- Humanity has chosen to build its Citadel of Dreams upon
the backs of those less fortunate. The weight of this impossible fantasy
has turned the bulk of humanity into petrified stone, as symbolized above.
The only thing left for us, is to listen to the dragon-fire of private
conscience, so that we can rise again and throw off this tyrannical prison
that has disguised itself as a dream of power and control.
- This is what the 'change' was supposed to have been about
in the last selection process-but because we failed to see that there
were no real choices presented-all that we now have to work with is a
new puppet in the Oval Office that is simply a continuation of the Cheney-Bush
wars and crimes-unending.
- The whole world knows that Cheney-Bush was completely
illegal and totally destroyed every facet of this Republic: The obvious
way to begin to change this situation would have to be by changing everything
they put in place. Obama has only been in office for a month, and he began
by making speeches about what he planned to alter: Speeches that have
as yet changed nothing.
- What was done with the United States in the last eight
years went well beyond Treason, and borders on national insanity propped
up by paranoia, that serves only the very deep interests of the corporate
elites, the Banksters, and the gangsters of the New World Order and the
Illuminati. To undo any of this Nightmare; a true leader would simply
begin by reversing the major component parts that were put in place to
destroy the economy, the military, the entire legal system, the congress
and the courts. Obama's words struck all the right cords, but they carried
no action to back up his words.
- He has made no move to close Guantanamo, or to remove
the secrecy from the returning dead coming back to the US for burial.
Instead of recognizing the illegitimacy of all the creations of the Department
of Justice that were designed to add torture and denial of basic human
rights to all US prisoners: He is stalling all movement on that front
until he can legitimize these obvious illegalities, in order to continue
the policies that Cheney-Bush created. In the wars he is paying lip-service
to ending the illegal occupation of Iraq, only to re-activate the latest
military surge in Afghanistan. There will be no change in the number of
US troops required to carry-out the continuing illegal and unilateral
foreign policy in Middle East.
- Instead of reining in Israel's settlements and condemning
their genocide against the Palestinians, Barack is siding with Israel,
approving all their so-called Rights-to-Self-defense, while simultaneously
disallowing the same rights to the Palestinians. Obama continues to say
that we should not permit terrorists to sit at the table with Israel-when
it is Israel and the US that have been the primary advocates of terror
throughout this sixty years of genocide and torture, not to mention war-crimes
throughout the Middle-East.
- Here at home Obama is faring no better when it comes
to "fixing" either the economy or the lawless state of the US
Department of Justice. "The current Attorney General Eric Holder
called yesterday for a national dialogue on race. In a speech marking
Black History Month, Holder called the US a "nation of cowards"
for not discussing the history of US racism more openly. Holder is the
nation's first African American attorney general."
- If Holder was sincere then why has he personally shown
such cowardice himself in cleaning up the Department of Justice and its
polices on racial mistreatment by his own and the FBI's treatment of
blacks and other people of color, whenever they are suspected by the Department
of Homeland Security for any of their many suspicions that are obviously
racially motivated? The hundreds of murders committed by uniformed police,
by Homeland Security personnel, and by other agents in uniform do not
seem to concern the Attorney General one iota-yet Eric Holder, our first
black Attorney General is "concerned" about race in America!
- In addition there have been woeful miscarriages of Justice
by the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) that led directly to two massive
frauds that were known about and ignored for many years: These frauds
involve the "special treatment: of Madoff and Stanford both major
criminals, each guilty of massive frauds: and both of these white men
are still technically free, rather than rotting away in somewhere like
Attica, while they each await their respective court dates?
- The US Department of Justice needs to scrape off ALL
the garbage that Cheney-Bush added to the DOJ, during the last eight years
and return to one standard of settled law and order for everyone in this
nation-regardless of color or class. In this process those that committed
these crimes against the welfare of people both here and around the world,
need to be identified and prosecuted for what they so arrogantly did throughout
the last eight years of tyranny unending. It would appear that Eric Holder
is nothing but a black version of all his recent predecessor's that supposedly
served as Attorney's General of the United States, under our own dictator.
- While Obama is "thinking and speaking" about
our problems he needs to begin to enact some of what he says by doing
something about our problems, instead of just intensifying the Cheney-Bush
legacy through his blind continuance of their policies that contributed
so heavily to the utter destruction of this nation and its people. (2)
& (3)
- Finally there is this cynical perversion of those charged
with investigating: "The far-reaching -- and potentially dangerous
-- provision that no one knows about.
- You've heard a lot about the astonishing spending in
the $787 billion economic stimulus bill, signed into law this week by
President Barack Obama. But you probably haven't heard about a provision
in the bill that threatens to politicize the way allegations of fraud
and corruption are investigated - or not investigated - throughout the
federal government.
- The provision, which attracted virtually no attention
in the debate over the 1,073-page stimulus bill, creates something called
the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board - the RAT Board, as
it's known by the few insiders who are aware of it. The board would oversee
the in-house watchdogs, known as inspectors general, whose job is to independently
investigate allegations of wrongdoing at various federal agencies, without
fear of interference by political appointees or the White House.
- In the name of accountability and transparency, Congress
has given the RAT Board the authority to ask "that an inspector general
conduct or refrain from conducting an audit or investigation." If
the inspector general doesn't want to follow the wishes of the RAT Board,
he'll have to write a report explaining his decision to the board, as
well as to the head of his agency (from whom he is supposedly independent)
and to Congress. In the end, a determined inspector general can probably
get his way, but only after jumping through bureaucratic hoops that will
inevitably make him hesitate to go forward.
- When Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley, a longtime
champion of inspectors general, read the words "conduct or refrain
from conducting," alarm bells went off. The language means that the
board - whose chairman will be appointed by the president - can reach
deep inside a federal agency and tell an inspector general to lay off
some particularly sensitive subject. Or, conversely, it can tell the inspector
general to go after a tempting political target." (4)
- If Obama is anything other than just another version
of Cheney-Bush then he needs to begin to wipe-out some of the massive
illegalities that came with his ascension to the office. He must close
Gitmo within thirty days and immediately cancel the national security
sanction against allowing the public to witness the return of the dead
from the wars. He must also clarify America's position with regard to
the criminal Zionist state of Israel and cut off all funding until the
settlements are shut down and their position on Palestine goes back to
something resembling humanity. As for the rest of it he must proceed not
with more promises but with concrete and very direct actions that will
leave no doubt about what he supposedly stands for: If he fails to do
this then we need to begin impeachment proceedings against him and all
of his so-called cabinet immediately.
- Anyone can give speeches, but to lift the petrified stone
of this society, back to an upright position is a huge task, and to accomplish
this we need someone that is capable of actually leading a dying nation
back to a viable chance at real life. Obama & Company know nothing
of work or personal responsibility, which is why he was chosen by the
owners to finish killing off the economy and ending whatever chance we
might still have for existence. There is no more "time left"
for giving second chances to second-rate politicians or criminals: we
must clean up the past if there is to be a future that anyone will be
able to survive in. Obama could make history by dumping the trickle-down
theory and instituting the trickle-up theory of giving money directly
to those most in need and charging the Banksters, Wall Street, the FED
and their lobbyists, for their crimes against us all: This would indeed
be a real CHANGE!
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Martial Law in California
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2009/art6.htm
- 2) The People be Damned The President of Special
- http://informationclearinghouse.info/article22018.htm
- 3) Trouble at Treasury - Geithner gets the keys to the
henhouse http://informationclearinghouse.info/article22025.htm
- 4) The RAT hiding deep inside the stimulus bill http://