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(Copy of Email sent to all Arizona State Senate and House members)
From Dick Fojut in Tucson, AZ
In a one-sided "frenzy," our Major Corporate "news" Media are trying to convince us we MUST all get the SWINE FLU VACCINE, declaring the vaccine totally safe!
But NOT ONE medical expert who disagrees (Blaylock, Mercola, Horowitz, Moulden, etc.), has been reported! We should all be suspicious...
    Avoid ALL VACCINATIONS warns Dr. Andrew Moulden
   The public - and most medical doctors - do not understand HOW (all) vaccinations damage our bodies.
Dr. Andew Moulden explains that repeated VACCINATIONS (even aside from whatever ingredients the vaccines contain) produce additive ISCHEMIC "STROKES" in the 60,000 miles of microscopic blood vessels.
When the Immune System is OVER-stimulated responding to fight any foreign substance vaccine poison injected, the blood vessels (especially the tiniest ones) become CLOGGED with "armies" of white blood cells - the "soldiers" sent to combat the vaccine poison.
Result: Ischemic "strokes" from clogged blood vessels. Blood flow is impaired, preventing sufficient oxygen from reaching the brain, heart and other tissues. Removal of waste products and toxins is also impaired.
  All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain. The damage is additive.
   One medical expert the major media are NOT interviewing is Dr. Andrew Moulden who WARNS we should AVOID ALL VACCINATIONS - and explains WHY in the following article...
Excerpts only from following VACTRUTH article...
   ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, waxing and waning, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and causing brain damages along a continuum of clinically silent to death. This is causing ischemic "strokes". In some respects, this is also "aging." Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of vaccination - all vaccinations.
M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow - "Moulden Anoxia Spectrum
In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology - a component phase of the MASS physiological response.
   Remarkably, it is not so much the specific "germs and toxins" that are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that causes pathology.
   The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure.
   All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain.
Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own - from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.
When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as blood flow diminishes and starts to "sludge", this impairs healing, cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas.
Full text follows...
By Andrew Moulden MD, PhD 
Medical & Neurobehavioral Therapies Director
Former Leader - www.CanadianActionParty.ca
Dr. Moulden has joined and supports the Christian Heritage Party of Canada
This is a stern, yet humble, warning to all citizens of the globe. It is now proven that we are all being harmed by repeat vaccinations. This evidence must be circulated broadly in light of the imminent Fall, 2009 plan to turn North American schools into MASS vaccine centers to institute triple flu vaccine to us all. Children will be the first to be injected with experimental flu vaccines. The entire vaccine industry, as it turns out, has been experimental. We did not know that we were causing damages - for us all.
In case you are wondering what will happen, the answers are contained in this article. The same thing will happen as has been happening with all vaccines. Clinically silent ischemic brain and body damages will happen. The only difference is that you can now see these damages, with your own eyes, in the here and now, in real time, and in your family photos going back fifty or more years if you have to.
ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, waxing and waning, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and causing brain damages along a continuum of clinically silent to death. This is causing ischemic "strokes". In some respects, this is also "aging." Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of vaccination - all vaccinations.
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In Revelations 18:4 by the epistle of Saint John we are told: "And I heard another voice from Heaven saying "Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues." All vaccinations, as you can now clearly see, are causing chronic illness and mass disorders on mass scales. The global health consequences clearly amount to plaques.
As a medically trained Doctor, a PhD trained neuroscientist/neuropsychologist, with a Masters degree in Child/language neurodevelopment, I have been trained to follow clinical observations to empirical assessment couched within the scientific model we rely upon to answer questions of: What is normal and what is not? What is cause? What is coincidence? What is factual? What is fancy? What is reproducible? What is random? What is measurable? What is predictable? What is truth? What is consequence? What is "going on"?
Science is only a man made truth-seeking tool. It is fallible. It is a statistical, probabilistic mathematical model. It has limitations. Wielded for profit - truth can become lost.
Scientific methods, design, and analyses can just as soon hide the truth as they can discover truth, or create 'truth" de-novo.
