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Mr. President, You're A
Low-Down, Snake-Eyed Liar
By smokingmirrors
Listen up Howdy Doody; you're a waste of carbon, oxygen and water, not to mention space. You're a low-down, snake-eyed liar and a paid political whore for the nastiest psychopaths on the planet. I understand you wouldn't be president otherwise but that doesn't justify it. I remember little things that clued me early on. I remember Warren Buffet being in your corner and then I remembered Warren Buffet and Jacob Rothschild meeting with Schwarzenegger. I remember little things and vague associations across time. I also remember the things people say because I actually listen to them.
As soon as I saw you, my first thought was, "there goes a cool cucumber of a long tall drink of water from the Lincoln Reflecting Pool, minus the Lincoln". You reminded me of one of those Chicago Pimps without the leopard skin coat. Politics is a world of strange contradictions. That's how you can be both a pimp and a whore at the same time and have it make perfect sense.
I know there are those who will say it's a big job being president of, the soon to no longer be, the most powerful nation on Earth. Maybe that's why people can imagine that a lot of what gets done there isn't your decision. However, I know the impact the president can have on policy and I also know that even with powerful opposition, the president can stand for the right thing.
You were elected on the platform of 'hope and change'. Hope's a hard thing to kill because it will remain as long as fools can dream. The only change I've seen is that you've expanded the theater of the conflicts you swore to end. I'm especially intrigued about your hypocrisy over the Guantanamo detainees. Any one who wants to, knows that most of those people were kidnapped and sold by opportunistic warlords and, since 9/11 was done by the former administration, in tandem with Israel, there are no other 9/11 terrorists.
Hi-ranking members of the CIA have gone on record that there is no Al Qaeda. That's what makes hiring Blackwater to kill Al Qaeda operatives so damned ironic. If there's no Al Qaeda, and there is no Al Qaeda, then it must mean that someone other than Al Qaeda is being killed all along. Since Bin Laden's been dead for years, the constant mention of his name every time you need to scare the public is also pretty low down. I realize that it is the Israeli controlled press that is responsible for this, just as I am certain that Israel controls everything you say and do. It's got to be a hard thing for the black people to have come so far from slavery only to have one of their own become president and then sell his ass to the descendents of those who operated many of the slave ships AND the slum housing AND the pawn shops AND the liquor stores AND the film industry that portrayed them as Stepin Fetchits and google-eyed retards for such a long time. That's pretty cold, Mr. President. That's pretty cold.
Let's be perfectly clear here, all the evidence points to 9/11 being an inside job that was accomplished by elements in the American and Israeli governments. The beneficiaries of the attack have been fascist elements of the American government and Israel. All the conflicts that followed were orchestrated by dual national Zio-cons in key positions in government and the corporate and media realms. The looming assault on Iran is being drummed up by the same elements. Israel, who does possess nuclear weapons, is in violation of all the things they are demanding from Iran. Iran is not in violation of all the things that Israel and the Israeli-occupied American governments are demanding from them.
So, consider this Mr. President, if your Zionist occupied government in tandem with Israel, carried out the 9/11 attacks; then for what reason have millions been murdered and displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Pakistan? For what reason are all these people dying? If they have no association with 9/11 and the only acts they are committing are in defense of their nation against a pernicious invader then they are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters.
If the Taliban successfully stopped the opium production in Afghanistan why is it now more abundant than at any time in history? Why is this now being blamed on the Taliban who stopped it in the first place?
Now your government is pulling out all the stops to sink the Goldstone Report. Who owns your ass Mr. President?
You're pounding the pavement for a comprehensive American health plan. Behind the scenes you are cutting deals with the pharmaceutical industry and the rest of the vultures that have keep affordable health care out of America all these years while most every other country has one. I realize the title of this post is misleading by omission. You're not just a liar as we can see.
Your country's economy s crashing around your ears. Madness is already surfacing on your streets. As the winter of American discontent comes lurching through the mist of global cooling, accelerating heating costs and the impact on every other area of the American economy is going to ignite the public rage and perhaps that will keep them warm, Mr. President?
You gave all their money to the bankers who caused the problems in the first place. One of the things that amaze me is the resilience of the hope so many of your people have placed in you. It appears they are a nation of confused children and I suppose that makes you Gary Glitter.
During the rule of your predecessor, FEMA concentration camps were built across the nation and constitutional rights were dismantled and done away with. Gratuitous wars based on transparent lies were initiated in foreign lands and then you were elected to put things right and you have allowed all of these things to continue and then some. So why are you here really? You're here to take it to the next step. You're here to set the forces in motion that make the next step necessary. You and your policies and sycophants, at the behest of the psychopaths who own you, are here to instigate the conditions which make that next step unavoidable.
It's not going to fly Mr. President. All across the course of history, one demagogue and madman after another has attempted to rule the world and they never pulled it off. You won't either. What we are witnessing is not the final stages of a long sought after fait accompli. What we are witnessing is a cosmic, moral play with you and your associates as the object lessons.
What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water? What power closes their eyes to the obvious lies and crimes visited upon them? What has made them so dependent and apathetic that they indulge every injury directed at them? Is it materialism and convenience that weakened their spine? Are there hidden technical or magical forces being directed at them? Is it some combination of many things, or is it just human nature? I don't know. I see what I see and one of the things I see is you. I see right through you because you aren't even there. You are composed of colorful smoke that dances before the terrible image of the beast that squats behind you.
Listen up; you would be prison warders of the planet entire. Your house of cards is set to tumble. The dominoes tremble as the Earth moves beneath them. I won't ask you to see the light and change your ways. This is not something you are inclined or prepared to do. I will say only this to you, watch and see the fearsome destiny that awaits the perennial scoundrels who prey upon their fellows. Watch and see.
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