- Given today's hysteria over a non-existent Swine Flu
threat and possible mandating of experimental, untested, toxic, and likely
bioengineered vaccines, it's appropriate to review early fears about their
dangers - when evidence first surfaced and concerns were raised.
- In 1920, Charles Michael Higgins' "Horrors of Vaccination
Exposed and Illustrated: Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory
Vaccination in Army and Navy" (now available in a new 2008 edition)
issued a "Public Challenge to Health Departments" in citing "Deaths
from Vaccination Denied and Concealed - More Deaths from Vaccination than
from Smallpox," then continued:
- "In order that there shall be no misunderstanding
about the serious charge which I bring against vaccination, as being now
actually more dangerous to public health and human life than natural smallpox,
and the equally serious charge which I make against vaccinating doctors
- who now control our Departments of Health and Vital Statistics - of denying
and concealing these facts from the people, I now issue this special challenge"
to the New York city and state authorities that "I will....prove from
their death certificates and vital records, now concealed and withheld
from the public, that there have been more deaths from vaccination than
from smallpox in every year for the past fifteen years in the City and
State of New York."
- Calling compulsory vaccinations "medical barbarism,"
Higgins petitioned President Woodrow Wilson to stop mandating them for
army and navy personnel. He cited facts he called shocking, including death
certificates of primary school aged children "all killed in one week
in September, 1915, from vaccination resulting in lockjaw and septicemia"
and numerous others dead from "vaccine infection." Yet throughout
1915, only three people died from smallpox.
- Higgins bluntly stated that:
- "Compulsory disease as a condition for public schooling
or for service in army and navy is medically barbarous and legally unconstitutional,
and should be abolished." They violate the "right to life, health,
and education..."
- He asked Wilson to pardon court-martialed soldiers who
refused non-consensual vaccinations, then imprisoned at "hard labor
for twenty-five years!....for asserting (their) right to the medical sanctity
of (their) own bod(ies)...."
- He said that in the 1904 - 05 Russo-Japanese War, typhoid
vaccinations weren't used. Instead, for almost the first time, modern,
effective sanitation and hygiene practices were employed, and few soldiers
experienced typhoid fever. But in the WW I Gallipoli campaign, English
soldiers got typhoid vaccinations. Unsanitary conditions prevailed, and
many succumbed to typhoid and other infectious diseases. In 1918 under
conditions of poor sanitation for US forces, vaccinations proved ineffective
in preventing "a high death-rate among the well vaccinated men."
- On March 28, 1919, an official report from the Chief
Surgeon of the AEF in the US Public Health was titled, "Typhoid Vaccination
no Substitute for Sanitary Precautions."
- Higgins quoted medical authorities admitting vaccination
dangers and condemning their mandatory use. The 1913 edition of Osler's
"Modern Medicine," Volume I stated:
- "With the greatest care, however, certain (vaccination)
risks are present and so it is unwise for the physician to force the operation
upon those who are unwilling, or to give assurance of absolute harmlessness."
- In 1889, the English Commission on Vaccination exhaustively
studied the issue, published its findings in 1896, concluded that vaccinations
were dangerous, and said laws making them compulsory should be repealed
or modified. An enacted "conscientious clause" subsequently let
parents exempt their children. Yet, contrary to fears at the time, smallpox
greatly declined because of improved sanitation and good hygiene practices.
- As early as the mid-19th century, books about vaccine
dangers included Dr. Charles Schieferdecker's "Dr. CGG Nittinger's
evils of vaccination" (1856), William Tebb's "Sanitation, not
Vaccination the True Protection against Small-Pox" (1881), William
White's "The Story of a Great Delusion" (1885), Alfred Russel
Wallace's "Vaccination Proved Useless & Dangerous" (1889),
Dr. Tenison Deane's "The Crime of Vaccination" (1913), and many
- In his book, Higgins referred to vaccinations as the
cause of "great epidemics of deadly disease in animals and mankind...."
and cited government reports he called "notorious public facts."
- "In October, November, and December, 1901, (a tetanus
epidemic occurred) after vaccination(s were administered) in Camden, Philadelphia,
and to a certain extent in near-by towns." Higgins wrote the Secretary
of War citing proof "that there was a distinct medical and logical
relation between influenza and vaccination, and that many serious diseases,
including smallpox and cowpox, commence like influenza...."
