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Dangers In The Shots - Components
Of H1N1 Vaccines
They are considered a biodefense agents.

By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
© 2009 - All Rights Reserved
Please NOTE: As of August 1, 2009, no long-term, independent safety trial studies have been done for any of the different and new flu vaccines that are supposed to be given/forced on all Americans ­whether we want them or not. , After the World Health Organization [WHO] declared a Level 6 "pandemic" on June 11, the US government has mandated that all Americans over the age of six months be vaccinated. Although WHO cannot technically interfere with the internal laws of the US, they can and already have put enormous pressure on our government (and, thereby, our own laws) to require all citizens to get these toxic vaccine shots. There are to be no exceptions to this new illegal US ruling. Further, WHO is not even tracking the actual number of laboratory confirmed cases of H1N1. So, how can it be called a "pandemic"? This year's flu is mild.
There has been a tremendous rush (called "fast-tracked") to get these vaccines on the market. The tests they have done were only a few days to a few weeks long. This is totally insufficient time to determine any realistic, long-term, and potentially hazardous immune responses. Nothing has been done in any responsible manner. There is absolutely no Precautionary Principle (first do no harm) in place. What we have, first and foremost, are both out-of-control greed and scare tactics. These are directed to uninformed citizens, while the international pharmaceutical companies will make billions of dollars, with the very real potential of enormous harm to millions of victims is looming ever closer.
We all are their experimental lab rats. There is no concern about harming or killing anyone, because the companies (GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter, and Novartis, and others) have been indemnified by the government, so that there is absolutely no recourse for any deaths or injuries these vaccines may cause. Why would they do that, if these vaccines were safe? What secret and criminal plans were done behind closed doors to hatch this real X-Files plot? From investigative reports by Jane Burgermeister, Dr. A. True Ott, and Canadian doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt (author of "Medica Mafia"), it appears that there is criminal collusion between officials in the US government, WHO/UN, and the pharmaceutical corporations.(1)
In a call yesterday to a friend who is a doctor in California, she told me ominously: "60% of Americans could die from these vaccines." Is this what lies ahead for us in the next few months? 12,000 children ages 3-12, will be guinea pigs for these flu vaccines. It is unethical and unconscionable. To possibly rig the results, the children will be getting injections of different vaccines than will be delivered to the rest of the population this Fall. Is this the cesspool that is hijacking our country? Do we all go ­lost in our daily routines, refusing to wake to the grave consequences that face us!-- merrily down a path leading to such Orwellian destruction?
Here are some historical reminders of past flu epidemics. They were all contrived and created in some hidden laboratory.
The vaccine used in the mandated 1976 supposed swine flu "epidemic" caused the deaths of 2,000 people before it was removed; and 4,000 filed injury law suits. Before that, it was the Salk polio vaccine, also fast-tracked with $9-million of tax-payer money, to inoculate 57-million Americans before it was even proved to be safe to use. And it wasn't. African green monkey kidney tissue was used to grow the polio virus; and it proved to have long-term and deadly effects. In 1955, the "British Medical Journal warned against the used of the Salk polio vaccine."(2) The warning, and there were others as well, was ignored. Before genetic engineering opened a Pandora's Box, this vaccine "was an uncontrolled experiment in interspecies viral transmission."(3) Long-term, but not known then (in the financial rush to get this vaccine produced), the use of this monkey's tissue was to be the cause of cancers detected much later. This cancer-causing monkey virus, known as SV40 (still debated in some medical circles) is documented in "The Virus and the Vaccine: The true story of a cancer-causing monkey virus, contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the millions of Americans Exposed."(4)
There are countless stories of vaccinations causing death, seizures, and other permanent injuries. Over many years, Robert F. Kennedy's has waged a valiant campaign about the dangers of vaccines. His article about what he calls "Deadly Immunity" has been re-printed just this past week.(5) It is yet another reminder of a path continuously trodden by rapacious multi-national corporations, and always with grave consequences that the public bears. Manufacturing vaccines has now become a multi-billion dollar investment by international pharmaceutical corporations. With this enormous investment, there is total lack of precaution. Money trumps safetyevery time. Now, we are talking about millions of people getting vaccinated without any safety data or long-term studies. We are the guinea pigs. AGAIN and AGAIN.
