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The Failed US Business Plan
By Karl Schwarz
It pays to give attention to what succeeds and fails, whether in life, politics, economics, or resource wars.  It really pays to focus attention on the failures, why they failed, why no amount of lies or a Plan B, C, or Z will succeed.  
The CIA tried to flip the elections last year in Armenia and it failed. Then they tried the "Color Revolution" approach and it failed, too.  The Armenians were not fooled and wish to remain aligned with Russia and Iran more so than Washington, DC.
The US is still pushing a losing hand out of Azerbaijan in having Matthew Bryza try to sucker the Armenians back into the US fold.  They have not been in the US fold since the Armenian genocide.  The border guards to protect them from Turkey are Russian, not Armenian.  
The Armenians remember all too well the Rothschild / Rockefeller initiated genocide of about 1 to 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of Crypto Jews that were in control of Turkey and were financed by elitist US and UK banksters to exterminate the Armenians.  They were in the way of pipeline dreams to get the oil out of Azerbaijan to the Black Sea.  That was all the way back in the early 1900's, so some things never change in that part of the world.
What I have yet to see change in that Caucasus and Caspian region are US policies, as they have resulted in one failure after another for 100 years. Our government is myopic, not at all intelligent and failure prone.  That is because they are self-serving and pursuing the objectives of only power and greed.
The Armenian slaughter is one holocaust that neither the Jews, nor the Turks nor the US and UK wish to admit to.  They just want everyone to focus on the Jew Holocaust and pretend the genocide of Armenians, Ukrainians and Russians at the hands of Zionist Jews never happened.
No, those Zionist Jews do not wish for Christians to know much about the willful slaughter of tens of millions of Christians in Armenia, Russia and Ukraine.   Just in adding up the death toll in those three genocides, the approximate number of about 30 million far eclipses the 6 million Jews that they do not want anyone to accurately count.  That is not even including the mass slaughter of White Russian Germans who used to live in Russia until the Zionist Jews of the Bolshevik Revolution slaughtered them, too.  
Then the CIA tried to flip the elections in Iran this year and that failed, too.  The attempted post-election color revolution in Iran failed, too.
Other than installing incompetent puppets in office in Ukraine and Georgia, the US and CIA efforts have failed there, too.  Sometimes it takes time for failure to manifest itself because Viktor Yushchenko, current president of Ukraine is on his way out with less than 3% approval rating.  Seems he cannot perform or handle their attractive Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The US puppet Yushchenko has proven to be an inept nitwit and Tymoshenko has arisen as their leader and one the Ukrainian people admire.
At least Yushchenko does not chew on his tie like the US nitwit puppet over in Tblisi Georgia, Mikhiel Saakashvili.  At least, no one has caught Yushchenko chewing on his tie, yet.  My bet is Tymoshenko has him chewing his nails and other things.
Now that Sibel Edmonds has talked on the record, we Americans learn that the Turks might not be the friends of America that we have been led to believe. If you missed that, you need to read the link below regarding Sibel's recent testimony in a deposition, on the record in a lawsuit.  Much of what she found inside the FBI was related to Turkish espionage and possible direct involvement in the money laundering that financed 9-11.
You see, the Turks and Turkey are part of the grand chessboard scheme of pipelines and pipedreams out of the landlocked Caspian Basin area.  It would not surprise me in the least that they were just as excited about 9-11 as the Zionist Jews were and might have even aided and abetted the slaughter of 3,000 Americans on 9-11 to get into the game.  All one has to do is read a map:
The math is not that hard to do:  1 (US wants pipeline across Afghanistan and Taliban say no) + 1 (September 11, 2001) + 1 (US attacks Afghanistan due to 9-11) + 1 (US has removed obstacles to their pipeline dream, so they think) = 4.
I am not surprised in the least that the Russian South Stream pipeline is way ahead of the US-led Nabucco pipeline or the George Soros pipedreams of either White Stream 1 or White Stream 2.  
With that map image fresh in your mind, can you now see how Georgia fits into the plans of such known scumbags like George Soros and the other US Elite that are desperate to get the oil and natural gas out of the landlocked Caspian Basin?
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are the source of the oil and natural gas that the above maps depict where the pipelines are desired to be installed.
The US seems to excel at finding their buddies in a cesspool.
The US has failed in Iraq, but that is no surprise because lies rarely lead to victory.  
