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Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11
From Dick Eastman
Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11
There is no answer to this conclusive evidence that the WTC towers were deliberately demolished with pre-planted devices while two thousand people were still inside and trying to get out. There is no excuse for any American not to be up in arms and thankful that we have proof and full justification to bring down the Money Power which at this minute has its bloody hands around our economic throats.
Let no one doubt that the WTC buildings were brought down by thermite devices planted in the building with full knowledge and cooperation of Larry Silversteen, close friend of Ariel"We-the-Jewish-People-Control-America-and-The-Americans-Know-it" Sharon.
Begining with Larry Silversteen, it is time to arrest each accomplice within the Perle-Wolfowitz-Kissinger network of Neo-Cons, profiteering Zionist Money Merchants and mercenary killers domestic and foreign we know were involved. The Pentagon evidence was sufficient to convict them all, but the discovery of Dr. Steven Jones, carefully explained here, does for Silverstein what the Pentagon evidence does for Donald Rumsfeld and the entire Pentagon leadership.
Whoever impedes the necessary arrests at this point must be counted as complicit in this capital offense of treason, conspiracy, high-crimes and New Federal "hate crimes" according to our laws -- but more than that, they must be considered enemies of the United States under direct attack by a foreign enemy who has infiltrated our command structure.
Losing this war will carry a cost we cannot bear. To save anything, everyone must be staked on fighting and winning against this consiracy.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
Chistopher Bollyn Dr. Steven Jones
Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11
The spectacular explosions that accompanied the impact of the planes provide evidence of having been created by Thermate containing barium nitrate which produced the light orange flame and white smoke. Understanding how Thermite works sheds new light on the photographic evidence of 9-11.
The discovery of Thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is solid scientific proof that this steel-melting and steel-vaporizing explosive was used to demolish the twin towers on 9-11. The peer-reviewed scientific paper (2009, Niels Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al) that presents the evidence of Super-Thermite (nano-sized Thermite compounds) in the dust of the twin towers is the result of years of investigation.
The white smoke and molten iron seen in this photo are evidence of Thermite
ausing the collapse of the tower.
Understanding the importance of this discovery and the evidence of the use of Thermite in the spectacles that unfolded on 9-11 is central to understanding how the towers were demolished, a heinous crime in which some three thousand people lost their lives. This is why, I believe, Dr. Steven E. Jones and I were both attacked in August-September 2006.
During the spring and summer of 2006, Jones and I had worked closely on interpreting the evidence that pointed to the use of Thermite. I was attacked in the middle of August at my home by a team of unidentified thugs, which had been prowling around my house and who turned out to be an undercover police tactical unit connected to the Dept. of Homeland Security.
Dr. Jones, on the other hand, was trapped by a wily NPR radio host who, with a team of Zionist Jews, ganged up on Jones and pressured BYU to suspend him for comments they maliciously misinterpreted and then deemed to be anti-Semitic. It was no coincidence that two 9-11 researchers who were investigating the use of Thermite were both attacked within three weeks.
Because Jones' research was focused primarily on the use of Thermite at the World Trade Center and because I had worked closely with him, it certainly appears that a decision had been made during the summer of 2006 by the culprits of 9-11 to attack, vilify, and discredit both of us. The fact that the three people who led the attack on Jones were all Zionist Jews clearly reveals the nature of the group that was being protected.
Bollyn and Dr. Steven E. Jones discuss the evidence of
Thermite in the spring of 2006.
After visiting Jones at the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah in the early spring of 2006, I went to the University of California at Davis where I met with Dr. Thomas Cahill, who had studied the particles in the smoke that rose from the pile of rubble at Ground Zero. The Davis DRUM, which measured the quantities and sizes of the particles from the smoke, found an extraordinarily large amount of extremely small particles and nano-size particles of many metals in the bluish smoke that rose from the pile. This hazy smoke rose from the pile until the fires burned themselves out in late December 2001. Such particles, Cahill said, could only be produced in fires hotter than the boiling point of the metals.
This was scientific proof that beneath the rubble of the twin towers were extreme hot spots in which iron boiled for more than 15 weeks. That is a most unusual fire. Given the fact that these super-intense fires were raging in oxygen-starved conditions, it became clear that an aluminothermic reaction like Thermite was creating these hot spots.
The bluish smoke that rose from the pile contained large amounts of nanosized particles of metals created only in fires hotter than the boiling point of the metal. Neither the lack of air nor the continuous dousing with water affected these incredibly intense hot spots. This is evidence of thermite, which can be used underwater, cooking under the pile.
I returned to Provo with photocopies of the key chapters of USGS chemical survey of the dust. This survey contained several photos of tiny balls of iron found in the dust. These spheres were solid evidence that large amounts of molten iron accompanied the destruction of the World Trade Center.