Who benefits from all this? Follow the money trail. Novartis will receive from the US HHS [Health and Human Services] $346-million for antigen and $348.8-million for adjuvant. They also have orders from 30 other countries. Baxter has orders from five countries for 80-million doses, but has not received FDA approval. GlaxoSmithKline has received $250-million to supply the US with various "pandemic products." This is not small change; and more vaccine purchases are planned. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins, in their new article (see below), report that the total US vaccine figure for these orders amounts to $7 billion. From where is this money supposed come, when the United States is actually bankrupt (yet printing worthless fiat dollars)?
In a lengthy article posted on July 27, the distinguished British geneticist and biophysicist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and biologist Prof. Joe Cummins have written that "Vaccines themselves can be dangerous, especially live, attenuated viral vaccines or the new recombinant nucleic acid vaccines, they have the potential to generate virulent viruses by recombination and the recombinant nucleic acids could cause autoimmune diseases. A further major source of toxicity in the case of the flu vaccines are the adjuvants, substances added in order to boost the immunogenicity of the vaccines. There is a large literature on the toxicities of adjuvants. Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative 50 times more toxic than the mercury itself. At high enough doses, it can cause long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, behavioural dysfunctions. Also associated with mercury poisoning are autism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies. The Institute of Medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women should not be injected with thimerosal, yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it."(6)
It should be noted that Dr. Mae-Wan Ho is the Director of the prestigious London non-profit organization, the Institute of Science in Society [ISIS]. She has written several important books and, for more than a decade, also has been writing about the dangers of genetically engineered organismslong before anyone was writing about these issues in the US. This ISIS article is absolutely essential reading for anyone who wants additional and unbiased background information on the questionable safety of these flu vaccines.
In order to be well informed, there also are other important questions that we all must ask every public official. (1)What vaccines are actually going to be used? There are numerous websites that list ingredients for all the pharmaceutical companies involved in this multi-million dollar so-called "pandemic." Far too many of the ingredients listed are highly toxic. Some vaccines are not recommended at all for children. (2)How many injections are going to be forced on children (some reports say four!) and adults? If this goes forward in the Fall, using schools as medical clinics, how will parents know what is in these vaccines? Given the governmental immunity for the pharmaceutical companies, what recourse does anyone have for serious immune damage or death from these vaccines?
These extremely dangerous vaccines are classified as bioweapons by the US government's own definition.
NOTE: Adjuvants are added to all vaccines to make dispersal faster and easier in the body (but not more safely). It affects the "action of the drug's active ingredient." It also then requires less adjuvant, so the product then can be expanded to cover many more vaccinations with less vaccine. This also means a faster production of vaccines, and more money for the drug companies with less production output of vaccine. However, the trial tests this month on children will not contain a squalene adjuvant, even though it is an ingredient in all three of the vaccines listed below. According to Jane Burgermeister's July 29 report, these three companies "will conduct their own trials under secret contract with Health and Human Services."(1, see her website) Why are they secret, when our lives are all at such risk? Again, there is a long history of rigged trials [the outcome always favoring the company, and rarely emphasizing the serious health risks and toxicity], especially when conducted by the same company that will produce a drug.
The following is an incomplete (but significant) list of vaccine ingredients: GlaxoSmithKline Plc based in London Vaccine Ingredients: Aluminum adjuvant: an aluminum-containing compound. It releases the antigen [an active substance that is capable of generating an enhanced immune response from the body, and then reacting with the products from that response], causing strong, enhanced antibody response ­what Dr. Mercola calls a "turbo charge" to the body's immune system. It has been linked to Gulf War Syndrome that has caused tremendous permanent damage to thousands of military.(7) Aluminum is a known cause of cognitive dysfunction.