- The "wholesale and repeated vaccinations in the
military camps throughout the world (suggested) that this vaccine infection
had escaped....and was running wild as a world-wide epidemic infection,"
and to check it required all vaccinations be halted. He stressed what he
called "no mere hypothesis or theory, but rather a hard fact"
borne out by "foot and mouth disease" epidemics in cattle and
other animals, "some of which originated from two of the largest vaccine
factories in this country," at the time in Philadelphia and Detroit.
- He cited US Bureau of Animal Industry and US Department
of Agriculture reports that clearly showed vaccine infection as the cause
of the 1902 and 1908 epidemics, and the "strong suspicion" that
later ones in 1914 and 1915 were as well.
- He called for the abolition of "dangerous medical
domination and monopoly which now controls our Departments," which
had long abused public power, that denied "Medical Truth, Freedom
and Progress (and) which should no longer be tolerated." He urged
that compulsory army and navy personnel vaccinations be abolished, replaced
solely by voluntary ones.
- He said "the practice of inflicting on the human
body a compulsory medical disease, which is dangerous to the health and
life and causes many deaths every year, is obviously illegal and a medical
crime on the people which must be suppressed." On September 17, 1919,
he asked President Wilson to put a stop to "vaccination horrors and
medical mendacities."
- Vaccinations Given US Military Forces During Major Military
Conflicts since 1775
- From at least the 1770s to the present, inoculations
were routinely used. From the American Revolution through the Spanish-American
War, smallpox vaccinations were administered. In WW I, typhoid was added,
and in WW II, shots were given for smallpox, typhoid, typhus, tetanus,
cholera, diphtheria influenza, scarlet fever, plague, paratyphoid A and
B, and yellow fever. The Korean War adopted the same regimen. Vietnam added
immunizations for polio, tetanus-diphteria toxoids, measles and meningococcal.
- For the Gulf War, still more were added for anthrax,
botulinum, adenovirus types 4 and 7, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella
(MMR), and rabies - a virtual toxic stew besides depleted uranium exposure
that combined caused Gulf War syndrome, its devastating effects on many
thousands of troops, yet the Pentagon denied it existed.
- The Afghan and Iraq wars added varicella (chicken pox),
hepatitis A, influenza, yellow fever, pneumococcal, plus the upcoming Swine
Flu vaccine. In combination, US military forces now get a greater than
ever toxic brew of up to 20 dangerous inoculations plus booster shots (including
for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis DTaP) that assure damage to (or
destruction of) their immune systems followed by serious health problems
later on.
- In 1919, Higgins called smallpox and typhoid inoculations
"medical barbarism." Today it's at an intolerable level.
- Confessions of a Medical Heretic
- On April 16, 1988, a portion of a brief New York Times
obituary read:
- On April 5, "Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, a physician,
author and critic of the medical establishment, died after a brief illness....He
was 61 years old." Besides teaching at the University of Illinois
and Northwestern University, he was best known as "The People's Doctor"
and for his 1979 bestseller, "Confessions of a Medical Heretic,"
in which he cautioned against "the harmful impact upon your life of
doctors, drugs and hospitals."
- In a November 1984 East West Journal article, he called
immunizations a "medical time bomb," and (as a paediatrician)
said the "greatest threat to childhood diseases lies in the dangerous
and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them." He referred to deceptive
marketing practices and called paediatricians objecting to their "bread
and butter" the equivalent of a priest denying the infallibility of
the Pope.
- He urged parents to reject all inoculations for their
children, but explained that in many states they're mandatory. He administered
them early in his practice, but later stopped "because of the myriad
hazards they present." He summarized his concerns as follows:
- -- no evidence confirms that vaccinations eliminate childhood
- -- the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines don't work and cited
Jonas Salk later admitting that mass inoculations caused an epidemic after
- -- smallpox vaccinations are "the only source of
smallpox-related deaths for three decades after the disease had disappeared;"
- -- significant inoculation risks are real; parents should
avoid them when possible;
- -- doctors are derelict for not explaining their hazards
and for "defend(ing) them to the death;"
- -- a "myriad (of known) short-term hazards (exist
but) no one knows the long-term consequences of injecting foreign (substances)
into the bod(ies) of your child(ren);"
- -- even more shocking is that "no one is making
any structured effort to find out," yet
- -- suspicions now confirm that mass-inoculations dramatically
increase autoimmune and neurological diseases, including leukemia, rheumatoid
arthritis, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and numerous others ranging
from annoying to lethal;
- -- he asked: "Have we traded mumps and measles for
cancer and leukemia," and blamed vaccinations for their destructive
harm, including thousands of annual SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
deaths; and
- -- he said the best way to protect children is make sure
they're not vaccinated.