These spheroids of iron are one of the products of a Thermite reaction. When Thermite, a compound of aluminum and iron oxide, reacts, the products are aluminum oxide, a white smoke, and molten iron. The exothermic reaction releases a great deal of heat as well. The addition of a small amount of sulfur (2 percent) increases the effectiveness of the steel melting or steel vaporizing process (eutectic) while barium nitrate creates a light orange flame.
The thermite compound with sulfur or barium nitrate is known as Thermate, an incendiary pyrotechnic composition that generates short bursts of exceedingly high temperatures. It should be noted that steel beams and columns were found to have been melted and vaporized in the remains of the three collapsed towers. The FEMA report about the collapsed twin towers noted the vaporized steel beams (Barnett) and said that the areas where this had occurred showed signs of sulfidation. None of this could be explained and the FEMA report presented evidence of steel that had been affected by Thermate without using the word.
The FEMA- sponsored Building Performance Study of 2002 contains evidence of Thermate-melted steel. This is found in the "Limited Metallurgical Examination" written by Professor Jonathan Barnett.
Barnett examined two pieces of melted steel: one from the WTC 7, the other from the TwinTowers. About the first piece, Barnett wrote: "The thinning of the steel occurred by a high-temperature corrosion due to the combination of oxidation and sulfidation."
This was done by "a eutectic mixture of iron, oxygen, and sulfur that liquefied the steel," he concluded.
Barnett found the same sulfidation in the piece of melted steel from the TwinTowers. "The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event," Barnett wrote. "No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified." Professor Jones points to Thermate, with 2 percent sulfur, as being the most likely culprit. The oxidation and sulfidation of the steel requires the oxygen and sulfur being "intimately in contact with the metal at high temperature," Jones said.
Super-Thermite is a form of Thermite composed of nano-size particles which makes the reaction explosive.
The evidence is now clear. Large amounts of Thermite/Thermate were placed in the towers (WTC 1, 2 & 7) and were responsible for cutting the core columns, slicing the trusses and beams, and pulverizing the concrete in the floors.
The photo shows a core column that has been cut with Thermite.
The steel walls of the core columns were 4 inches thick at the base of the towers.
Thermate with barium nitrate was used as an "incendiary pyrotechnic" during the first explosions that accompanied the planes hitting the buildings, while nano-sized Super-Thermite was exploded during the demolition to pulverize the concrete in the 220 floor pans of the twin towers. Thermite cutting charges were also used to cut the core columns to initiate the collapses. The people who engineered the demolition of the World Trade Center clearly did not like the fact that their Thermite secret was being revealed in 2006 and decided to stifle the voices of those who were discussing the evidence. The people who reacted are connected to the people who placed the Thermite in the towers.
When one understands how Thermite and Thermate work, and that these violent reactions produce intense heat, white smoke, and molten iron, the visible evidence of thermitic reactions in the photographs and videos of 9-11 becomes quite obvious. The evidence of flowing molten metal preceded by pressure pulses of white smoke are clearly indicative of thermitic reactions, and can be seen in many videos and photos of the towers.
A large flow of molten iron could be seen falling from the 81st floor of WTC 2 five minutes before it collapsed. The light yellow color of the metal indicates that is is well over 1,000 degrees C.
If this were aluminum, as some would argue, it would have melted at about 660 degrees C. and would appear silver-grey in daylight conditions.
Molten aluminum appears silverish in daylight.
(Aluminum processing, Micron Infrared Inc.)
The chips of Super-Thermite and balls of previously molten iron in the dust and rubble are solid evidence of the use of Thermite. When the use of Thermite/Thermate in the destruction of the World Trade Center is understood, the entire scam is revealed. The three towers did not fall due to airplane crashes caused by Islamic terrorists; they were demolished by Zionists working with the owners and lease-holders of the towers: Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy.
The following series of photographs of the explosions in the South Tower were take by Todd Rengel. Rengel is standing N.E. of the towers and is catching the view of the corner of WTC 2 from which the plane and its fuel are emerging after having crashed into the South side of the tower. In the first photo a great deal of white smoke and cascading molten metal can be seen in front of the exploding fuel fire.
The falling molten metal is clearly producing white smoke.
The area through which the molten metal fell is now full of white smoke, which disperses in the following photos.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31, Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, and Bradley R. Larsen
A Citizen Action Plan to Demand the Truth of 9-11, April 15, 2009
From 2006 Articles:
"The White Flames of Thermite," April 21, 2006
"The Censored Evidence of Thermite," April 27, 2006
"Why Did Iron Boil beneath the Rubble?" May 6, 2006
"The Suppressed Photos of Thermite Explosions," May 26, 2006
"Open Letter to NIST Investigators," May 26, 2006
"Who is behind the Attack on Professor Jones?" September 17, 2006
From 2007 Articles:
"9-11 Planes Flew Into Secure Computer Rooms," January 12, 2007
"Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?" Jan uary 18, 2007
"Is this Thermate Exploding at the NorthTower?" January 25, 2007
"Thermate Fragment Shooting from the NorthTower?" January 25, 2007
What about the attack on the Penagon?
