- In our world, we have a number of completely unexplainable
phenomena. Although science cannot explain these, a large body of evidence
seems to prove these events and observations are real and must exist. Science
declares that we have to see it and touch it to know something is real.
You cannot "see" electricity, and if the voltage is not high
enough you won't even feel it. And yet we are certain electricity exists
and respect what it can do to better our lives.
- To the inquisitive mind certain events, places and objects
in our world are troubling when an explanation isn't forthcoming from science.
We will briefly review some phenomena in this essay which the reader will
undoubtedly be familiar with. The purpose for doing so is to bring some
phenomena to the forefront of the reader's mind to consider some possibilities
which I will present later.
- There is no currently known explanation for crop circles,
yet these exist. Someone or something must be creating them. Massive complex,
perfectly geometrical formations of crop patterns take place overnight.
Exploded, burned nodes on billions of individual wheat plants along with
the inter-weaving of grain certainly cannot be done by any hoaxer with
a board and rope. So we know these things must be taking place.
- There is also Big Foot. The state of Oklahoma by itself
is home to hundreds of sightings across the entire state. These creatures
have been spotted in almost every state in the United States. Some have
been seen as close as 30ft. by numerous eyewitnesses. Many witnesses have
been pelted with rocks apparently hurled by the creatures. Giving off a
very bad odor, these creatures have been reported to have either brown-black
or brown-red hair and stand approximately 8ft tall.
- Numerous casts of footprints have been made. Soil compression
tests where footprint impressions were found indicate a body weight of
approximately 800 pounds. No man wearing fake, oversize feet could hope
to fake these. Yet these footprints exist and are real, although no dead
bodies have ever been found or retrieved.
- This creature is not unique to North America. It has
been sighted in Europe, too.
- In the Himalayas, a white furry version of Bigfoot (Yeti)
has been occasionally sighted by locals and hikers. Like Bigfoot, Yeti
also leaves footprints even although no body has ever been found or photographed.
It's difficult to imagine a hoaxer in the Himalayas, creating these footprints
in the desolate, high altitude frigid landscape- then hide behind a rock
for months or years waiting for a hiker to come along.
- Another area of the bizarre should also be included in
our exploration ghosts.
- We are expected to believe a disgruntled person dies
and lingers for decades or even hundreds of years, appearing endless times
to strangers that they don't even know.
- It seems that most ghost hunters never question the illogical
nature of such an assumption, expecting ghosts to appear on demand after
they set up numerous cameras and wait just a few hours for one night. If
nothing is seen or heard ghost hunters often walk away like beaten animals.
They feel like a circus animal trainer with an animal that doesn't perform
as expected.
- If we were to die an early, unexpected death would anyone
stay around for decades or even centuries to harass people we don't even
know? What good would that do?
- Somehow it seems that few ponder these obvious questions
as they skulk around old houses and buildings at night looking for ghosts
to perform for them. Turning all the lights off to record such events when
almost all eyewitness accounts of ghostly activity take place with the
lights on or even occur during the day, makes today's ghost hunting paradigm
even more absurd. But this doesn't stop anyone from doing it over and over.
- There are many other phenomena with no absolute explanations
such as UFO activity. In this essay we will mainly deal with ground-based
phenomena, since the source of UFOs has an almost unlimited number of origins.
However, we will make one exception to ground-based events. Are the numerous
orbiting ships captured on video by John Walson in the UK just illusions
or are they real? Since he has been video recording them with a telescope
and video camera from his home, his home, his home has been buzzed by Chinook
military helicopters which he has also photographed and posted on the web.
- The orbiting ships all appear to be translucent and semi-transparent,
like this photo below:
- Semi-transparent space vehicle imaged by Walson.
Image - Google images
- Image edited by author posted on rense.com [2]
- This vehicle appears far more solid and with color than
others Walson has photographed. It looks very similar to an intelligence
satellite. This ship has a very large dark opening which could very well
be a massive lens. Also visible are what appear to be solar panels on the
top and bottom running the length of the satellite. This is very different
from other images of ships Walson has videotaped.