- Doctors Speak Out on Vaccine Dangers
- The Merck Manual (first published in 1899, now available
in a Home Edition) warns individuals with B and/or T cell immunodeficiencies
to avoid live-virus vaccines (the main ingredient in ones produced by Novartis,
GlaxoSmithKline, and perhaps others) due to the risk of severe or fatal
infections. Immunodeficiencies include common food allergies, inhalant
ones, eczema, dermatitis, neurological deterioration and heart disease.
Vaccines may be lethal for people with these conditions because their immune
systems can't produce a healthy reaction to the viral assault on them.
Getting it may induce illnesses they're intended to prevent and many other
potentially deadly ones.
- It's no surprise that many doctors, earlier and now,
share Mendelsohn's concerns and state them.
- On April 2, 2002 in the London Telegraph, autism specialist
Dr. Kenneth Aitken said: "When I was in training, one in 2,500 (children
were autistic). Now it is one in 250. At the moment, the only logical explanation
for this is MMR" immunizations.
- On April 27, 1979, at the American Society of Microbiology
meeting, a paper by Drs. Anthony Morris, John Chriss, and BG Young titled,
"Occurrence of Measles in Previously Vaccinated Individuals"
concluded that "By the (US) government's own admission, there has
been a 41% failure rate in persons who were previously vaccinated against
the (measles) virus."
- A 1993 British Medical Journal article stated: "In
1993 a high court judge in the UK decided that it was impossible to know
the exact contents of vaccines and that science had no idea what the cocktails
of chemicals, contaminants and heavy metals contained in vaccines could
do to the human body, or why they would work to prevent disease."
- Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former FDA Vaccine Control head
said: "There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization
of children does more harm than good." He concluded that "There
is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective
in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these
vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway."
- Professor LC Vincent, Bioelectronics founder, said "Vaccines
DO predispose to cancer and leukemia."
- In December 1985, Dr. Albert Sabin, discoverer of the
oral polio vaccine, admitted that "Official data have shown that the
large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any
significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed
to provide protection."
- The National Institute of Health's (NIH) Dr. James A.
Shannon said that "The only wholly safe vaccine is a vaccine that
is never used."
- Professor Ari Zukerman of the World Health Organization
(WHO) stated: "Immunization against smallpox is more hazardous than
the disease itself."
- Dr. Paul Frame in the Journal of Family Practice believes
"There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of
healthy persons of any age."
- Dr. John B. Classen stated that his "data proves
that the studies used to support immunization are so flawed that it is
impossible to say if immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to
society in general."
- Dr. Gerhard Buchwald concluded from the results of 150
trials that "Vaccination is not necessary, not useful, (and) does
not protect. There are twice as many casualties from vaccination as from
- The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons
stated that "Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed.
It is permeated by conflicts of interest. It is based on poor scientific
methodology (and it's) insulated from independent criticism."
- In his book, "Health and Nutrition Secrets,"
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock wrote: "Multiple vaccinations, especially
in newborns, are another major source of childhood mercury exposure because
of the mercury-containing thimerosal preservative. Over twenty-two vaccinations
are now recommended for children before the age of two! Effects of exposure
can vary from subtle to major malformations but even minor degrees of maldevelopment
can have unacceptable consequences."
- Blaylock called flu vaccinations, especially for the
elderly, "criminal" because of known substance dangers in them,
including methylmercury, phenylmercury, ethylmercury, and aluminum that
remain in the nervous system for decades and damage it.
- According to the WHO, "The best vaccine against
common infectious diseases (is) and adequate diet" along with good
sanitation and hygiene practices.
- Dr. Rebecca Carley calls vaccinations "The True
Weapons of Mass Destruction Causing VIDS, Vaccine Induced Diseases."
- Immunogeneticist Dr. Hugh Fudenberg concluded that individuals
getting five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the time of his
study) were 10 times more vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease than others
receiving two or fewer shots. He cited dangerous mercury and aluminum ingredients
that accumulate in the brain causing cognitive dysfunction.
- Flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury. One microgram
is considered toxic. By age two, most US children have received around
237 micrograms of mercury through vaccines alone.
