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10 Questions -  Why Democrats Can't Seem
To Govern To Save Their Lives,
And Yet Keep Hanging Around

By Dave Lindorff
 Question: How many Democrats does it take to change a light bulb?
          Answer:  At least 60. One to find a bulb, one to unscrew the old one, one to find the recycling bin, one to buy a new one, one to borrow the money to pay for it, and 56 more to try and fight off the 40 Republicans who say there's nothing wrong with the old one.
          Question: How may Democrats does it take to kill a good idea?
          Answer: One. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who by herself kept resolutions to initiate impeachment hearings against President Bush and Vice President Cheney "off the table," and who by herself prevented any hearing in the House on Rep. John Conyers' excellent bill. HR 676 which would have solved the nation's health care crisis by simply expanding Medicare to cover everyone from getting a hearing.
          Question: How many generals does it take to dig a tunnel?
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