AS03: The company's proprietary squalene adjuvant. (See: squalene below)
Daronrix: Glaxo's H5N1 bird flu vaccine.
Disodium phosphate: a white powder, water-soluble salt. It is used as an anti-caking additive in powdered products. This inorganic chemical is also used as a fungicide and microbiocide.
Formaldehyde: a known carcinogen and reproductive or developmental toxicant. Interestingly, according to PANNA, in 2007, California used 30,328 pounds of this carcinogen, as a microbiocide [a drug or other agent that can kill microbes] on the top 50 crops grown in the state.(8)
Octoxynol 10: (Also known as Triton X-100) A detergent, emulsifier, wetting and defoaming agent. [Octoxynol-9 is a spermatocide.] It can alter metabolic activity, damage membranes, and cause a rapid decline in cell function.
Polysorbate 80: Also known as Tween 80. It is used as an emulsifier in cosmetics, and is one of the ingredients in Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine that is being mandated/promoted for teen-age girls. This ingredient is known to cause infertility, grand mal convulsions, spontaneous abortions, and life-threatening anaphylactic shock. So far, 28 Gardasil deaths have been reported.
Sodium Chloride: Refined table salt. Salt is a naturally occurring complex mineral that balances the water inside and outside our cells. Refined salt, sodium chloride, is chemically treated and contains many other hidden chemicals that destroy natural salt's healing abilities. The body can get most of its daily requirement by eating a well-balanced, organic diet --eliminating processed foods. A good source is untreated, natural sea salt.
Squalene: A natural oil found in sharks (mostly found in their livers) and humans. The American Journal of Pathology (2000) reported that rats injected with squalene triggered "chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation," ­i.e., rheumatoid arthritis. How will this affect people who already have an immune inflammation, or will it cause untold new cases (lupus, chronic fatigue)? Squalene is being added to all new vaccines. It is linked to the thousands of military who have contracted "Gulf War Syndrome" and have suffered irreparable auto-immune damage, including lupis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis.(9)
Thimersol: (MERCURY). Put in all multiple doses of vaccines. Any amount of mercury is highly toxic. There is no safe level. This is has been repeatedly linked to the increasing rates of autism, multiple sclerosis, and ADD.(10)
Vitamin E: This anti-oxidant vitamin helps protect the body's red blood cell functions, and helps to oxygenate our tissues. The best sources are from organic, cold-pressed vegetable oils, such as wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and safflower. Vitamin E from corn or soybean oil now often comes from genetically engineered sources.
Baxter International Based in Chicago. Called "Celvapan" or its common name: pandemic influenza vaccine [H5N1]
NOTE: Adverse reactions include: headaches, dizziness, vertigo, nasopharyngitis, chills, fatigue, malaise, injection site pain. There is "no data on Celvapan vaccination dose and schedule for subjects under 18 years of age" and for subjects who are immuno-supressed. Vaccine Ingredients: African Green Monkey: Cultured cells are taken from this species of monkey through a process called "vero cell technology." This species of monkey (and the tissue derived from it) have been implicated in transmitting several viruses, including HIV and polio. Baxter has "applied for a patent on a process using this type of cell culture to produce quantities of infecting virus, which are harvested, inactivated with formaldehyde and ultra violet light, and then detergent. Baxter has produced H5N1 [bird flu] whole virus vaccine in a Vero cell line derived from the kidney of an African green monkey."(11) According to Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Cummins, "details of the production of this vaccine have not yet been released to the public."
Whole virus (H5N1) influenza vaccine, vero-celled derived. (See above.)
Trometamol: Also known as Tris (or Tris buffer) or THAM. An organic compound used as a buffer. May be harmful if inhaled. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Long-term effects: no data. Ecological information: no data.(12)
Sodium chloride, Polysorbate 80, and water [what kind? tap? fluoridated? chlorinated?] for injection.
Novartis International AG Based in Basel, Switzerland.
