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'The Art Of War' & Peace
By Jim Kirwan
The Art of War: "Written 2,500 years ago by Chinese general Sun Tzu, The Art of War is a poetic and potent treatise on military strategy still in use in war colleges around the world. Yet its principles transcend warfare and have practical applications to all the conflicts and crises we face in our lives-in our workplaces, our families, even within ourselves."
This is the penultimate doctrine for the uses of war and the necessities of balance in a conflicted world. "Thomas Cleary's translation of Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' makes immediately relevant one of the greatest Chinese classical texts. There's not a dated maxim or a vague prescription in it. (1)
'To win without fighting is best,' Sun Tzu said. For him war was coeval with life." ­ NEWSWEEK
In order to understand what's been happening to us, we need to look at the core requirements inherent in "wars" as these primary considerations have always determined the outcome of any real conflict. The larger the war, the more important are Sun Tzu's maxim's for the survivability of the planet and the populations now trying to survive the current onslaught.
"Military action is important to the nation-it is the ground of death and life, the path of survival and destruction, so it is imperative to examine it."
TC: The ground means the location, the place of the pitched battle-gain the advantage and you live, lose the advantage and you die. The path means the way to adjust to the situation and establish victory-find this and you survive, lose this and you perish.
K: Consider that the New World Order is waging an entirely new kind of war; a war without fronts, a war of lies and deceptions on every front and for every heart without a mind of its own.
Our 'enemy' in this war has been our enemy always, because these creatures have envied the world for everything unique and everything human which they have never possessed; creativity, imagination, personal ethics and pride in the simple-act of the living of a life. Instead they have coveted resources, land, and the artificial-wealth that they believe leads to 'total-power' over all other beings on the planet. They are making the same mistakes every tyrannical-empire has always made-seeking far too much in their total-war for total-control over both humanity and the entire earth.
In this New Millennium, the New World Order has staked everything on completing this war for which they have hungered for at least a thousand years. But they have already failed because they are stupid and they refuse to recognize this fact. They are also terrified of us and of their own failures that they are already reacting to in dozens of ways, each and every day.
One clear clue to this was clearly shown to the entire world in the aftermath of the War on Lebanon in 2006. Using the Zionist military-forces of the NWO as their spearpoint they viciously attacked Lebanon but were unable to penetrate (more than five miles) inside that nation. As that war wound down they showed us their FEAR by dropping millions of Cluster-bombs upon the civilian population that they knew would continue to kill; long after that "war" was ended. In this 'war' our enemy used their concept of vast 'CONSPIRACIES' as their primary weapon of mass-destruction by obfuscation. They have chosen to spread misdirection and deception with the same approach (psychologically) as they used in Lebanon when they carpet-bombed that tiny nation with cluster-bombs that continue to kill the unsuspecting long after these tiny time-bombs of conspiracy and death, had been dropped into place.
"OF ALL THE statistics to emerge from Israel's recent war on Lebanon, the most shocking concerns the number of cluster bombs that Israel dropped on or fired into Lebanon.
A cluster bomb is made up of a canister that opens and releases hundreds of individual bomblets, which are dispersed and explode over a wide area, showering it with molten metal and lethal fragments.
About 40% of the bomblets dropped by Israel (many of which were American-made) did not explode in the air or on impact with the ground. They now detonate when someone disturbs them - a soldier, a farmer, a shepherd, a child attracted by the lure of a shiny metal object.
When the count of unexploded cluster bomblets passed 100,000, the United Nation's undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Jan Egeland, expressed his disbelief at the scale of the problem.
"What's shocking and, I would say to me, completely immoral," he said, "is that 90% of the cluster-bomb strikes occurred in the last 72 hours of the conflict, when we knew there would be a resolution, when we really knew there would be an end of this."
That was on Aug. 30, by which time U.N. teams had identified 359 separate cluster-bomb sites.
