- For the past ten years, the Anti-Defamation League has
introduced its federal hate crime bill into Congress five times and
lost. ADL claims to have the purest intentions --- concern
- that federal power is needed if a state does not have
a hate crimes law or is unwilling or unable to punish a hate crime. ADL
insisted passage of a federal hate crimes law would change little: the
vast majority of prosecutions of hate crimes will be initiated by states.
- But in its exultant press announcement yesterday, ADL
reveals the real reason it has never given up its struggle to make its
hate bill the law of the land: ADL wants an army of "anti-hate"
prosecutors who can go after those ADL considers guilty of bias-motivated
crimes. After giving itself credit as chief architect of hate crimes laws
on the state and federal level, ADL says:
- The end of the legislative path for the hate crimes bill
also marks the beginning of the next campaign training prosecutors
and law enforcement officials about the new law. ADL stands ready to help
lead that continuing effort.
- ADL is clearly beginning a second phase to train
lawyers and law enforcement nationwide on prosecuting hate criminals. In
ADL-speak, "haters" are those who oppose homosexuality, allege
Jews dominate media, government, finance, or are guilty of "strong"
criticism of Israel or its leaders.
- ADL is already the primary source for hate crimes education
for the US Justice Department, FBI and all local law enforcement. In 1990,
through passage of its Hate Crimes Statistics Act, ADL granted itself such
empowerment. But ADL wants much more.
- Entirely staffed by Jews, ADL is headed by a devoutly
religious Orthodox Jew, Abe Foxman (link to Foxman article). Like its sister
Jewish attack group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL has a focused
religious objective: to revive ancient Jewish persecution of Christians,
begun 2,000 years ago and recorded in the New Testament. The true intent
of ADL's federal and 45 state hate laws is to empower the legal, systematic,
and ruthless persecution of Talmudic Judaism's greatest rival, Christianity.
To this end, ADL now calls for a national "campaign" to train
an army of federal and local hate crimes prosecutors.
- Already, ADL and SPLC--through their Missouri Police
MIA Directive as well as warnings from ADL sycophant Janet Nepalitano and
her Department of Homeland Security--stereotype Christian and conservatives
as unstable bigots and potential terrorist threats. ADL's Office of Global
Anti-Semitism in the US State Department says anyone who believes the New
Testament claim that Jewish leaders masterminded the crucifixion is a "classic
anti-Semite." (link to article)
- ADL's new campaign to train an army of prosecutors to
enforce the federal hate crimes law will usher in progressive arrest of
Christian "haters." These could well be destined to occupy FEMA
prison camps in the years ahead. Ultimately, many could be delivered up,
as Christ prophesied, to be tried, convicted and imprisoned in the courts
and synagogues of Jewry (Matthew 10:17). Their "crimes against the
Jewish people" would include criticism of matters Jewish (anti-Semitism)
and questioning the accuracy of the sacred 6 million figure of Holocaust
victims (Holocaust denial). However, most will likely be indicted under
Jewish Noahide laws for heresy the "idolatry" of affirming
the deity of Jesus Christ, the second member of the Trinity. (link to Noahide)
- The Book of Revelation prophesies that the garments of
the Great Harlot (Israel and international Jewish control) will be soaked
with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus (Revelation 17:6). (link to Israel
on road to dominion in mid-east)
- Jewish world dominion will fulfill Biblical prophesy
but also a number of predictions by modern Jewish leaders:
- "The Jews energetically reject the idea of fusion
with the other nationalities and cling firmly to their historical hope
of world empire" (Max Mandelstam, World Zionist Congress, July 1898.)
- "Jerusalem is not the capitol of Israel and world
Jewry: it aspires to become the spiritual center of the world" (David
Ben-Gurion, Jewish Chronicle, London, Dec. 16, 1949)
- "In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United
Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union
of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind,
to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied
by Isaiah" (David Ben-Burion, Look Magazine, Jan. 16, 1962)
- "The Jewish people cannot ever be destroyed, but
rather they and their G-d of History will emerge in days to come triumphant
over the evils and the foolishness of all other nations. Zion will and
must emerge as the mount to which all other peoples turn." (Rabbi
Meir Kahane, Jewish Press, Brooklyn, New York, Nov. 9, 1973.)
- Will Christian America silently allow President Obama
to sign ADL's hate bill as early as this week, accelerating arrival of
the Zionist New World order? Incredibly, all major Christian and conservative
organizations remain oblivious to the tactic of pressuring Obama to keep
his promise to veto a wasteful defense authorization bill--one that includes
$100 billion funding for extra F-35 jet engines. Only the National Prayer
Network proclaims that we can still defeat the hate bill through presidential
- ADL now considers passage of the hate bill a virtual
reality. It's not.
- The Senate has yet to give final approval, which will
probably take place early this week. Pres. Obama still has to sign the
defense bill with the hate bill attached. Obama doesn't like this defense
authorization bill. I believe he's burned that Congress has defied him.
It forces him to approve what he has steadfastly vowed he would not approve
thousands of F-35 engines he says squander taxpayers' money.
- It is up to Christian America NOW to exert greater pressure
on Obama than is now being applied by ADL. We must demand he stays true
to his promise and vetoes the defense bill. If he vetoes it, the hate bill
will be dead in this session of Congress. ADL will have to cancel their
second "campaign" to create a federally-authorized army of prosecutors
against Christians.
- Take action NOW! Don't be distracted by more controversy
about healthcare. Pressure Obama to keep his word.
- Email these two messages to the President immediately:
- Mr. President, I will vote out Democrats at midterms
if you sign the freedom-destroying federal hate crimes bill.
- Mr. President, I expect you to keep your promise to veto
any military authorization bill that wastes $100 billion of taxpayers'
money on unnecessary F-35 jet engines.
- Send these two messages in separate emails. You may cut
and paste them in at <http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact>www.whitehouse.gov/contact.
- This week may decide if America still has hope, or will
begin descent into impending slavery. The hate bill could be on Obama's
desk by Tuesday.
- Your emails should be there first thing Monday morning.
- Endnote:
- Modern or "rabbinic" Judaism continues unaltered
the teaching of the ancient Pharisees who killed Christ. In my 345-page
book Israel: Our DutyOur Dilemma (available at <http://www.truthtellers.org>www.truthtellers.org),
I thoroughly document that deep within the teachings of the Pharisees,
as contained in their Talmud and Kabbalah, is the oft-repeated assertion
that Christianity and its belief in "three Gods" is idolatry;
if the world were put right, Christians, as heretics and idolaters, should
be killed. After the apostle Paul was converted, he realized that a new
"age of grace" made obsolete any duty to kill "heretics,"
but before that, as Saul of Tarsus, he, in all good conscience as an Orthodox
Jew, killed and hailed into prison as many Christians as possible.
- For Talmudic Judaism, no new age of grace ended the ancient
duty to cleanse the land of idolaters. Instead, Talmudic, kabbalistic literature,
(the highest religious and ethical guide to Orthodox Jews) teaches that
when the messiah (Antichrist) comes, he and the righteous of Israel will
follow the precedent of Joshua and the Hebrews entering Canaan and annihilate
all "idol-worshippers" Christians-- from the earth.
- If you don't think Jewish supremacists today are capable
of such horror, just remember what Jewish supremacists unleashed in 1917.
Conquering Russia, they set in motion the eventual slaughter of more than
100 million Gentiles, many of whom were Christians (link to Communism article).