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Vaccination Justification Is Collapsing
Press Release:  BMJ Says Simple, 
Cheap Measures Keep Viruses at Bay

From A Concerned Citizen
A study reported in the British Medical Journal reports that simple and low cost measures are highly effective for preventing the spread of viruses.  And antivirals are best only for those least in need of them, healthy adults.
The increasingly resisted H1N1 vaccines of still unproven efficacy and still untested safety must now compete with the proven efficacy and absolute safety of cheap, flexible, universally available handwashing, masks, and staying home.
The study by the Acute Respiratory Infections Group at the Cochrane Collaboration in Rome published in the BMJ  now increases the risk of liability for any agency, state, location or person imposing vaccines since the vaccines have not been proven effective for stopping transmission of disease, have not been properly tested, do not comply with federal law, and risk disease, disability and death.
Handwashing, masks and staying home are proven highly effective and have zero risk of harm.
This definitive study calls into question all the draconian "preparedness" laws on the books in states across the country, put in under the guidance of Bush and Cheney, which eliminated traditional home quarantining and masks as well public health options while replacing them with unconstitutional mandatory vaccinations (with no requirement for testing), forced diagnostic tests, forced taking of bodily samples, forced unknown and untested treatments, forced unknown and untested chemical decontamination, forcing people into detention and imposing huge fines for those who failed to comply,  and tracking people and their vaccination histories with permanent RFID "bracelets."
The intense fear engendered by the WHO about the virus is now easily answered by cheap, simple, safe measures which make the vaccine campaign unnecessary, in addition to it being high-cost, safety-questioned, efficacy-uncertain, increasingly-mandatory and internationally-resisted.
A study reported in the British Medical Journal reports that simple and low cost measures are highly effective for preventing the spread of viruses.  And antivirals are best only for those least in need of them, healthy adults.
Meta-analysis of six case-control studies suggested that physical measures are highly effective in preventing the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome:
handwashing more than 10 times daily (odds ratio 0.45, 95% confidenceinterval 0.36 to 0.57; number needed to treat=4, 95% confidence interval 3.65 to 5.52),
wearing masks (0.32, 0.25 to 0.40; NNT=6, 4.54 to 8.03),
wearing N95 masks (0.09, 0.03 to 0.30; NNT=3, 2.37 to 4.06),
wearing gloves (0.43, 0.29 to 0.65; NNT=5, 4.15 to 15.41),
wearing gowns (0.23, 0.14 to 0.37; NNT=5, 3.37 to7.12), and
handwashing, masks, gloves, and gowns combined (0.09, 0.02 to 0.35; NNT=3, 2.66 to 4.97).
The combination was also effective in interrupting the spread of influenza within households. The highest quality cluster randomised trials suggested that spread of respiratory viruses can be prevented by hygienic measures in younger children and within households.
Evidence that the more uncomfortable and expensive N95 masks were superior to simple surgical masks was limited, but they caused skin irritation.The incremental effect of adding virucidals or antiseptics to normal handwashing to reduce respiratory disease remains uncertain.
Global measures, such as screening at entry ports, were not properly evaluated. Evidence was limited for social distancing being effective, especially if related to risk of exposure-that is, the higher the risk the longer the distancing period.
Conclusion Routine long term implementation of some of the measures to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses might be difficult. However, many simple and low cost interventions reduce the transmission of epidemic respiratory viruses. More resources should be invested into studying which physical interventions are the most effective, flexible, and cost effective means of minimising the impact of acute respiratory tract infections.
"Vaccines work best in those who are universally considered least to need them -- namely, healthy adults.  Antivirals may be harmful and their benefits depend on the identification of the agent," it said.
"But physical interventions are effective, safe, flexible, universally applicable and relatively cheap."
Simple Measures Keep Viruses at Bay
Simple, low-cost measures such as hand-washing, wearing masks, and quarantining infected patients provide a good shield against the spread of flu and other respiratory viruses, says a new study.
Doctors led by Tom Jefferson, a professor in the Acute Respiratory Infections Group at the Cochrane Collaboration in Rome, carried out an overview of 59 published trials into protective measures against these microbes.
The pathogens included the ordinary cold virus, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus, and the influenza virus, but not the current H1N1 pandemic strain.
The trials had widely ranging formats but essentially looked at the number of people who were infected when protective measures were implemented, as compared to the number who fell sick when there was no such protection.
Vaccines and antiviral drugs were not included in these studies.
In hospital settings, regular hand-washing more than 10 times a day and the use of masks, gloves, and surgical gowns were effective against spreading respiratory virus, but were especially useful when combined, according to the paper.
Hygiene measures in the home, targeted particularly at younger children, also helped prevent transmission.
"Perhaps this is because younger children are least capable of hygienic behavior and have longer-lived infections and greater social contact, thereby acting as portals of infection into the household," the authors said.
Two studies found that isolating potentially infected individuals was also effective.
But the review uncovered only limited evidence that much-touted "N95" surgical masks are better than simple face masks.
N95 masks are more uncomfortable and expensive, and they can cause skin irritation, it found.
"Physical interventions are effective, safe, flexible, universally applicable, and relatively cheap," the team said.
Copyright AFP

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