, Wayne Madsen of the Wayne Madsen Report (WMR)
documents some of the CIA collusion with Al Qaeda financiers and attack
planners. The concept that the CIA still runs al Qaeda at the top levels
(something underlings and low level terrorist actors don't realize) is
essential to your understanding of how the US keeps the war on terrorism
alive for political change purposes.
- "WMR has learned from an intelligence source from
a NATO country that elements of the CIA have coordinated their activities
with top Gulf state officials who have been connected to al Qaeda networks
that have planned and financed various terrorist attacks. A number of the
Al Qaeda associated officials are veterans of the CIA's war against the
Soviet Union in Afghanistan, including a top prince of the Al Thani royal
family of Qatar who also serves as a government minister... The prince
maintains contact with Al Qaeda's financial network through contacts in
Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The regional security officer for
the British embassy in Dubai, believed to be an MI-6 official cover, maintains
contact with the Qatari prince and his Jihadist financial and logistics
network in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
- "Another individual with whom the CIA in the UAE
maintains close contact is Osama Bin Laden's former financial adviser,
a British-Mozambican UK citizen, who once lived in Bin Laden's home in
Saudi Arabia where the Al Qaeda leader received various diplomats from
countries that included Britain and the United States. A cousin of Bin
Laden's financial adviser served at the British Consulate General in Chicago,
from which financial support was given to Al Qaeda operatives in the United
States. Chicago FBI agents Robert Wright and John Vincent began investigating
the Al Qaeda money trail links between Chicago area terrorist cells and
Bin Laden after the East Africa U.S. embassy bombings in 1998. However,
their investigation was spiked by FBI headquarters in Washington.
- "Another FBI agent who was getting close to the
connections between Al Qaeda, the Saudi government, and the CIA and MI-6
was John P. O'Neill, the top FBI agent assigned to investigate Al Qaeda.
O'Neill discovered the Western intelligence and Saudi/Gulf connections
to Al Qaeda but was subjected to a pre-retirement theft of his briefcase
that contained classified documents on his investigation. After his stormy
retirement from the FBI, O'Neill was hired by Kroll Associates as the head
of security for the World Trade Center and after only a day or two on the
job, died in the collapse of the World Trade Center.
- "According to a French DGSE highly classified intelligence
document received by WMR, Bin Laden remained under the operational control
of the CIA and Britain's MI-6 until 1995. In July 2001, just weeks before
the 9/11 attacks, French media reported that Bin Laden was visited at the
American Hospital in Dubai by Larry Mitchell, the CIA's station chief in
Dubai. Bin Laden maintained accounts at Bank of Credit and Commerce International
(BCCI), associated with various CIA operations in the years of the Mujaheddin
war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. With the knowledge and approval
of the CIA, those accounts shifted to other banks after the collapse of
BCCI in 1991. Mossad and Middle East banking sources have told WMR that
those banks include Citigroup, the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia,
and HSBC."'
- End Excerpt
- World Affairs Brief
- Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
- Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution
- Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com
- World Affairs Brief, 290 West 580 South, Orem, Ut 84058,