- If we are to accept these bizarre phenomena as taking
place, then an explanation for their existence must somehow apply. We should
first look at common threads associated with these and other phenomena,
and then try to postulate what can satisfy these observations.
- Crop circles These appear to form seemingly from
nowhere during the night. There is just one supposed film of a crop circle
creation taking place, but there is some doubt as to the authenticity of
the film.
- Big foot These creatures seem to appear almost
from nowhere, usually deep in wooded and forest areas. Sightings are usually
brief, often measured in seconds. This writer doesn't know of any home
for these creatures that has been officially discovered for certain to
date in any wooded area or cave for these beings.
- Yeti Like Bigfoot, these also seem to come and
go from nowhere. Even more strange are footprints found in snow which just
seem to end going no where.
- Ghosts - Elusive and unpredictable. Many theories exist
about what or who they are and where they obtain their energy from. Flashlights,
camcorders and cameras are known to suddenly quit when batteries are exhausted.
Does this categorically prove ghost entities obtain energy from batteries
to manifest themselves or is their appearance disturbing local space-time
which is what depletes the batteries? Or is there an external intelligence
involved that depletes the batteries to make the ghost's appearance convincing?
Ghosts also seem to come from thin air and leave the same way.
- Ships in orbit With no known point of origin or
destination, these ships are similar in nature to the four categories listed
above. The semi-transparent nature of these vehicles should raise questions
in any rational mind, yet apparently does not.
- There may be a common thread with all these events. All
of these appear to prove something is happening, often stimulating some
or all of the five senses in thousands of eyewitnesses - and yet each of
these phenomena have no known origin or destination. Perhaps there are
separate explanations for each one, with a common thread for all of these
or some combination of both.
- One such possibility for the existence of these phenomena
and others is a Reality Simulation. We'll just refer to the reality simulation
as R-Sim for short.
- Imagine for a moment, that you are the master of an R-Sim
generated world. If your race is that advanced, it wouldn't use a computer
as we know it to control it. You and your race have been running this R-Sim
for countless millennia as an on-going experiment. In this world you have
created planets, stars, a local Sun for the one planet with intelligent
life along millions of diverse life-forms including numerous insects and
plants. Some life-forms are highly intelligent (known as humans) while
others in the R-Sim are not so intelligent. Your and your ancestors that
created the R-Sim gave each animal just enough intelligence for it to survive
and no more, and the simulation has been running for countless millennia.
Those that created it are long dead.
- Now things are getting quite boring and mundane, while
the humans on the planet are increasing in their capabilities. You might
decide to stir up some unexpected events and phenomena on the one planet
with life (Earth.) Only the humans would take notice of strange events.
Other animals and life-forms don't really care what you do, since they
are not capable of thinking on higher levels. You might create strange
life-forms and events like big foot, Yeti, crop circles, ghosts, miracles
and UFOs to see how the humans will react, then sit back and watch what
- When pilots and astronauts are tested in full motion
simulation cockpits, trainers and examiners cause simulated system failures
in one or more systems to see how the emergency is handled. Pilots and
astronauts have noted that these simulations are so real that they began
to sweat and can even feel fear which they must control. When a computer-controlled
simulation is well designed and life-like, this is what happens.
- Cockpit and other simulations force a controlled reality
upon test subjects. Some years ago at an amusement park, I was standing
inside 180 degree projection dome theater holding on to a railing while
watching an action film. We were near the back of the room watching a speeding
hair-raising motorcycle chase as it wound through the narrow twisting streets
of an alpine village. The audience was swaying back and forth during the
film as their personal visual system was overwhelmed. The flood of information
quickly takes over the brain, influencing body movements as though the
audience itself is riding in the motorcycle.
- If you are charged with running the R-Sim, from time
to time your race abducts a cross section of human beings for testing during
their sleep. Memory is usually wiped out to prevent disturbing their waking
lives, even though a vivid memory of the event is stored in the abductee's
memory. Humans will assume your workers (i.e., data collectors) are from
another planet or galaxy, or even from Earth's future. Humans must be allowed
to believe what they want for the testing and science work to be as accurate
as possible.
