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The 'Holocaust' For Dummies
Internet Sources
1. In 1939, there were officially nearly 15,700,000 Jews in the world.(1) After the Second World War, that number had risen to over 18,000,000 Jews.(2) What this means is that of the 15,700,000 original Jews on the planet, 6,000,000 were allegedly gassed, leaving only some 9,000,000-plus Jews on Earth. However, the world Jewish population somehow rebounded - and doubled - to over 18,000,000 in less than nine years-an astronomical feat.
2. From the beginning, there was always the 'SIX MILLION' of which 4,000,000 were allegedly gassed at Auschwitz. Then, in 1990, it was discovered that only 1.5 million were supposedly gassed at Auschwitz, a difference of 2.5 million less. Yet, the sacred Six Million figure remained untouched and unchallenged, even though no instant replacement for the 2.5 million was ever found.
3. During this time frame, the Director of the Auschwitz State Museum, Dr. Franciszek Piper, announced that the so-called gas chamber there had been fabricated by the Soviets AFTER the war (as a propaganda device to keep the world focused on the evils of Nazi Germany while the Bolshevik communists continued to consume as much of Europe as they could). Dr. Piper's statement is on videotape.
4. But there's more. The International Red Cross, formally and officially reported that less than 300,000 internees of all nationalities in the German camps died of all causes, including old age.(3) And of these, barely more than half were Jews. Most of these died in several severe typhoid epidemics caused by wartime conditions, which claimed many lives throughout Germany - including those of doctors, nurses and camp administrative personnel.
5. Even these deaths were too much for the German authorities. On December 8, 1942, Heinrich Himmler, chief commandant of all detention facilities, issued an order stating categorically: "The death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs."
6. In all of German-occupied Europe there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews claimed "survivor" benefits from the German government.
7. It was a miracle. According to The New York Times of Sunday, January 4, 1987, celebrated survivor Elie Wiesel recalled "the day the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz." However, in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington D.C., reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency on April 11, 1983, he had a different recollection. (4) He noted that he was "one of the survivors liberated at Dachau by the U.S. Army" on April 15, 1945-and thus became the only prisoner of war to hold the distinction of being liberated from two different camps in World War II.
8. Not to be outdone by The Wiesel, famous "Nazi-hunter" Simon Wiesenthal died serenely at age 96, knowing that, according to BBC News, he had personally survived no fewer than 12 Nazi "death camps."
9. In 1948, a story appeared about a hapless Jewish girl who was done in by the Nazis. It was written with a ballpoint pen, something that did not appear on the market until after the war. It was called "The Diary of Anne Frank." This document remains highly controversial to this day.
10. So, where did this 'SIX MILLION' figure come from? For that, we must go back to one Ilya Ehrenburg (5), chief Soviet propagandist during the Second World War who later died in Israel. It was Ehrenberg who first coined the mystic number on Dec. 22, 1944 long before tens of thousands of Jewish internees in German camps, given the choice of staying to be 'liberated" by the Communists or fleeing West with their German captors, did not hesitate to choose the latter option.
You are encouraged to do you own research on these and scores of other questions relating to World War 2 and the German concentration labor camps.
1- The American Jewish Committee cites a figure of 15,688,259.
2- The Jewish-owned New York Times for Feb. 22, 1948, uses a figure of 18,700,000.
3- When the Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war, asking whether they had witnessed alleged "gassings," the response was universally negative. According to IRC document #9925, June, 1946: "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them."
4- In his book Legend of Our Time, New York, 1982, The Weasel explained: "Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are-although they never occurred."
5-The monstrous lies of this Jewish psychopath succeeded in creating a climate of rabid, anti-German hate which led to the death of millions. Here is a typical example of the genocidal daily fare served up to Soviet troops, taken from an Oct. 1944 leaflet to the Red Army: "Kill! Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. Follow the words of Comrade Stalin and crush the fascist beast in its lair. Break the racial pride of the German woman. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the glorious Soviet army!"
From Jim Kirwan
This clearly illustrates the importance of knowing the history of this topic as the record apparently contains the key to understanding much of what continues to plague the world today. Had Obama (or the world) been even remotely aware of these numbers, (and the recent changes in their reality): He might have avoided being the fool he obvioulsy is and was, on his recent trip to the Middle-East. This also lends perspective and context to the new 'hate laws' that Obmanation is advocating be applied to American citizens and to our individual right to explore the facts on this topic for ourselves.
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