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The Health Care Reform Sell-Out
Why Barack Obama and the Democrats
are Either Shysters or Idiots
By Dave Lindorff
As I wrote months ago in an article titled America's Stupid Health Care Debate: Keeping Some Ideas Off the Table
http://thiscantbehappening.net/?q=node/276 and several subsequent pieces on thiscantbehappening.net,  President Obama and the Democrats who currently run Congress have been hoist on their own
collective petard by their craven and gutless refusal to consider adopting a Canadian-style single-payer system to finance health care in the US, or simply to expand Medicare, which is a successful single- payer program, to cover everyone, instead of just people over 65 and the disabled.
Instead, because they are the recipients of hundreds of millions of dollars in legal (and probably plenty of illegal) bribes from the health care industry, they have cobbled together a "reform" in name only, which preserves not just the central role of the vampire-like health insurance industry, but also ensures the continued rapacious profitability of the other segments of the medical-industrial complex-the hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, and the specialist doctors.
Now, like Hillary and Bill Clinton before them, these weasels and slimeballs who pose as the people's advocates are left with nothing but a Potemkin Health Plan that looks on the outside lie a reform, but that changes little or nothing, leaves vast numbers of Americans uninsured, forces tens of millions to buy crappy plans from private companies, and that will end up doing nothing to halt the continuing rise in health care costs that is bankrupting the people, employers and the country.
Nice going guys!
Let's for a moment consider what could have happened...
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