- Some have boldly called Earth a "Grand Experiment"
but it's much more than that.
- What we perceive as reality through the R-Sim can only
use our five senses. The processed combination of these senses by the brain
helps us assess what our minds decide is real and what is not. If we view
a 3D movie which projects objects and people right in front of our face,
without lifting a finger we already know that we can put our hand through
the 3D projection and feel nothing. We assume that the projected light
itself is real, but accept that the object we see is only an illusion.
- Most people at some point have seen the classic two line
optical illusion picture. The viewer is asked to decide which line is longer.
Both lines are actually the same length, even though your mind tells you
otherwise. Our minds are certain one line is longer than the other, often
because of the angle at which they are drawn or the background of the picture
which fools the mind.
- Here's another simple illusion. Stare at the + in the
center of the graphic for a while without blinking. Notice what happens
to the purple dots. Now move your eyes slightly to the right of the + sign
and see what appears next:
- This simple test shows us that what we perceive as reality
may not always be real. What you saw happen is the result of the AC coupled
vision system. When our eyes no longer have the normal small movements
we have all the time, color disappears. The purple dots never actually
vanish and the phantom green dots are not really there. If you follow the
rotating dot around with your eyes, the moving green dot will disappear.
- Yet we continue to believe observations of fleeing objects
like ghosts must be absolutely real. But does this simple test categorically
prove ghosts do not exist? Of course not.
- So far in our exploration, we've seen that there are
phenomena seen worldwide by thousands of people which defy a rational explanation.
Yet they still take place nevertheless. We also know our perception of
reality is easily tinkered with and altered by skilled human artists and
software engineers who design flight simulators.
- Now imagine what a race of beings who have technology
a billion years ahead of us can do! We think Playstations and other advanced
game technology are impressive - but try to imagine the complexity of a
simulation the size our solar system running down at the molecular level.
To highly advanced beings, Playstation and other on-line games we have
today are like little children playing with jacks and marbles. They probably
chuckle at us.
- Now consider that we are here, inside the R-Sim. Consider
that we are just small components of an immensely HUGE, complex R-Sim.
Creation of this R-Sim has given us the only reality we can possibly know
for now. Can we even imagine the "home" environment of a race
of beings a billion years ahead of us? Perhaps to them there is no longer
any place like home. Several thousand years ago, humans lived in caves.
They had no concept of high rise apartment buildings or farm houses. Just
two hundred years ago, could George Washington have imagined life aboard
the space station? Without a frame of reference, no human being can even
remotely imagine this far into the future.
- Countless aquatic sea creatures live in the very deepest
part of the ocean the Marianas Trench. At 36,201 feet deep, pressures
reach 9,000 tons/square inch according to those who went down into the
trench using the deep sea submersible Trieste. Yet sea creatures were filmed
at the deepest part of the ocean glow with light they generate themselves.
- Jelly fish in the Marianas Trench [3]
- These creatures can thrive there because this is the
only environment they know and were born there. Since the pressures inside
the fish are the same as those outside, they do not feel any pressure and
will are not crushed. This is their world we have visited. These creatures
quickly die when brought to the surface as cells burst inside their bodies.
- If a deep sea submersible sub did not bring these creatures
to the surface for research, they would live out their normal life span
on the ocean bottom. We too, are something like these deep sea creatures.
Our lives start with the paradigm we are born into. The majority of people
on Earth will die, living out their lives within the same paradigm they
were raised with.
- Consider billions of people in the world's under-developed
countries. Unfortunately, this is the life they are born into and most
likely will die there. Relatively few people will escape this fate. Even
in developed western countries, people born in the middle class usually
die in the middle class, save a few who do well in life and go higher.
The same is true for both lower and upper classes as well. We truly are
creatures of habit, not all that unlike the very pets we keep. This is
the Earth paradigm. The only known life-forms on Earth that have the potential
to escape the paradigm they are born into are human beings.