The Highest Treason Substantiated Pts.1-5
by Dick Eastman, thanks to Jeff Rense and his webmaster James Neff
Ed Ward, MD
Understanding The Scam of Thermite on 911' by Dick Eastman, Dr. Steven Jones
A simple rebuttal to the lunacy of http://www.rense.com/general86/therm.htm
This BS 'Bogus Science' has been addressed previously by me with a tremendous amount of factual evidence so I will not spend much time on this scam BS other than to post the previous referenced facts. 
I will address one statement that is so rediculous as to be laughable in its ignorance and stupidity if it weren't for the fact it being used to hide/scam the real facts of the destruction which by definition are those obstructing justice and accessories to murder: http://www.rense.com/general85/911.htm
"This was scientific proof that beneath the rubble of the twin towers were extreme hot spots in which iron boiled for more than 15 weeks. ...it became clear that an aluminothermic reaction like Thermite was creating these hot spots."
Similar burn-rates around 350 m/s are measured for these "super-thermites" http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/sec_subscribe.asp?CID=2642&DID=115853&action=detail A proven quote from my article dealing with the "The BS 'Bogus Science' of 'Explosive SuperThermite' Versus the Facts of a 'Deflagration Material'. http://www.rense.com/general77/geddno.htm
There are approximately 2,628,000 seconds in a month. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080904102842AAuCDvw 2,628,000 seconds X 3.75 months = 9,855,000 seconds. 350 meters X 9,855,000 seconds = 3,449,250,000 meters (approximately 3.45 Billion meters or 2,14 Million miles) of thermite length would be needed to burn for 15 weeks.
Wow, that's kinda long but maybe the super duper double top secret thermate was also super thin and they were able to hide 2.14 million miles of super thin thermate, so how much would it have to weigh?
It takes about 1 gm of enhanced thermate to bring 1 gm of steel to melting point - a one to one ratio. So how much would it take to bring 5 acres of land 15 feet deep to the 1600 degrees?
"at the US NIST, the average density of dirt is 120 lbs per cubic foot." http://ts.nist.gov/ts/htdocs/230/235/weightcart/historyof105-8.pdf 
There are 27 cubic feet in a yard. http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.04/carol3.html So 120 lbs/cubic ft X 27 cubic ft = 3240 lbs/cubic yard
One acre is equal to 4840 square yards and your pond is 15 feet or 5 yards deep therefore the number of cubic yards is 4840x15 or 72600 cubic yards.<http://www.blurtit.com/q6688887.html>http://www.blurtit.com/q6688887.html We have no official numbers on the depth of the 1600 degree temperature of the 5 to 7 acres of land, but unofficial estimates seem to indicate about 15 feet, so lets use that.
3240 lbs/cubic yd X 72600/per acre = 235,224,000 lbs/acre. At a minimum 5 acres of land was brought to seering temperatures so 235,224,000 X 5 = 1,176,120,000 lbs. So based on these basic approximate calculations the 'super thin invisible super top secret super thermate' would have to have been 2.14 Million miles long and would to have weighed approximately 1.176 Billion pounds. 
The 911 Traces of Tritium Lie is Obstruction of Justice by Accessories to Murder. http://www.rense.com/general85/911.htm
Other Referenced Factual Articles of Evidence
TCN&911WIJ - Thermate, C4-like explosive, a Nuclear device & 911 Was an Inside/Outside Job!
1. Three Massive WTC Craters - See us gov LIDAR proof: http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm
2. Five Acres of WTC Land Brought to Seering Temperatures in a Few Hours by an 'Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled "Fire" - Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See us gov Thermal Images proof: http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm
3. Tritium Levels 55 Times (normal) Background Levels assessed a numerical value of 'traces' and 'of no human concern'. See us gov (DOE report) proof:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/message/141 
4. An Impossible "Fire" (Combustion Process). See Laws of Physics for Fire/Combustion Process and Dr. Cahill's data on 'anaerobic incineration'. http://rense.com/general77/newlaws.htm 
5. 3 Billion pounds of building instantly turned into 2 Billion pounds of micronized dust. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/09/25/ward.htm 
6. 16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them and suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm
7. Hiroshima effect cancers in responders and locals. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm
All of the above are facts are proven with referenced links of reputable data sources - many are from the government itself and more... Ed Ward, MD - 911 Related Articles - TCN&911WIJ - Chronological: 
Bombs in the WTC Buildings Proves Nothing to Racist-Fascist Bigots http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/08/21/ward.htm 
Micro-Nukes at the WTC http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/09/25/ward.htm 
Update: Micro-Nukes at the WTC http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm 
Update: Proves Micro Nukes in the WTC ttp://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/04/16/ward.htm 
Verifying the Source of WTC Tritium Levels that Are 55 Times "Background Levels" http://www.rense.com/general76/wtc.htm 
Prof. Jones Denies, Ignores, Misrepresents Proven Tritium Levels 55 Times Background Levels http://www.rense.com/general77/levels.htm 
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