Science cannot replace God-given tools of common sense and observation we all have. You do not need statistical probabilistic mathematical models, wielded by experts, to deny what you can see with your very own eyes.
If you place your hand on a hot stove element, you will be burned. If you do not experience pain and you cannot see the burn, then you will not learn that touching hot stove elements is harmful.
All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain. The brain has no pain receptors. You will not feel the pain. You can, however, see the footprints of these "burns" immediate and delayed, from each vaccination. The evidence was before our eyes all along. We simply did not appreciate what these "burns" meant let alone that they were emerging, after each vaccination. The "burns" are largely to internal organ systems. We can ALL now see the damaging effects of these "burns" with our own eyes.
As a physician, it is my sworn duty to cause no harm. As a human being, it is my duty to watch over my fellow beings. As an educator, it is my responsibility to teach awareness and understanding. As a scientist, it is my duty to separate cause from coincidence. As a Christian, it is my value to do unto others, as I would have others do unto myself. As a man, it is my responsibility to stand up to power, with truth and understanding, when those that wield power are in error.
My statements are not the words of a zealot. These are the words of integrity, couched with understanding, that has the potential to reside in every one of you.
Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you. I have sought. I have knocked. The door has been opened. I have found the truths I was seeking. The answers have not come from my own understandings. The answers are simply self-evident - res ipsa loquitur - the thing speaks for itself.
All vaccinations cause brain damage, disease, chronic illness, aging, and death - res veritas loquitur - the truth speaks for itself. If you do not seek, if you do not knock, if you do not look, if you trust your own understandings, then caveat emptor - buyer beware.
We have answers. We have solutions - www.Therapies4Kids.com . We cannot provide solutions or treatments to a medical system and model that denies it is sick.
My training has taught me how to translate anecdotal clinical observations into empirically sound clinical measurements in medicine, neurodevelopment, and human physiology. This is especially so in dealing with functions of the human brain and behavior.
The pictorial evidence attached to this article represents a small sample of the data I have now collected from thousands. The truth about all vaccinations causing harm is now available for your understanding.
The truth is frightening, disheartening, alarming, and now self-evident.
We have made a global medical mistake based on a lack of knowledge and understanding. We have translated forest fires for 1% of the population into chronic brush fires for the entire population. The brush fires are chronic illness and disease, least of which are the neurodevelopmental disorders.
12-IMAM Brain Damage measurement system
The measurement system I have created is based on the 12 cranial nerves and the clinical skills Doctors are supposed to use to assess brain function and integrity. I have called the measurement system the 12 "Eye" M.A.S.S. Anoxia Measures (12-IMAM).
[View with PicLens on web page]
M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow - "Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes." One-size-fits-all global vaccination schemes have created M.A.S.S. disorders on MASS scales. MASS disorders, from infectious diseases to vaccinations, have a common sequence of injuries which includes impaired blood flow, oxygenation, blood carrying capacity, and non-specific immune hyper-stimulation.
In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology - a component phase of the MASS physiological response.
Remarkably, it is not so much the specific "germs and toxins" that are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that causes pathology. The state of the blood, the nature of the triggers, the state of the immune system relative to repeat antigenic challenges, conspires to effect damages along a continuum of harm - all organ systems can be affected.
The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure. Direct vaccination is no longer necessary to be vaccine injured. Vaccinations are not the only trigger to pathology. Serial (repeat) vaccinations aggravate the core problems. Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own - from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.
Four features of the 12-IMAM measurement system that you can now see, include the eye turning in, the eye turning out, the smile becoming asymmetrical, and the eye blinks coming out of sync. These are strokes, from ischemia, throughout the brain and body, for all. Repeat vaccination is the primary culprit, however, vaccination is not the only cause of this MASS problem in human physiology.