Since then, the true dimensions of the problem have become even clearer: 770 cluster-bomb sites have now been identified. And the current U.N. estimate is that Israel dropped between 2 million and 3 million bomblets on Lebanon, of which up to a million have yet to explode. In fact, it is estimated that there are more unexploded bomblets in southern Lebanon than there are people. They lurk in tobacco fields, olive groves, on rooftops, in farms, mixed in with rubble. They are injuring two or three people every day, according to the United Nations, and have killed 20 people since the cease-fire in August.
"What we did was insane and monstrous," one Israeli commander admitted to the newspaper Haaretz. "We covered entire towns in cluster bombs." (2)
Any truly powerful force would not need to rely upon such weapons, but as Israel clearly lost The War-on-Lebanon in 2006; all they could do then was to continue to slaughter the civilian population which their planes and tanks and high-tech American technology could not defeat.
"The vaunted IDF, (claiming to be a defensive force only) is losing this action, despite their missiles, their complete air superiority, and massive weapons systems. As long as Hezbollah's missiles continue to hit their targets, inside Israel: the governments of the USA and Israel shall continue to demand the right to bomb Syria and Iran, as "the only way to end this resistance." Of course that course is hideously misguided because if that is done then the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon will awaken - as both these nations have more than a little at stake in the Middle-East as well. But since Olmert and Cheney-Bush have no military expertise, and even less ability when it comes to strategic thinking - this eventuality was never part of their short-sighted power-play that both the USA and Israel are guilty of financing, designing, and prosecuting.
One bizarre footnote in all of this is that while the state of Israel hides behind anti-Semitism as their justification against everyone that opposes them: Israel for its part continues to make war on the real Semites, the Palestinians and the Arabs communities they truly have come to hate. When Israeli's comprised only about 5 % of Palestine, they were welcomed by the Palestinians with open arms. But after they murdered their way into approaching statehood, they thanked their hosts the same way that the early-Americans thanked the native population here - by massacring them!" (3)
There can be no future for humanity on this planet until we settle the crimes of the past. But before that can happen we must deal with the creatures that continue to threaten everyone who is not part of their planned extermination. The 'secret' of their FEAR of US has been writ large for all the world to see: They are afraid-VERY AFRAID, of the power that resides, unused within each and every one of us. If they were half as strong as they want us to believe they are: They would already have done all that they continue to threaten us with; from total lockdown to imprisonment of the entire population-but they can't do it because as Sun Tzu points out they cannot manage the logistics, the supply lines or anything else that is required to wage (and win) that kind of total All-Out-War!
If more proof of their inherent failure-in-tactics were needed, then just watch this old-video of what they were promising with the bombing of Iran, nineteen months ago-but have still not managed to accomplish. (4)
Our enemy's have become very AFRAID for their own lives; just as they have come to fear each other, because traitors can never trust anyone besides themselves for very long. We need to build upon 'their-fears' and divide-them from each other, instead of just waiting for their next obscenity to befall us from their dictatorial mandates which they continue to try to inflict upon the public. If these creatures succeed they will have reduced the multiplicity of the Universe, to an Under-verse of a single obsessed empire-of-the-weak; supported by a herd-mind without purpose, but nonetheless under their total-control. If we care about anything at all then we need to concentrate on unmasking these Outlaws and ending the obscenities in their inhuman-doctrines that have no place in any viable world.
Read the work of Sun Tzu for yourself and you can easily see just how many ways these Barbarians have underestimated us, while they have exaggerated their own strengths beyond any possible reality. If we, as individuals, could begin to understand "The Art of War," then we will also grasp exactly how actual-peace can be obtained: Not in some unimaginably far-distant future; but here and now where 'peace' must become part of every life and every potential future. It's our choice, and Sun Tzu's very short book is available everywhere in paperback. . .
1) The Art of War
2) Lebanon's War with Cluster Bombs
3) Who Will Stop the Countdown
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