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Profs For Prostitution?
By Dr. Judith Reisman
The headline in the August 3 Rhode Island Providence Journal, "Academics urge R.I. to keep indoor prostitution legal," took me down memory lane. It was 1977, and I arrived in Swansea University in Wales to speak at the British Psychological Association conference on Love and Attraction. There I stumbled upon a nascent political movement that became what can be called "The Academic Pedophiles and Perverts Party" (APPP).
The Providence Journal reported that 50 "professors" wrote to their lawmakers, "imploring them not to ban indoor" brothels. The Rhode Island prostitution traffic got support from "professors.from across the country and around the world" are lobbying for Rhode Island to maintain its "sensible" policy, enacted in 1976, which makes indoor prostitution legal.
Why? Well the smart folks explain that girls and women being prostituted in brothels are less often "assaulted, raped, or robbed" and infected less with multiple STDs than are streetwalkers who have to solicit before they go into rooms "indoors."
Moreover, our "professors" think girls are older before they join brothels and have "more education." It is unclear to me why Tillie in Room 5 is better off having control of advanced calculus than Sally in Room 3 when both obey the paying poo-bah (or professor) and smile while being sexually enslaved.
There is also no proof for the "professors" claim that marketing one's orifices in a brothel limits drug addiction and draws prostitutes from homes absent "childhood abuse."
The Journal quotes George Washington University Prof. Ronald Weitzer. He is sure "many" prostituted women and girls experience "moderate-to-high job satisfaction and think they provide a valuable service." Which could be paraphrased from a Margaret Mitchell dialogue between an ante-bellum plantation owner and his over-seer.
"Educators from such institutions as New York University, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Victoria University in New Zealand" signed the professor letter. You know, especially in an economic downturn, brothel keepers have so many openings!
Jenny Meyen, a Rhode Island resident, testified to the Middletown town council seeking support for Rep. Joanne Giannini's prostitution bill in the House. Meyen said the Senate prostitution bill decriminalizes pimping and makes the penalty for prostitution the equivalent of a traffic ticket.
"I'm here today because I'm a mother of 3 children.If the State Senate does not support the Giannini Bill.if the senate passes what they call a bill, NOTHING will prevent that pimp from soliciting our children."
Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer prize-winning reporter and Senior Fellow at the Nation Institute recently wrote about "Gonzo Porn" and internet free pornography with users "between the ages of 12 and 17," young women and "mid-teens to the mid-twenties and up." We know the thinking, rational brain does not even mature until roughly age 21. These professors would thus encourage seduction of immature children seeking "moderate-to-high job satisfaction" into brothels where they provide "a valuable service."
Rhode Island is now the only state -- apart from some Nevada counties -- with legal brothels. Who are Rhode Island's senators serving, when they consistently support brothel profits over public safety? Every pervert in the U.S. should be heading for Rhode Island, the state that traffics in brothel tourism.
Winding back to 1977, when the Swansea university staff threatened to strike when they heard that pedophile activist Tom O'Carroll was to call for legalized sex with children from their college podium, Tufts University professor Larry Constantine, a Penthouse board member, (some "professors" moonlight for pornographers) was furious at the workers. He circulated a "free speech" petition saying the pedophile must speak and the staff must work.
Almost all of the 96 international academicians at the conference signed the "free speech" petition. My charge is that as guests we had no right to leave behind a community undone by giving place to a proselytizing child molester.
Ten years later, in 1987, the Wales academic pedophiles launched their magazine, Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia campaigning for "a peadophile consciousness" and an end to the age of consent, worldwide
There apparently is a real-but-closeted Academic Pedophiles and Perverts Party. Letters like the one cited by the Rhode Island Providence Journal, signed by 50 "professors," brings me back to the September 1977 Wales pedophile and to wondering, again, if there is any way to bring reality to academia.
This article first appeared in Human Events.
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