Called "Focetria" or its common name: pandemic influenza vaccine. Licensed May 8, 2007. NOTE: Adverse reactions include: headaches, sweating, joint pain, fever malaise, shivering, and pain at injection site. Vaccine Ingredients: Virus: The company is using a proprietary cell line. [Unknown is whether they are using dog or green monkey tissue.] By using this process, instead of growing the virus strain in chicken eggs, it "has cut weeks off the time required to begin vaccine production [to be done at its cell-based facility in Germany."(13) According to the European Assessment Report (May 2007), "Focetria should not be given to patients who have an anaphylactic reaction (severe reaction) to an of the components of the vaccine, or to any substances found at trace levels in the vaccine, such as egg, chicken protein, kanamycin, or neomycin sulphate (two antibiotics), formaldehyde, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB, a disinfectant used to sterilize utensils and instruments) and Polysorbate 80." The CTAB Material Safety Data Sheet notes that its "chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated" but it "is irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract."(14) PANNA also lists this as an herbicide and microbiocide.
Squalene: see above.
MF59: A proprietary oil-based adjuvant that and contains (according to Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Cummins's ISIS article, already cited) Tween 80, Span85, and squalene. The authors also note that MF59 has "substantially higher local reactogenicity and systemic toxicity than alum." This adjuvant is part of a new generation of potent vaccine enhancers. In their book, "New Generation Vaccines" authors Levine, Kaper, Rappuoli, and Good note that "The precise mechanisms of action of most adjuvants still remain only partially understood."(15) Animal rat studies using oil-based adjuvants have demonstrated severe reactions to them, including paralysis, crippling, auto-immune disorders, and severe arthritis, and immune system impact. The FDA has yet to approved this for used in any vaccine, according to Jane Burgermeister's July 29 online report (previously cited).
Span85: Patented by the now defunct Chiron (bought by Novartis). Its chemical name is Sorbitan Trioleate. It is an oily liquid used in medicine, textiles, cosmetics, and paints as an emulsifier, anti-rust agent, and thickener. [Some factories in China specialize only in manufacturing Tween 80 and Span 85.] According to the Pesticide Action Network North America [PANNA], this chemical is used as a pesticide. It is also used as an adjuvant and is "toxic to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity."(16)
UPDATE 1: For those in mainstream: The International Swine Flu Conference will be held in Washington, D.C., Aug. 19-20. Further information is at: www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/159085.php and http://www.New-Fields.com/isfc. UPDATE 2: In a July 23 report, the National Vaccine information Center (NVIC) is calling on all public officials "to provide evidence that it is necessary to given experimental swine flu vaccines to children in schools and that strong mechanisms for vaccine safety screening, recording, monitoring reporting, and vaccine injury compensation are in place." At present none of these are. NVIC, founded in 1982, has been committed to being a vaccine watchdog, and questions the need to turn schools into medical clinic this fall." Further information is at: www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/158586.php and
The deliberate rush and fast-track to get these untested vaccines ready in millions of doses, precludes any real sense of precaution and safety. There is no concern about how much very real damage, permanent debility, and death will be caused by them. On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization [WHO] raised its pandemic level from 5 to 6 --the highest level. In the ensuing six weeks, there has been the most frantic pace by all the pharmaceutical companies to get millions of untested and unsafe vaccines to market, after all, they will be making enormous amounts of money.
Then, just a few days ago, Dr. Keijo Fukuda, WHO's flu chief, warned about the potential dangers of these different kinds of vaccines, saying: "There are certain areas where you simply do not try to make any economies. One of the things which cannot be compromised is the safety of the vaccines."(17) Safety? This statement is a bit tardy in coming. At this point, can anyone at the WHO be believed? Trusted? Why was this not the very first thing WHO addressed in May and June, before they rushed to declare a Level 6 "pandemic" (without proof)?
