- Dear American,
- Gary Bauer sent out a special alert yesterday concerning
how the liberal politicians and liberal media outlets are seeking to silence
those who are speaking out against out of control spending and the take
over of vital industries. The liberals are upset that common citizens like
you are exercising their right to free speech, and are using it to let
the liberals know they have had enough and are going to let their voice
be heard.
- I urge you to get involved, stand up and speak out. Make
the phone calls, send the e-mails, make the phone calls. Don't let the
liberal left silence you! The future of our country and our children and
grandchildren is at stake. The ugly name calling shows that your voices
are being heard. Please keep it up!
- Here is what Gary had to say:
- "All over the country, normal citizens are exercising
their God-given rights of assembly, free speech and dissent. It is important
for elected members of Congress to hear from their constituents, and it
is a healthy exercise for our democratic republic.
- "But the reaction from some in the media and political
establishment has been very disturbing. It appears as though there is a
coordinated effort to delegitimize public dissent, which strikes at the
heart of our constitutional guarantee of free speech. Here is a sample
of statements we have collected in the past 24 hours:
- · "One member of Congress from Texas referred
to his own constituents as "a mob," saying, "This mob...did
not come just to be heard, but to deny others the right to be heard."
- · "From the Democratic National Committee:
"Republicans and their allied groups -- desperate after losing two
consecutive elections and every major policy fight on Capitol Hill -- are
inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded
by K Street Lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future
of health care in America taking place in Congressional Districts across
the country."
- · "From a Virginia congressman: "When
you look at the fervor of some of these people who are all being whipped
up by the right-wing talking heads on Fox, to me, you're crossing a line."
- · "White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs: "I
hope people will take a jaundiced eye to what is clearly the Astroturf
nature of grass-roots lobbying. This is manufactured anger."
- · "CNN commentator and political strategist
Donna Brazile: "They're renting organizers. The left has done it.
Now they're doing it. This little small band of protesters are trying to
stop members [of Congress] from doing their jobs."
- "The same leftists who for years applauded when
demonstrators took over the streets to protest the Iraq war, amnesty for
illegal aliens or who attacked churches that supported marriage remaining
between a man and woman, suddenly see a few hundred retirees, small businessmen,
homemakers, farmers, sales clerks and just plain folks as evidence of 'rightwing
- "My friends, the Left believes that name-calling
can intimidate you into silence. Don't cave! As an American, you have a
right to express your views to the politicians who WORK FOR YOU, even if
they don't like it.
- "The fact is, you are in the majority now
not the leftists trying to push European socialism on you. The American
people do not want government-run healthcare, as a new poll out today from
Quinnipiac University shows. The poll found that '52 percent of American
voters disapprove of the way [the president] is handling the health-care
issue and 39 percent approve.' Here's more from the poll: By a whopping
72%-to-21% margin, voters don't believe healthcare reform will be paid
for or be 'deficit neutral.' And by a 20-point margin, 57%-to-37%, voters
say healthcare reform should be abandoned if it adds to the deficit.
- "By the way, the Washington, D.C., newspaper The
Hill reported this weekend that labor unions and leftwing organizations
"will spend between $10 million and $20 million this month to twist
lawmakers' arms over the stalled healthcare reform effort in Congress"
and the Employee Free Choice Act. So, ACORN, Big Labor and other groups
can organize and protest in support of the liberal agenda, but how dare
anyone speak up against it!
- "My fear, given the stakes and emotions on both
sides, is that union thugs, ACORN activists and leftwing anarchists (who
ransacked the streets of Minneapolis and St. Paul during last year's Republican
National Convention) will turn violent and innocent people will get hurt.
If that happens, the radical Left will bear the responsibility for demonizing
free speech."
- Sincerely,
- Donald E. Wildmon,
- Founder and Chairman
- American Family Association
- American Family Association | P O Drawer 2440 | Tupelo,
MS 38803 | 1-662-844-5036
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