The US has failed in Afghanistan and their TAP pipeline dream of running from Ashgabat Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan, then through the Baluchistan province of Pakistan that borders on Iran, is no closer to getting done today than it was on September 11, 2001.  The US government used the lie of that date to attack on October 7, 2001 to take over the pipeline right of way.
Now they are trying to re-market it as the TAPI, as if India is part of their pipeline scam.  Maybe they just cannot read maps that well in Washington DC because they keep picking the wrong routes and then creating the lies to force a pipeline through an area.  They also keep picking the wrong friends but that is merely due to the phenomenon of birds of a feather flock together or scum attracts scum.
The ways, means and methods of Washington DC are somewhat like watching a retard trying to force a square peg through a round hole.
General McChrystal says there are 40,000 more troops needed to win in Afghanistan so Barky Obama can claim victory, yet admits that 40,000 more US lives on the line might not assure victory.  I guess it is true, military intelligence is an oxymoron.   Through his own statements, our head military commander in that area cannot decide if 40,000 American soldiers putting their lives on the line means success or failure.  
The correct read on his statement is failure is in the cards.
The US could get a pipeline across Iran cheaper and faster but it would take a total change in US policy towards Iran.  There are some in DC who would have to eat crow to get that pipeline done.  If I were the Iranian president they would have to eat shit, too.  
I can clearly see where this Afghanistan fiasco is headed.  It will be as if Barky snatches his victory right out of the jaws of his defeat.  Bush did the exact same thing to keep the illusion alive that the GWOT was real and he was defending America.  Bush and Cheney were not defending America; they were directing an armed robbery in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Folks, the entire US agenda in the Caspian Basin region is all about lies, oil, natural gas, pipelines and greed.  It is truly that simple and 9-11 was the excuse.
The British have invaded Afghanistan four times over the past 160 years and each time were introduced to the concept of a meat grinder.  The Afghans do not treat trespassers well, but welcome those that come in peace and do not try to subjugate them.
Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the Brits, the Russians and now the Americans are tasting the bitterness of defeat in Afghanistan.  The Afghans are a people that never fall for someone pissing on their feet but telling them it is just raining.  Even though they are a simple people, it is apparent they know the difference between shit and shinola, and the difference between the fragrance of a rose and the odor of bullshit lies from DC and London.
Even as one reads this essay, the British are making plans to exit Afghanistan as their people have had enough.  Just like the US, their nation and economy are in shambles and they have learned the folly of believing in the Tony Blair - George Bush lies.  In the recent apparently corrupt elections in Afghanistan to keep yet another US puppet in office, 10 British soldiers were killed in Helmand province just so about 150 people could vote.
That is clear evidence of abject failure regarding democracy in Afghanistan under the current circumstances and current tactics.  The game plan sucks and the leaders in the US and UK keep trying to win a failing hand.  Their continued refusal to admit their lies is wearing thin.
I for one will be very happy when Americans figure out that they are financing these wars of resource theft, killing and maiming many people including our soldiers and then paying through the nose for the oil and natural gas that is being literally stolen at gun point from other nations. When Americans figure that out and that it benefits just the elite few, then they will better grasp why the US economy is now in shambles, too.
The Brits have already exited Iraq so the much touted Coalition of the Willing is now just the US standing in the glaring light of Bush - Blair lies.
Iran, Pakistan and India are collaborating right now on the IPI Pipeline that routes through Iran, Baluchistan province of Pakistan and then into other parts of Pakistan and into India.  The US is trying to block that pipeline and still cannot get their precious, stolen TAP pipeline done and the Central Asia oil to the ocean.  The Baluchistan (Pakistan), Sistan Baluchistan (Iran) and Helmand (Afghanistan) provinces border each other and it seems Afghanistan and Baluchistan both have oil and natural gas that many in the West are salivating over possessing as their own.
It would not surprise me in the least if both Pakistan and India have troops in Baluchistan in the very near future to protect their own vested interests, against those hostile and covetous intentions of the US.
Dick Cheney did not speak the truth.  It is not that the oil and natural gas are in nations that are not friendly to the US.  It is the insatiable greed of the US and certain wealthy elite that has alienated those nations against the US.   It is also not helpful in making friends when the CIA runs covert ops in their manipulative, meddlesome way, and the DoD likes to insert black ops soldiers all over the place to kill who the US deems as standing in the way of the insatiable greed of certain Americans.
Most people resent such actions in their backyard.  If the shoe were on the other foot, the US citizens would wake up much faster if they were the targets of such actions by the CIA and DoD.