In another unconscionable rush, on July 23, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was reported "likely to approve 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) vaccines before trial data can prove their safety and effectiveness against the virus."(18) Again, where are any ethics, real safety, caution, or precautionary principle in place? It appears that there is continuing evidence from numerous sources (not just these in this article) repeatedly showing evidences of planned harm to all of us.
The issue of dangerous and deadly pharmaceutical vaccines rushed to market is not an issue that has been created in isolation. Rather, it is part of a whole, and unethical, and completely corrupted system, that is wrecking our country. We are being deliberately assaulted by one crisis after another, precisely as Naomi Klein has written in her brilliant book, "The Shock Doctrine." The looting and destruction of our country has been done, bit by bit, over many decades by selected elite insiders, while we (and our parents, too) were basking in a glow that had nothing to do with what was really happening behind the scenes in secret meetings of presidents, Congress, the Judiciary, and other high officials, along with corporate executives.
Now, however, this financial looting as well as the destruction of our Constitutional laws has accelerated enormously over the last nine years. It is all part of the elite's NWO-plan to wreck our country, destroy what remains, and have those in charge do it right in front of our own eyes. This is the unmitigated hubris of the criminals in charge. Here we are at the brink of a pharmaceutical-military take-over. Our own government is complicit in this! Are we still so comatose and/or so heavily poisoned --from ten years of Chemtrail aerosols and the massive pollution from 100,000 mostly untested chemicals that surround our every move-- that we do not see or understand what is happening? If these deadly vaccines don't kill us, then ten years of our entire population being assaulted daily from these highly toxic aerosols and chemicals has already immensely weakened our immune systems. It is the proverbial one-two punch.
We Americans have not known real chaos on our soil since the Civil War ­that was 148 years ago. This is not within our own human memory. It belongs to our great-great-grandparent's era. The 1960's and Watts Riots were tragic, but they did not engulf the entire United(?) States. Now, with all the illegal laws passed (but not even read) by a complicit Congress --no longer working "for us," but, truly against us-- we face a tremendous, epic crisis. Moreover, the deliberately created, but non-existent scare-tactic diversion "pandemic" really is a mask for the bankruptcy and on-going theft of our tax-payer dollars. No accountability to the Federal Reserve, while they steal trillions of our dollars. No accountability to the pharmaceutical companies for the real potential of irreparable harm or death from untested and dangerous vaccines. Do we get the connection? Stealing our own tax-payer trillions of dollars, the Federal Reserve is not accountable to anyone, while the country goes down the drain, due to the chaos they have deliberately created. The pharmaceutical companies are indemnified, while they manufacture highly toxic, untested drugs. The government officials approve of this. No one is held accountable. Nonetheless, WE, THE CITIZENS, are put in mortal fear about this non-existent but contrived "pandemic." This is criminal.
There is a long and dirty history of pharmaceutical companies manufacturing dangerous, often poorly tested drugs. Repeatedly, we have been the guinea pigs for one dangerous drug after another, while the drug companies took in millions of dollars. It's a sordid history ­everything from thalidomide, to DES [diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen hormone], to Vioxx. Problems were covered up. Test results were falsified. Reports conveniently disappeared. Conflicts of interest are frequent. Scientists were paid off. There continues a revolving-door policy where employees of drug companies leave their jobs, only to be employed by government agencies. More recently, we now have a vast commercialization of medicine and drugs with all the radio and TV ads. For decade after decade, we have been expendable for enormous corporate profits. Our well being, our safety are never part of the corporate equation. Their bottom line is always profit. All of us continue to be expendable for that. Think about that, as 12,000 of our [I write "our" in a collective sense, as we are all responsible to one another] young children are going to be given an untested vaccine(s?) this month. Our young and innocent children are going to be the latest guinea pigs. This vaccine is not even the same one that will be forced on the rest of us this Fall.
Does any of this sound ethical? Does it sound criminal? The massive governmental corruption we see all around us is perhaps even worse than in the ancient Roman days of Caligula.
