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FOIA - Office Of The President
Here is the site to file a FOIA to any agency.
FOIAs lay out serious questions about the government's behavior, and filed by people around the country, could be important, and if filed in sufficient numbers may be more so.
This draft to the Office of the President is being passed around.  Anyone is welcome to use it, add to it, subtract from it, alter it.  Please share widely.
The lesson of 9/11 is to ask questions until we get answers that make sense.
Office of the President of the United States
Here, clearly describe what you want. Include identifying material, such as names, places, and the period of time about which you are inquiring. If you think they will help to explain what you are looking for, include news clips, reports, and other documents describing the subject of your research when you mail your letter.
I request access to and copies of ...
any and all materials, plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., relating to any plans to use the declaration of an emergency to remove the civil rights of the people of the United States and/or suspend the Constitution of the United States, by any means any and all materials, plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., relating to foreknowledge by the American president of secret plans recently revealed in France by which the French government intended to use the H1N1 pandemic as a pretext to strip away all civil rights of the people of France, and of knowledge of any international set of plans to do the same in countries around the world, including here.
any and all materials, plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., held by and/or participated in by, or in the awareness of the president relating to plans by any branches of the military, Homeland Security, FEMA, FBI, CIA, HHS, and any other agency to remove the guaranteed civil rights of the people of the United States.
any and all materials, plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., held by and/or participated in by, or in the awareness of the presidentto declare martial law using an emergency as a pretext for removal of all civil rights and the suspension of the Constitution, to use USNorthCom, Homeland Security and FEMA in a coordinated military maneuver to establish martial law, using the order left by Cheney and Bush to take over here including taking control of all utilities, communication, transportation, resources, all food and farms, etc. etc.,
to take American citizens from their homes without due process,to use Homeland Security's list of potential domestic terrorists to incarcerate thousands of politically concerned people and without habeas corpus as "enemy combatants," subject them to torture, and kill many, to force people who refuse potentially lethal vaccines or any other Constitutional assault on them, into the hundreds of FEMA camps staffed and waiting, using quarantine as the pretext, and hold them in extended detention,
to make potentially lethal vaccination mandatory and force them on the entire population without regard to medical exemptions or religious exemptions,
to microchip citizens via forced vaccines,
to cause disease and mass deaths via forced vaccines,
to use quarantine of cities for political control and to prevent access to courts, to protest, to help of any kind,
to shut off communication to prevent public's awareness of what is happening and efforts to respond to being attacked,
to have this coincide with a break down of the economy and a military and corporate take over here as prelude to establishing a single world government.
any and all materials, plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., held by and/or participated in by, or in the awareness of the president of his having been threatened by and/or offered advantages or benefits of any kind by any agency including but not limited to the CIA, any party, any private or public entity, to stand idly by or to lie to the public in furtherance of or to publicly promote circumstances which are preparation for any of the unconstitutional, violent and life threatening violations listed above, against the American people, including setting them up for internment and mass murder.
any and all materials, secret plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., held by and/or participated in by the president which indicate an awareness of the artificial nature of the pandemic and its having been created by the military and pharmaceutical industry which control the WHO and its agenda being a military one and linked strategically to the collapse of the economy as a means of taking military control of the country and ending democracy here.
any and all materials, secret plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., held by and/or participated in by the president which indicate his awareness of the false nature of the information and data put out by the CDC and WHO which has been using as background to raise fears of the pandemic and to encourage vaccination.
any and all materials, secret plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., held by and/or participated in by the president which indicate his awareness of lethality of the vaccines.
any and all materials, secret plans, decrees, exchanges, communications, records, etc., held by and/or participated in by the president in direct violation of the Constitution and in threat to the Constitution and/or to the lives of the people of the United States, and thus, treason.
Fee waiver. Will you ask for a fee waiver?  Yes  No
This is only available if release of the information is in the public interest because it will contribute significantly to public understanding of government operations and activities.
If you answered "Yes" above, you may wish to address some of the criteria for waiver as described in the law. An author or scholar would want to show how ultimately the information will be available to the public. A library may want to identify researchers who will use it.
The release of this information is in the public interest because their lives depend on it as does the continued existence of the United States as a democratic country.  The material will be distributed immediately to newspapers, legal organizations, websites, and online political journals since people's lives are at stake. From there, the material should be easily available to scholars and researchers.
The pandemic has been said by scientific and legal experts to be artificially created by the military and the pharmaceutical industry which control the WHO and to include vaccines that are suspected to be lethal and yet government/military actions are moving toward making them mandatory for all citizens which would cause mass murder.
Option B: If you have a life-threatening need for the information or delayed disclosure could threaten the physical safety of any individual, a request for expedited processing may be honored.
"Please provide expedited processing because delayed disclosure could threaten
(choose one:) life or physical safety because ..." (describe the circumstances surrounding the need for expedited processing under this standard.)
Lives depend on knowing and the government is moving rapidly to force mass vaccination on millions of children though the vaccines could be lethal.
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