If you repetitively dump a million rubber duckies at the mouth of the Mississippi river, where they become lodged downstream will vary from truckload to truckload. Repeat vaccination, by its effects on the non-specific immune system, is like dumping the triggers which call for repetitive "dumping" of millions of rubber duckies (white blood cells) at the head of the Mississippi river. Once the "triggers" are sequestered in various bottleneck end tributary river branches, they continuously attract more "rubber duckies" to these areas. This impairs blood flow and leads to a net loss of tissue by acute or slow strangulation.
It is the act and magnitude of the "rubber duckies" being called to these end vascular areas that causes congestion, impaired blood flow, lack of oxygen, glucose and nutrients to the affected tissue areas. Without oxygen or nutrients, he cells lining the walls of capillaries self-cauterize (clamp shut). This is a healing mechanism that must be instituted in order to prevent leakage of plasma and or blood into tissues.
With MASS impairs blood flow and oxygenation to the tiny blood vessels in the eye, we sometimes see "retinal hemorrhages." When MASS occurs in the brain, we call it intracerebral bleeding. When MASS occurs to the bones, we call it brittle bones. Collectively, we label this "shaken baby syndrome."
When the blood sludging MASS process happens to brainstem areas controlling automatic respiration, the central drive for respiration is lost. We call this sudden infant death or sudden death.
When M.A.S.S. happens to the descending motor tracts in the brain, we call this paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, infantile paralysis, seizures, encephalopathy.
CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. All of these children will show the same IMAM-12 ischemic brain damages as children who have been rendered autistic, learning disabled or dead after vaccinations. The process that causes brain damages from vaccination is also the same MASS process that causes all damages after vaccination - all vaccinations. It is not the vaccines doing this. It is "M.A.S.S." ischemia. Vaccines have been inadvertently concocted to induce MASS.
When M.A.S.S. happens to internal organs or connective tissue, we call it colitis, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, post-concussion syndrome, a psychiatric disorder.
When M.A.S.S. happens in infants, and children, we call it autism-spectrum disorders, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, Aspergers syndrome, global developmental delay, and some childhood cancers. Sometimes M.A.S.S. causes or compounds cerebral palsy - both conditions result from impaired oxygenation and blood flow to the brain.
Sometimes we call M.A.S.S. "Kawasaki" syndrome, "Moyamoya", 'aseptic meningitis", "encephalopathy", "Meningitis", hypsarrythmia, infantile spasms, West syndrome, or febrile seizures. It is all simply M.A.S.S. ischemia.
Autism and schizophrenia are the same ailment, in physiology, albeit the triggering pathways for schizophrenia (loss of immunological tolerance) has a different trajectory than acquired autism-spectrum disorders. Nonetheless, a similar mechanism is at work for both ailments - MASS ischemia from derailed blood flow.
When MASS happens in teen girls after Gardasil vaccination, it creates death, disease, illness, clouded thinking, and paralysis. Remarkably, the Gardasil shots are simply completing the silent ischemic vascular damages, to body and brain that were caused from each childhood vaccination the girl received. Sudden death is due to loss of central drive for respiration in the same manner that vaccinations are causing many cases of sudden infant death. Sometimes seizures may also occur. The course can be waxing and waning. All vaccines are causing these problems - silently, in an additive manner over each vaccination, for all of us. No one is spared.
When MASS happens in military and armed services personnel, this causes "Gulf war Syndrome."
When MASS happens to schizophrenia patients being treated with powerful psychotropic drugs that de-rail white blood cell functions, sudden "unexplained" death can occur by the same MASS sudden death sequence that vaccinations sometimes induce in infants and teen girls.
When MASS happens in the elderly, it causes a slow, step-wise deterioration in cognitive functions - we call this dementia. This is slow strangulation of brain tissue from ischemia at the microscopic level.
Febrile seizures are not caused by "fever". The fever expands the diameter of the tiny blood vessels so that more white blood cell infection fighting "soldiers" can traverse down the 'roads." When the blood vessel roads become jammed, by too many white blood cells, and altered fluid dynamics, there is ischemia. Ischemia causes a lack of oxygen to the brain.