There are also basic human rights that are deliberately and completely ignored. Where is our right to choose? Where are our supposed legal and Constitutional rights? We have the right to live in peace, without being deliberately harmed or provoked, by the threat of Martial Law. There has been an illegal and unlawful build-up of troops and military exercises (the latest just this past week), on our own soil that is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. In the next few months, we are about to face our own American soldiers who have killed and maimed indiscriminately in Iraq and Afghanistan. These soldiers will now probably be deployed to accompany FEMA to come door-to-door into our homes to force us to take these poisonous injections. Can you envision what that means? Our own military is being ordered to possibly attack us in our homes [what else can it be called?] for more lies! Jim Kirwan's latest online essay is so right on! He sees clearly how damaged the returning soldiers are!(19) These are US troops who, in all probability, have been given toxic vaccines [as they had been during the Gulf War] and mind-altering drugs, so they are doped and hardened to the reality of harming or killing us. This is what Professor Michel Chossudovsky calls the "militarization of health."(20)
We have the basic and universal right not to be deliberately harmed by our own government, or used as unwilling laboratory subjects for completely untested and dangerous vaccines. It is inhuman and in total contravention of all international laws to deliberately cause grave harm or death to citizens. This is what the Nazis did. The United States is now a rogue country that ignores basic universal human rights. Massive greed and collusion-to-cause-untold-grave-harm have taken its place. Where our own innocent, young children are used as test subjects, where our government puts us all in harm's way, where we are threatened with internment in FEMA concentration camps, if we refuse to be compliant and be injected with poisons, while nothing of basic humanity remains from any public official.
A democratic country honors and upholds its own laws and those of the international community. It does not attack, unprovoked, other countries. A democratic country holds its citizens in esteem and protects them: their lives and "promotes the general welfare." A democratic society has officials who honor their oaths of office. A truly democratic society respects the individual, supports education, and encourages peaceful domestic growth. Its legislative branch is open and honest, and does not collude to harm its citizens. Children grow up content and secure. They become well-educated citizens (not shoppers). The country thrives and can set an example for others. Peace reigns. Neighbors live in tranquility. The Common Good is held in high regard. Laws are upheld. Justice pervades. Truth is sacred.
Whatever lies are being promulgated by a corporate-controlled and compliant media, there is no real investigative journalism left. There is no search for the truth. What we have now every day is Orwellian Doublespeak, while the entire population of the United States is at grave risk of enormous physical harm.
This is not the country in which I grew up. Now, there is a complete lack of any moral direction or ethical boundaries. The government has broken its social and legal contracts with its own citizens. A government that can put all of its citizens deliberately in harm's way, is unfit. We are living in a police state, just the façade remains, while the great majority of Americans do not realize what tremendous destruction is right before us. A military state places all its financial and governmental power on killing and massive harm. This is what our violent country has done. In the last nine years, it has illegally attacked three countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan and has given military assistance to Israel to attack the civilian citizens of Gaza with depleted uranium bombs...this, too, is illegal under international law).
Violence is epidemic throughout our society. Children kill their peers; and our prison population (the largest of an Western country) is a tragedy. The movies are replete with one violent film after another. When violence and killing take priority in society [our budget and prison population], this is where we find ourselves as a bankrupt country. The bankruptcy goes far deeper than just the financial aspects. It goes to the core of our lost values. If many of us still believe in ethics, truth, and honorable behavior, those running the country do not exemplify our own personal values. The disconnect is tremendous.
At the same time, all our social services are trashed. No money for education. No money for elder care. No money for almost 50-million Americans who have no medical coverage. No money for the entire health and well-being of our citizenry (except for the rich). It is a complete disgrace. Yet, elite corporate power is destroying our ecnomy. Businesses are being gobbled up by larger ones (even if they are bankrupt), while millions are out of work. Banks are told not to lend to their customers who are trying desperately to hold on to their homes.(21) There is no money for crumbling bridges and disastrous, pot-holed roads across the entire country. I speak from personal experience, as I drove back and forth across the United States last year. Toll roads have increased as have the toll fees; but the roads are wrecked. There is hardly any money for the massive amount of real infrastructure repairs needed. In our financially bankrupt country, there is always fiat money for killing. There is no money for any social services ­the very backbone of a healthy society. Our entire economic structure is a planned wreckage!
