- In the early 1990's I was part of the fight in Washington
State to defeat "G-Surf", the imposition of outcomes based education
that Carla Nuxoll had brought. This was the destruction of education of
a child to realize his potential under the unregulated guidance of teacher,
principal and school board -- and replacement with simple indoctrination
and simple training of human imputs for the needs of corporations.
- The system, I discovered, had been bought from the Soviet
Union in exchange for computer software by the Carnegie Foundation. Only
the titles of the positions were changed -- the political observer became
the teacher's and the principal's "mentor" etc. Cookie cutter
political correctness and social engineering -- deconstructing our religious,
moral and political values. It was foreign conquest without the bombs
and tanks -- all done by treason, infiltration and sabotage.
- They won by buying off the leadership of the opposition
at the top. The leadership they couldn't buy off were blackballed
by those they could. One friend of mine, a fellow a home schooler, who
joined the fight -- was so frightened and intimidated that he took up states
and moved his family of 9 to Wyoming. I have seen a line of criminals
and child crushers become school superintendents in this area, and I have
seen grades -- which we were told would be the best in the nation by 2000,
near the bottom of the nation nationally -- even though each other state
has had similar programs imposed and similar loss of their childrens' freedoms
and futures.
- Yes, what this man is saying is the truth.
- -- Dick Eastman M.S., M.A.
- (The M.A. is in experimental psychology, Western Michigan
University, where I studied Pavlovian and Skinnerian conditioning.)
- From Robert Busser...
- This amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former
KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic
steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving
the way those in power want them to. It's shocking because our nation has
been transformed in the exact same way, and followed the exact same steps.
Watch and listen very carefully...