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The Cap And Trade Threat Is Back...NOW
By Devvy Kidd
Two days ago, I sent this out in my free email alert:
The good news is that according to an Obama/Soetoro advisor, the unconstitutional "cap and trade" rip off will not be passed this year:
Obama Energy Advisor: Climate Bill Unlikely in 2009
It looks like we may not have dodged this horrific, unconstitutional, massive taxing scheme:
Business Blitz Seeks Fast Passage of Senate Climate Bill
"Executives from the Dow Chemical Co., Entergy Corp., Nike Inc. and more than 140 other companies and venture capital firms will convene in Washington this week to lobby Senate lawmakers to pass a comprehensive climate and energy bill quickly. "This is a powerful message that U.S. businesses are united on the urgency for tackling climate change," contended Timberland Co.
"President and CEO Jeff Swartz, whose company helped organize the lobbying blitz with the help of the investor coalition Ceres.Swartz and other business leaders plan to have lunch tomorrow with the Senate's "Gang of 16," which includes Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and other industrial-state lawmakers whose support is seen as crucial to passing the greenhouse gas cap-and-trade bill.The executives are also slated to meet with lawmakers and staff members in 35 Senate offices, as well as with White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy Director Carol Browner, according to officials familiar with the meetings"  --Michael Burnham/NY Times
PLEASE get on the phone this week and raise heck with your U.S. Senator
Treasury: 'Cap-and-trade' to cost $200 billion annually
Cap and Trade Calls for Productive U.S. Farmland to be Converted to Forests
Links at the bottom of my colum below that everyone should read and or watch...

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