No oxygen to electrically active cells causes depolarization. In the heart, ischemia causes arrhythmia - a seizure to the heart. In the brain, ischemia causes seizures - arrhythmia to the brain. Seizures are a symptom of impaired blood flow and oxygenation just like vaccine induced autism-spectrum is a symptom of the same process.
You can have autism without seizures. You can have seizures without autism. You can have brain damages with or without autism or seizures. This is all ischemia - immediate and delayed, from instability of blood flow dynamics.
I can make these statements of fact, and so can you, since the photographs you can now see, before and after vaccination, show we are all having ischemic microvascular strokes - silently. Some of these damages are called "bulbar palsies" and they are the exact same damages we saw from wild polio exposure as we now see from vaccinations. Remarkably, no one ever told you that wild polio and other infectious diseases, were inducing the body to cause ischemic strokes to the brain. Vaccinations induce the same process - albeit in an attenuated and chronic form.
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The ischemic brain damages, after vaccination, from infants to adults, cut across all symptom based medical diagnostic end points.
Type 1 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a MASS disorder, as is Parkinson Disease, Tourette's syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and several other neuropsychiatric disorders.
Aphasia and loss of expressive speech functions with vaccinations is called "isolation of speech syndrome" or "transcortical motor aphasia." This is caused by ischemia to end blood vessel watershed vascular territories in the brain - period.
Silent MASS ischemic strokes is how the body caused paralysis and respiratory failure from wild polio virus exposure. This is how death occurred from Smallpox. This is how swine flu vaccine caused paralysis and Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. This is how thalidomide caused infants to be born with no arms and legs. This is how a series of anthrax vaccines causes military veterans to give birth to children with no arms and legs 18 months after receiving the vaccine series. This is how Vioxx caused heart attack and stroke. This is how pre-natal German measles caused autism-spectrum and organ damages. This is how a systemic drop in maternal blood pressure, during gestation, causes Mobius syndrome (and autism-spectrum). This is how repeat vaccination is causing dementia.
M.A.S.S. is how vaccinations are causing a multitude of chronic illnesses and disease. It is not the germs causing this problem. It is the response of the body to de-railed and unbalanced immune challenges.
When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as blood flow diminishes and starts to "sludge", this impairs healing, cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas. The ischemia causes disease, autoimmunity, and some cancers if the cells are forced to function in a low energy, low oxygen state. It is not so much "Rome" that is being damaged as it is the roads to and from Rome that are being damaged first. The "fall of Rome" follows as the Romans are starved, strangulated, and forced to live in a "City" that can neither bring supplies in to repair damages, nor can it remove waste from within its central territory by efficient means to meet supply and demand. This is an example of too many Roman Centurions (white blood cells) called to Rome to protect the City. The Centurions, by magnitude and response, block the roads to Rome by virtue of a chronic "Call to Arms."
There is a better way to prevent disease. Vaccination only masks the cause of disease, it does nothing to address the core problem in physiology - the non-specific M.A.S.S. response and colloidal stability of blood flow dynamics. There are alternative solutions to controlling infectious diseases in populations that do not require injecting foreign substances into your body.
Doctors, pathologists, and coroners cannot see what is right before their very eyes. The cause of sudden infant death, and dementia, in life, is impaired microscopic blood flow. In death, there is no blood flow. Medical science cannot find cause of death and disease, in life, from looking at dead tissue, when the dead tissue exhibits the same cause of death during life - no microscopic end vascular blood flow.
A 300 foot Giant Redwood can transport water (nutrients and oxygen) against gravity from the ground to the very top of the tree. The redwood has no moving parts or pump. This transpiration feat is accomplished by the electrodynamics nature of water.
Human blood is 95% water. The human body is 75% water by weight. In physiology, when the electrodynamics quality of water is de-railed by heavy metals, infectious diseases, vaccinations, and other adverse influences, the water which carries oxygen, nutrients, glucose, and healing cells cannot traverse tiny blood vessels to deliver their life sustaining cargoes. This is especially true in end vascular "pipes" that are uniquely oriented against gravity. Blood flow is a function of the colloidal stability of the blood and its products.