- Vaccines contain the following toxic and others substances:
- -- thimerosal (mercury);
- -- aluminum hydroxide and phosphate;
- --ammonium sulfate;
- -- amphotericin B,
- -- animal tissues and fluids, including horse blood,
rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck
egg, pig blood, and porcine (pig) protein/tissue;
- -- calf serum and fetal bovine serum;
- -- betapropiolactone;
- -- macerated cancer cells;
- -- formaldehyde;
- -- formalin;
- -- synthetic phenol;
- -- gelatin and hydrolyzed gelatin;
- -- glycerol;
- -- human diploid cells (from aborted human fetal tissue);
- -- MSG;
- -- the anti-biotics neomycin and neomycin sulfate;
- -- phenol red indicator disinfectant dye;
- -- phenoxyethanol (antifreeze);
- -- potassium monophosphate;
- -- polymyxin B;
- -- polysorbate 20 and 80;
- -- residual MRC5 proteins;
- -- sorbitol;
- -- sucrose;
- -- tri(n)butylphosphate;
- -- VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells
linked to the SV-40 virus known to cause leukemia; and
- -- washed sheep red blood cells.
- One or a combinations of theses substances can play havoc
with the human immune and neurological systems and cause deadly autoimmune
and other diseases.
- On August 15, a UK Mail Online article linked Swine Flu
vaccines to a deadly nerve disorder called Guillan-Barre Syndrome (GBS).
It cited a leaked letter from Britain's Health Protection Agency ahead
of planned mass-vaccinations in the country. Sent to about 600 neurologists
on July 29, it referred to America's 1976 killer virus Swine Flu scare,
the urging then that everyone be vaccinated, and the millions who did with
these results:
- -- people died from the vaccine (from respiratory failure
after severe paralysis), not Swine Flu;
- -- 500 GBS cases were detected;
- -- experts said the vaccine increased the GBS risk level
- -- once the link was established, vaccinations were halted,
but the damage was done after about 10 weeks of inoculations; and
- -- the US government paid hundreds of millions of dollars
to settle damage claims from thousands of victims.
- UK press coverage currently describes concern over the
government releasing a vaccine "of unknown safety," yet plans
remain to proceed. According to Jackie Fletcher, founder of the vaccine
support group Jabs: "The (UK) Government would not be anticipating
(trouble) if they didn't think there was a (GBS) connection. What we've
got is a massive guinea-pig trial."
- In a July 26 rense.com article titled, "Startling
New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is Man-Made," Dr. A. True
Ott cited evidence showing that Novartis Pharmaceuticals "conspired
with corrupt 'scientists' at the US Army Institute of Pathology, Ft. Detrick,
Maryland, to create a 'novel' strain of weaponized 'influenza' virus by....'reverse
engineering' the deadly 1918 killer strain (then) maliciously and surreptitiously
releas(ing it globally) in March and April 2009 for the primary purpose
of creating a panic-stricken world-wide demand for Novartis vaccine material."
- Ott claims the vaccine will unleash "lethal waves
of increasingly virulent and deadly disease, rather than to curtail and
limit the existing outbreak" - for huge profits and "a massive
and sudden (worldwide) depopulation" agenda.
- He called the scheme much greater than Henry Kissinger's
1974 NSSM-200 diabolical plan for "the immediate reduction of world
population" in the hundreds of millions.
- In 1987, Dr. Maurice Hillerman, prominent vaccine expert
and head of Merck's vaccine division admitted that mass inoculations in
the 1950s and 1960s likely caused thousands of annual cancer deaths because
the SV40 virus (from dead monkeys) contaminated the first polio vaccine.
SV40, but distributed them anyway."
- Many other examples show that "live viruses in vaccines
SPREAD....disease very effectively. When combined with SQUALENE ADJUVANT
the virus becomes many times more potent and lethal."
- Ott claims Novartis' patent application reveals "smoking
gun" evidence. The company admitted that "their 'invented' vaccine
virus was not an act of nature. (It's) a conspiracy to commit mass murder"
for profit.
- Writing for Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG),
Dr. Andrew Bosworth sounded the alarm about "The Swine Flu Hoax,"
admitted its mysterious origins, expressed concern that it might be lethal,
and suggested that it was either accidently or deliberately released by
corporate or government sources to cause a global epidemic for profit and
- He cited suspicions of doctors and scientists that Swine
Flu was man-made because of its unique combination of viruses from different
parts of the world. He mentioned spurious media and official reports of
Swine Flu deaths, perhaps from conventional flu, another cause, or an unrelated
medical condition. He called the US government's pandemic policy "ridiculous"
and "repugnant," leaving people terrified and uninformed enough
to react adversely to their own well-being.
