- MUNICH - German dissident
Horst Mahler has been sentenced to six years in prison for "Volksverhetzung"
(racial incitement). The symbolically significant number of years imposed
for "anti- Semitic hate speech" stemmed from his refusal to recognize
the Jewish Holocaust®, which
he described as "the biggest lie in world history."
seen here with his wife Sylvia Stolz, currently in prison for defending
other dissidents.
- The 73-year-old defendant was accused, among other things,
of repeated dissemination of his views on the Internet as well as distribution
of a revisionist videotape and a CD and book by Holo-skeptic Germar Rudolf,
now serving time for "Holocaust® denial" in a German prison.
- Immediately following sentencing, the 73-year-old dissident
was arrested and led away before astonished onlookers in the courtroom,
including many of his supporters.
- The former attorney for the rightwing National Democratic
Party (NPD) successfully represented that organization when the German
regime tried to have it banned in the 1990s. He earlier received prison
sentences for thought-crimes on several occasions.
- 'I have resolved to call a lie a lie'
- In his concluding remarks before the court, Mahler noted
that with another case pending against him he faces a total of over 12
years in prison - the equivalent of a life sentence, given his advanced
age. He would, however, stand by his views.
- In setting a personal example, Mahler declared that it
was incumbent upon every German to "deal a deathblow to the Holocaust®
religion as martyrs for the truth."
- The dissident defendant concluded by saying:
- "I have resolved to expose this Talmudic perfidy,
that over and over again I will call a lie a lie and oppose it with the
truth. I have sworn to my people never to give up in this fight against
the Holocaust® religion."