The human blood is a colloidal suspension. Proteins. Amino acids, heavy metals etc.. are carried in suspension within the blood as a function of the net negative charge within the system. Drop the net negative charge, flow pressures in tiny end blood vessel "pipes" will start to sludge, agglomerate, and increase viscosity of blood in circumscribed microscopic vascular areas. Medical science has no live imaging tool powerful enough to see this process as it is happening.
By analogy, coffee cream remains in a fluid state when it is moving. If the cream remains stagnant in your coffee cup for several days, it will phase change into a gel. Stagnant blood also turns to sludge and "gel" when it stops moving in a spiral column. Stagnation causes an increase in mass as blood products "come together" to form various degrees of sludge and "gel".
Agglomerates of sludged blood products cannot traverse microscopic blood vessels designed to carry oxygen transporting red blood cells, in single file.Capillary blood vessels oriented against gravity are uniquely susceptible. Forward blood flow momentum is a function of the negative charge and "spin" in fluid dynamics which keeps particles with mass separated from one another.
Newtonian laws of physics govern how objects with mass move in our universe . The "Big G" is Newton's Universal Law that Force equals Acceleration x MASS. Increasing MASS (as in sludged blood) with no net increase in Force causes deceleration and no forward flow. No forward flow translates into no oxygen or fuel delivery. For the brain, and body, this causes hypoxia (low oxygen), anoxia (no oxygen) and ischemia (impaired blood flow).
In terms of vaccine damages, impaired forward blood flow in end vascular territories creates brain and organ damages - in us all. These damages have been clinically silent - for millennia. This ischemic process, from germs, toxins, to vaccinations, is the cause of much human disease, pain, and suffering. All vaccines are causing chronic disease, in our attempts to prevent acute disease. We never got rid of the problem, as we did not know what the problem was - until now.
There are some common "end vascular" blood vessels in the human brain, irrespective of age. It is for this reason that we see the exact same measurable signs of brain damage, immediate and delayed, from all vaccinations, for us all in the same manner we saw identical damages from the wild polio virus in the 1950's. Some of these damages are called bulbar palsies (paralyses) from impaired blood flow through the brain and brainstem. They were present from deadly infectious diseases as much as they are now present from vaccinations. This is slow death, for us all, rather than a fast death, for the few.
When there is impaired blood flow there is impaired oxygen delivery to tissue. Vaccines cause impaired blood flow in an immediate, delayed, waxing and waning pattern. This impairs oxygen delivery throughout the 60,000 miles of microscopic end blood vessel networks in the brain and body. Microscopic brain tissue regions can only survive 4 minutes in an absolute oxygen deprivation state.
Cerebral Vascular Network
Whenever you impair "flow" in any riverbed system, the first areas to "dry up" downstream are the weakest trickling streams furthest from the flow source. These areas are called "end vascular networks." If an area of tissue is served by a singular blood vessel branch, these areas are called "watershed vascular territories." These tissue areas are most susceptible to damages when blood flow is partly or completely impaired upstream. For example, the finger-tips, toe-tips, nose-tips, and ear-tips are most susceptible to frost bite as they are end vascular, watershed areas in the human body.
The evidence you can now see, represents the beginning of the end of a flawed medical model and system that has caused the greatest harm, by man-kind to man-kind, in the history of recorded history. Remarkably, we managed to perpetrate these acts under the guise of the greater good, for handsome profit, endorsed by political leaders, corporate merchants, public health officials, and medical professionals alike - they don't know what they don't know - a part of the problem.
Debates over the safety, efficacy, and utility of the one-size-fits-all global vaccination programs has reached a fervent pitch. According to the World Health Organization there are 43 million vaccinations administered globally, on any given day. As citizens, we are told "leave the science to scientists." If you do not have a medical or advanced science degree, your input is irrelevant." You are told children can handle ten thousand vaccinations safely as they are all attenuated, killed germs, or weakened."