The US is waging a covert CIA war in Baluchistan province (and into Sistan Baluchistan Iran) to block that pipeline and attempt to get their TAPI pipeline done.  That too will probably fail.  The British are already failing in Helmand Province, and news is the US wants to send another 40,000 US troops there so they can steal that area from the locals, too.
I cannot say for most Americans, but I am one American that resents our US soldiers being used as burglars and armed robbers for an elite few that have greed appetites that cannot be sated.  
The August 2008 flare up in Georgia when it attacked Russian citizens in South Ossetia also failed.  That was also about a pipeline and getting oil out of the landlocked Caspian Basin and the money into the pockets of those in London and Wall Street and DC.  They are most 'greedily' anxious to get that done and then suck as much money as they can out of your pocket.
Most would agree that the Russian response to Georgia was emphatic, swift and decisive, sort of like a hockey game that wound up Russia 50, Georgia 0.
I often ponder at times if other Americans are wondering why Afghanistan, 8 years of failure, Iraq, 6 years of failure, but Russia blew out Georgia and mercenaries from Israel, Ukraine and the US in less than 72 hours.
Still the US, via DoD, CIA, Blackwater USA is engaged in provocations into Russia in Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Dagestan, Chechnya, etc.  There is nothing quite as obnoxious as a sore loser.  
I remember well what the new Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said to Georgia:  "Mess with us and we will crush you."  
Russia could have continued to blow through Georgia like crap through a goose and the US would have suddenly had no pipeline option through Georgia. It was very clear that Russia is not attempting to block the US pipeline route but equally clear they will not put up with any nonsense from Georgia, the US or anyone else.
The US keeps threatening and cajoling Iran trying to get its way and access to the vast amounts of Iranian oil, natural gas and uranium.  They just cannot seem to resist chasing oil, natural gas and pipeline dreams.  Sort of like that dog that loves to chase cars and trucks until they misjudge and the car or truck ends their chasing career forever.
The US is threatening to attack Iran and start yet another war based on lies.  Israel is threatening to attack Iran and start yet another war based on lies.
The Saudis have even granted Israel the use of their airspace to attack Iran to precipitate yet another war based on lies.
Russia has made it clear that any attack on Iran will be viewed as an attack on the strategic and vital interests of Russia.  China and India have reason to view such an attack by the US or Israel in the same manner.
Just across the Iran - Armenia border is the capital of Yerevan Armenia.
Just south of that capital is an airbase that has Russian jet fighters and Russian pilots ready to respond to any US or Israel attack on Iran.  My sources inform that they already have permission and are patrolling Iranian air space.  
That is just a hint for the clueless that seem to miss hints or even when slapped across the room still do not get it.   Any US or Israel attack into Iran is probably going to be met by Russian pilots and Russian fighter jets.
The mountain in the background of this photo is Mount Ararat, a holy place in the land of Armenian Christians and Christian history.
I have many friends and contacts in Yerevan, Armenia.
People in the US need to wake up and realize what the US government is up to and how that is leading to a major confrontation of superpowers, just because the greedy elite do not know when enough is enough.  Insatiable greed is also quite obnoxious.  
Russia, China and India will not tolerate a US or Israel attack on Iran. The governments of the US and Israel are lying about Iran to start another resource war and theft of Iranian national assets.  They are lying again, just like they did regarding Afghanistan and their true motives and in Iraq, too.
Some in the US have grand visions that they are the rulers of the world, but that just is not so.  They are puffed-up with their self-inflated perception of how influential, important or powerful they are.  This is no longer a unipolar world led only by the US or only about what the US wants, desires or covets.  Most of the world has moved on and frankly could not care less what the US says or thinks any more.  
I think on these matters often.  The US forfeited its place on the moral high ground on September 11, 2001 and used that as the veil and the excuse for attacking Afghanistan, Iraq and then having Georgia attack sleeping Russian citizens in South Ossetia.
The Grand Chessboard delusion has now turned into the reality of The Grand Fiasco.  
Americans need to resist, refuse to believe the lies, refuse the war conquests just so a few greedy elite pricks can line their pockets at the expense of the lives of US soldiers and at the expense of the US and its citizens.
America needs a new plan and a new direction.  If you paid attention to the above, the entire plan has resulted in failure.  Millions killed and maimed in Afghanistan and Iraq, thousands of dead and maimed US soldiers and it has accomplished exactly nothing.  
Pens and contracts have defeated the US and UK lies and desires of empire and theft of resources that belong to other nations.
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