The US has billions of tax-payer dollars for every kind of weapon, and bomb, and illegal DU bombs, and hi-tech military drones or sophisticated stealth weaponry, but our social services are completely cut to the bone. This is not a healthy society. It is a poorly educated and very sick one: and it shows from 40-million obese people to epidemics of cancers, and massive multiple immune illnesses. Our tax-payer trillions of dollars have been deliberately stolen from us to pay salaries of bankrupt CEOs, trillions have gone into some deep hole and are unaccounted for; and yet, the Federal Reserve (a private bankster cabal) refuses to answer any questions, as to where our money has gone. It is fraud. They are above the law. This is highway theft of unimaginable proportions. It is criminal. But, again, there is no accountability.
The irreparable damage done to hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have returned from killing innocent civilians, under both bushes, is staggering. They are maimed for life. They are unstable killers. They are damaged by squalene containing vaccines (Gulf War Syndrome) that they are given. These are the soldiers who return to either do more harm here, or are hospitalized or mutilated for the rest of their lives. Jim Kirwan writes of the tragic wrecked lives of these soldiers. This is what happens when warfare is glorified and violence is culturally epidemic.
Once upon a time, at the end of another war (WWII), the United States was hailed and admired [if we leave aside all the political and historical lies that Americans were fed then]. We were industrious, we were far more well educated. We stood for ethical values and doing the right thing [at least most Americans believed that, even if secret dealings were already under way to destroy our country from within]. Now, our ratings have plummeted: politicians work for secret groups and corporations. The very core is so rotted; but mostly still unknown to the average American.
This is where we are right now. We have had our liberties stolen from us. We have had our democratic institutions stolen from us, by those in charge. We are at the brink of even the loss of our very own lives ­all under the guise of protecting us from a non-existent "pandemic." Genetically engineer the flu in some bioweapons lab, and the create debilitating and deathly vaccines that will do further harm to everyone. Chief Seattle can still remind us "what we do to ourselves, we do to the web of life."
The system --"health"(sic), politics, economics-- is all rigged to do us extreme harm. The government is broken, and completely disassociated from the social construct upon which our nation was originally founded. Much of it now is being run into the ground by elements with criminal ties and intent. They have created this "pandemic" that is the set-up governmental pretext and smokescreen for the actual financial destruction of our country. It is another colossal "false flag" scenario that will engulf us all with disastrous results. Think of all the lies we have been repeatedly told and the ramifications that have resulted from this created 8-year deception ­all surrounding the "official version" of the tragedy of September 11, 2001. We, the people, continue to be expendable not just for corporate profits but also for a political agenda created to harm us in the extreme.
Do we want death by injection? Is this what we want for our children and grandchildren? *****************
1. Pandemic Flu Online: www.PandemicFluOnline.com 2. World Association for Vaccine Education: www.novaccine.com/ 3. Vaccine Rights: www. vaccinerights.com 4. Injunction Sought to Stop Forced Swine Flu Vaccination Juggernaught:
http://educateyourself.org/vcd/forcedvaccinationinjuctionsought22jul09.shtml 5. Global Research Swine Flu Center: www.globalresearch.ca/ index.php?contenxt=newsHighlights&newsid=46 6. World Genocide Watch: www. worldgenocidewatch.blogspot.com
1. A. True Ott, Ph.D., ND. "Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is Man-Made." July 26, 2009: www.rense.com/general86/manmd.htm; and Jane Burgermeister's website has a complete dossier of all her reports, as well as daily updates with her on-going investigation: www.birdflu666.wordpress.com. For Dr. Lanctôt, see: Kurt Nimmo. "Canadian Doctor: H1N1 Vaccination: A Eugenics Weapon for 'Massive & Targeted Reduction of the World Population.'" July 10, 2009: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?=va&aid=14312
2. Eleanor McBean. "The Poisoned Needle."
3. Interspecies viral transmission:
4. Azoma Chikwe. "Polio vaccine dangers revealed." See: Note above, #3; and Tam Dang-Tan et al. "Polio vaccines, Simian Virus 40, and human cancer: the epidemiological evidence for a causal association." Oncogene. (2004) Vol. 23: 6535-6540.
5. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "Deadly Immunity." July 23, 2009: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?=va&aid=14510
6. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins. "Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire." Institute of Science in Society. London. www.i-sis.org/fastTrackSwineFluVaccineUnderFire.php
7. Petrik MS, Wong MC, Tabata RC, Garry RF, Shaw CA (2007). "Aluminum adjuvant linked to gulf war illness induces motor neuron death in mice". Neuromolecular Med 9 (1): 83-100. PMID 17114826. Also, see: Gary Matsumoto. "Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI's Ae only the First Victims of This Vaccine." NY: Basic Books.
8. Toxicity of Formaldehyde: See: www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_ChemUse.jsp?Rec_Id=PC40254
9. See: http://ajp.amjpathol.org/cgi/content/abstract/156/6/2057. Also see Dr. Mercola's article on this vaccine at:
Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx; and Paul Joseph Watson. "Government Swine Flu Advisor on Vaccine Payroll." July 27, 2009: www.globalresearch.ca/index?phpcontext-va&aid=14550
10. See Robert F. Kennedy's 2005 article, just republished at: www.globalresearch.ca/indexphp?context=va&aid=14510; and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho's ISIS article already cited, NOTE #6.
11. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, ISIS already cited, NOTE #6. Baxter filed for a "Swine flu patent in August 2008, a year before any flu outbreak. See: Lori Price. "Big Pharma: Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak. July 18, 2009: www.globalresearch.ca/index?phpcontext-va&aid=14430
12. See: bsd.leica-microsystems.com/pdfs/msds/ebv-k_msds.pdf. Interestingly, it is a prohibited substance for racing horses. See: www.asianracing.nu/vb/archive/index.php/t-547.html
13. Novartis Hopeful of H1N1 Flu Vaccine by Autumn." www.natap.org/2009/newsUpdates/061609_03.htm
14. CTAB:
www.google.com/search?q=focetria%20toxic%20side%20effects&spell=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en; and PANNA: www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC35058; and www.fastiddna.com/documents/MSDSFoodDNAKitCTAB.aspx
15. MF59: Myron Max Levine, James B. Kaper, Rino Rappuoli, and Michael F. Good. "New Generation Vaccines." 2004. p. 260.
16. Span85/Sorbitan Trioleate. PANNA Pesticide Data Base ­ Chemicals: http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC34453
17. WHO changes its mind: Mark Prigg. "Vaccine from swine flu may be unsafe warns WHO." London Evening Standard. July 27, 2009:
[NEW 18. Emily P. Walker. "FDA Likely to Approve H1N1 Vaccine In Advance of Data." July 23, 2009: www medpagetoday.com/ PrimaryCare/Vaccines/15230; and "Evidence of Harm Has Been Linked To Various Vaccines Challenging Prevailing Public Recommendations." May 28, 2009: /www .medicalnewstoday.com/articles/151681.php]
19. Jim Kirwan. "Legacy of the Bush Brigades." July 31, 2009: www.rense.com/general86/legacy.htm; and also: "State of the Union." August 1, 2009: www.rense.com/general86/stateuu.htm
20. Michel Chossudovsky. "Martial Law and the Militarization of Public Health. The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program." July 26, 2009: www. globalresearch.ca/ indexphp?context=va&aid=14543
21. Banks: Dennis Kucinich. "The Federal Reserve is paying banks NOT to make loans to struggling Americans." Youtube. ww w.youtube. com/watch?v=Gkf8VG3HL_8

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