The problem is that medical science has not known what to measure in order to ensure safety - for all. Now that we have the hard, clinically reproducible, see for yourself measures of neurological damages, we can now see that ALL vaccinations, just like the wild viruses in the pre-vaccine era, are causing tissue, organ, and brain damages. These damages exist along a continuum of harm. The damages are additive with each vaccination received - you can now see this. The clinically silent adverse effects include derailments of all organ systems, to death. We call these adversities by a plethora of clinical labels that are seemingly unrelated to the causal event - repeat vaccinations.
Remarkably, I can now make these bold statements as we can all now see, with our own eyes, the ischemic brain damages, for us all, across ALL vaccinations, from infancy to adulthood, immediately and delayed, irrespective of the end organ damages or clinical diagnostic labels that emerge.
We are selling you vaccines, for profit, which are causing illnesses and death. We then sell you symptom based pharmaceutical products, for profit, to treat the damages and disorders we have caused.
Remarkably, I can now say that the vaccine damages extend to the realm of cancers in addition to varied autoimmune and neurodevelopment disorders.
Determining the cause of a particular disease or disorder, in medical physiology, is the first "Bright Step Forward" towards providing rational, targeted, therapeutic interventions to recover from the damages by which a particular disease and disorder state emerged.
All vaccinations are causing "silent" brain and organ damages in exactly the same way that wild polio virus caused paralysis and respiratory failure and how other infectious "plaques" of days gone by, have crippled, maimed, paralyzed, and killed. This is now proven. The damages are additive and summative with each vaccination given. The organ, tissue, and brain damages have been clinically silent, - until now.
You may now see, with your own eyes and understanding, amongst your own family and loved ones,. Evidence now before the United States federal Circuit Courts on vaccine injuries proves that we have ALL been harmed, and are being harmed, by this universal one-size-fits-all vaccination program. Some of this evidence is compiled in an educational 3 disk, 6 hour DVD series entitled: "Tolerance Lost - Volumes 1 to 3.
The Tolerance Lost DVD series, a USA vaccine legal exemption guidebook, and a evidence of harm materials are available at <http://www.BrainGuardMD.com>www.BrainGuardMD.com, , or by calling 1-877-NOW-I-CAN.
For answers, solutions, assessment, and help - please contact us directly at 1-877-NOW-I-CAN. www.Therapies4Kids.com, www.BrightStepsForward.org.
There are ways to address the MASS problem and to enable healing to occur even for those that have been damaged. This does not require placing foreign substances or synthetic drugs in the human body - MASS FLO2 LIFE is where the answers must start.
God heals, and the doctor collects the fee. We have reached a time, in history, that we must return to paying fees to the master physician as the medical sciences, in dogma and discourse, has clearly led us a stray.
"Be the change we must see in the worldSone Bright Step Forward at a time."
The global vaccination program is an evil deed, perpetrated by mankind against mankind, for profit, based on a fallible man made tool ('scientific method") that can just as soon convince you that the what you see with your own eyes is not true as it can be wielded to "prove" the non-existence of G-D.
These vaccines, as it turns out, are like a maddening wine, which political leaders and "Kings" of the earth have enabled merchants of the planet to grow rich from, at the expense of our collective health and wellness.
The next issue of Spectrum magazine will contain more of the empirical, see for yourself, data and science to explain how this has happened, why it is happening, and what we must now do to help us all.
Matthew 13:41 "The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend them which do iniquity.
These autism children are Angels. These vaccines are iniquity. The evidence now before you beckons your spirit, body, mind, and soul to "come out of her my people" as you see God's desire and character more clearly. Mystery, Babylon the Great.
Without Faith, without hope, we are lost. Faith and hope can be found. 1-877-NOW-I-CAN
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD
BrainGuardMD.com "12-IMAM"
Therapies4Kids.com ; BrightStepsForward.org
1-877-NOW-I-CAN for assessment and help
VacTRUTH Author's Note:
Other articles and media concerning Dr. Andrew Moulden:
1. Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden
2. Video interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden
3. See how the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine caused the same general response in the body in which Dr. Andrew Moulden is referring to in this article.
Copyright Vaccine Research Project. All Rights Reserved.
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