- Current News from Jane Burgermeister's theflucase.com
- Burgermeister is the journalist who filed criminal charges
against Baxter AG, Baxter International, and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology
AG "for producing and distributing contaminated bird flu material
this winter, alleging that this was a deliberate act to cause a pandemic,
and also to profit" from it. In addition, she accused Austrian Health
and other Ministry officials of knowledge and support of this practice,
then later named Baxter, Novartis, Sanofi Aventis, world agencies (including
the WHO, UN, and CDC), and high-level officials in Austria, other European
countries, and America of conspiratorial involvement.
- Her web site features the following recent reports:
- -- on August 25, the UK Daily Mail said "Up to half
of (British) family doctors do not want to be vaccinated against swine
flu," and one-third of them said the vaccine was inadequately tested;
- -- in Australia, "Leading infectious disease experts
have called on the Federal Government to abandon its mass swine-flu vaccination
plan because of fears the vaccine is a contamination risk that could spread
blood-borne diseases;"
- -- In Jacobson v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1905),
the US Supreme Court ruled that the state could require people to be vaccinated
for the common good; in April 2009, NECN.com reported that a possible new
Massachusetts law (Bill 2028) will require compulsory vaccinations; those
refusing face $1,000 a day fines or 30 days in prison; after the state
senate unanimously passed it, Catherine Austin Fitts concluded that Boston's
money men must be "very scared about something," given that the
city is "the capital of equity investment;"
- -- on August 25, Health Minister Ulla Schmidt admitted
on German TV that the Swine Flu vaccination campaign was a hoax and the
largest ever inoculation experiment in history; and
- -- on August 22, Dr. Wolfgang Wogarg, chairman of the
health committee in the German parliament and European Council, warned
about potential Swine Flu vaccine safety. He said Novartis' vaccine contained
cancerous animal cells, and emphasized peoples' fears over the disease
from being inoculated. "It is a great business for the pharmaceutical
industry," he told Neuen Presse. Swine flu is not very different from
conventional flu, but the vaccine can have dangerous side effects.
- Lessons from the 1976 Swine Flu Outbreak
- Soldiers at Fort Dix, NJ were affected. About 240 became
ill. One death was reported, but the illness never spread beyond the base,
so it's curious why not. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
couldn't explain why the disease was contained or how it was introduced.
- More curious is the current hype over person-to-person
transmission when it didn't happen in 1976. Northwestern University's Immunology
Professor Robert Lamb explains that isolated swine flu cases in humans
aren't uncommon. "Every year, you will find some pig farmer somewhere
who gets swine flu. But it usually doesn't transmit to his family,"
let alone to the surrounding area or beyond.
- Several years ago, Texas A & M's head of microbial
and molecular pathogenesis, John Quarles, isolated a swine flu virus in
a student on campus. He took samples from him and about 100 others close
to him. Not a single one of them was affected, and according to Quarles:
"That's pretty classic for swine flu."
- In research conducted by Dr. Pascal James Imperato, dean
at SUNY's School of Public Health, he reported that "the 2009 H1N1
virus was less efficiently transmitted by droplet infection (inhalation
of respiratory pathogens exhaled by someone infected) in ferrets compared
to the seasonal human H1N1 virus. This is a significant finding as it indicates
that the 2009 swine flu virus might not be as easily transmitted between
humans as its seasonal counterpart" - unless it's bioengineered to
make it contagious and deadly.
- Conclusion
- Swine Flu is a virus-induced respiratory illness in pigs.
Few succumb and die, and humans are rarely infected, except occasionally
among people having direct contact with infected animals. For most who
do, symptoms are generally mild. Medications and other treatments aren't
essential. The illness usually lasts from two to seven days, and most patients
recover well on their own.
- Currently, no global pandemic or public health emergency
exists, nor does forensic evidence link H1N1 to reported deaths. Yet fear-mongering
persists to convince people globally to submit voluntarily to dangerous,
possibly deadly bioengineered, vaccines.
- If large numbers of confirmed Swine Flu deaths occur,
contrary to compelling scientific reasons why they should not, then serious
investigation is called for to determine if inoculations, not H1N1, caused
them, and whether corporate greed and government complicity are behind
a sinister plot to distract world attention from a deepening global depression,
enrich drug companies hugely, and depopulate nations in numbers too horrifying
to imagine - or as some observers put it, "depopulation by inoculation."
- Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre
for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at
- Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and
listen to The Global Research News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Monday
- Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished
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