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DOJ To Judge - Dump Taitz'
Obama Birth Cert Suit

From Devvy 
Now, that's interesting.
Her case has a hearing tomorrow while Obama/Soetoro speaks to the kiddies.
Why did DOJ wait until the 11th hour this past Friday to file their motion when they have known about this hearing for some time? They file on Friday, today is a holiday and Orly's hearing is tomorrow.
DOJ says that none of the plaintiffs who were candidates had any chance of winning the election anyway, so its okay to leave a constitutionally ineligible candidate on the ballot and then in office. So what if Obama/Soetoro was born with dual citizenship and can never be eligible?
And, of course, on page 14 of the fed's motion (link in the article) we go back to the issue of standing.
According to the courts so far, no one on this earth has standing when it comes to challenging the constitutional eligibility of The One, his holiness, Obama/Soetoro.
"The Justice Department is urging a federal court to toss out a lawsuit in which prominent birthers' attorney Orly Taitz is challenging President Barack Obama's Constitutional qualifications to be president."
Rest at link
I go back to an Oct. 29, 2008 column Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote regarding standing. This is just an excerpt; read the rest at link
The judge in Berg v. Obama dismissed the case, not because Obama has actually proven that he is eligible for "the Office of President, but instead because, simply as a voter, Berg supposedly lacks "standing to challenge Obama,s eligibility:
regardless of questions of causation, the grievance remains too generalized to establish the existence of an injury in fact. * ** [A] candidate,s ineligibility under the Natural Born Citizen Clause does not result in an injury in fact to voters. By extension, the theoretical constitutional harm experienced by voters does not change as the candidacy of an allegedly ineligible candidate progresses from the primaries to the general election.
This pronouncement does not rise to the level of hogwash.
First, the Constitution mandates that "[t]he judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution (Article III, Section 2, Clause 1). Berg,s suit plainly "aris[es] under th[e] Constitution, in the sense of raising a critical constitutional issue. So the only question is whether his suit is a constitutional "Case[ ]. The present judicial test for whether a litigant,s claim constitutes a constitutional "Case[ ] comes under the rubric of "standing"a litigant with "standing may proceed; one without "standing may not. "Standing, however, is not a term found anywhere in the Constitution. Neither are the specifics of the doctrine of "standing, as they have been elaborated in judicial decision after judicial decision, to be found there. Rather, the test for "standing is almost entirely a judicial invention.
True enough, the test for "standing is not as ridiculous as the judiciary,s so-called "compelling governmental interest test, which licenses public officials to abridge individuals, constitutional rights and thereby exercise powers the Constitution withholds from those officials, which has no basis whatsoever in the Constitution, and which is actually anti-constitutional. Neither is the doctrine of "standing as abusive as the "immunities judges have cut from whole cloth for public officials who violate their constitutional "Oath[s] or Affirmation[s], to support this Constitution (Article VI, Clause 3)"in the face of the Constitution,s explicit limitation on official immunities (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1). For the Constitution does require that a litigant must present a true "Case[ ]. Yet, because the test for "standing is largely a contrivance of all-too-fallible men and women, its specifics can be changed as easily as they were adopted, when they are found to be faulty. And they must be changed if the consequences of judicial ignorance, inertia, and inaction are not to endanger America,s constitutional form of government. Which is precisely the situation here, inasmuch as the purported "election of Obama as President, notwithstanding his ineligibility for that office, not only will render illegitimate the Executive Branch of the General Government, but also will render impotent its Legislative Branch (as explained below).
Second, the notion upon which the judge in Berg v. Obama fastened"namely, that Berg,s "grievance remains too generalized to establish the existence of an injury in fact, i.e., if everyone is injured or potentially injured then no one has "standing"is absurd on its face.

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