- In the section a few pages back "common threads"
we noted that there are known, observable common observations for all of
the "paranormal" phenomena, whether or not we choose to accept
them as real. If the watchers and keepers of our R-Sim decide to test us
by throwing us a wringer to see how we'll react, we have little choice
but to react. Even no reaction or expressing disbelief of paranormal events
still creates a test result. Hence, the logical conclusion is that there
will always be some type of reaction.
- Perhaps even bleeding statues or other stigmata (if these
actually exist) may be just another manifestation of the R-Sim. These strange
events may be designed by the controllers for their entertainment, to further
human belief in God or simply to see how people will react. Even the presence
of alien life-forms may not be what we perceive it to be they could
be nothing more than another test created for the R-Sim injected into our
- Another curious observation points to how Earth has not
been hit with a devastating asteroid impact in many thousands of years.
This fact flies in the face of about 20,000 known objects flying about
our solar system, each with unique and complex orbits. Approximately 1,068
potentially hazardous asteroids (as of this writing) have been catalogued
and document having orbital paths that either have crossed Earth's orbit,
or will be. Yet somehow to date, none of these massive objects have hit
the Earth. Some of these objects which have passed by Earth in recent years
are closer than our Moon's orbit.
- Yet no one asks the most obvious question why haven't
we been hit by at least one of these killer objects? Did someone prevent
it? If so, who are they?
- Either we are just incredibly lucky, or someone or something
is out there protecting our little rock. There is also a third explanation
even more disturbing that these objects may not exist. Even though
they are visible by telescope or on deep space radar, how can we actually
know they really exist? We cannot. When we sent out a spacecraft and landed
it on an asteroid, how can we prove that actually happened? There is no
way to do so. Many science and space fans yell "We received pictures
and data from the spacecraft! It must have landed without any doubt!"
Yet that proves nothing.
- It becomes a difficult question to produce hard physical
evidence we are in a simulation. Even if our best computer scientists were
given a copy of the R-Sim source code we would not be advanced enough to
read even the first line of code. As humans inside R-Sim we are given only
have access to the tools we're allowed to have by the masters of R-Sim
and nothing more. If our capabilities were allowed to be greater, we might
alter the R-Sim itself creating a disaster in our reality we could never,
ever predict happening. And we could never correct the mistake in time.
- The theory of operation behind a popular phenomenon known
as "The Secret" states that we can change the "thinking
stuff" in the universe by how we think. And with it, completely change
every aspect of our lives. That is exactly what the creators of the secret
call it.
- However, although I have tested the power of altering
my own reality and found that it does work, I do not think that there exists
"thinking stuff" that we can change. Instead, you are actually
changing the performance parameters of your simulation in the R-Sim. Assuming
the R-Sim exists, this theory makes perfect sense.
- Here are a few of the unanswered questions
- Will we ever be told the truth of R-Sim? If so, could
we handle it as a race? Such knowledge would create a deep shock wave to
our self-esteem as a human race, comparable to someone learning their brother
is also their father.
- How will the future of humankind be affected? Will society
fall apart? Christian churches would probably shut their doors almost immediately
as people dropped out of churches everywhere, since it would cast serious
doubt on the concept of eternal life.
- What will the controllers of the R-Sim do with us after
telling us? Press the reset button and start over? Perhaps this is what
2012 is all about. Maybe the Mayans were told by the controllers that 2012
is the year our program is terminated. Since ancient Mayans couldn't understand
the concept of R-Sim, perhaps it was simply called "The end of time."
Which if the R-Sim is true, it just might be the end of time for us.
- Would our human race scattered all over Earth even believe
the R-Sim is real? Pride and vanity could prove to be far more powerful
obstacles than learning the real truth about our simulated reality.
- Of course, this is all just a theory to support observed
phenomena seen by countless people, so don't toss out your crosses and
rosaries just yet
- Ted Twietmeyer
- [1] Optical illusion web source: http://creativebits.org/amazing_optical_illusions
- [2] http://www.rense.com/general82/myst13.htm
- [3] http://traction.untergrund.net/common/img/screenshot/pouet/45.jpg