- For 34 years Markus Wolf, a Jew, was the chief of Communist
East Germany's foreign intelligence service, a branch of the STASI. Wolf's
autobiography is titled, "Man Without a Face" and subtitled "The
Autobiography of Communism's Greatest Spymaster." Most intelligence
experts agree that the subtitle fits. What was a Jew doing in charge of
a feared organisation dedicated to the downfall of the West?
- The Jewish author Chaim Bermant in his book The
Jews (Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1977, Sphere Books 1978) devotes a
chapter to an aspect of Communism that is hardly generally known today,
or at least not usually mentioned in the history books and encyclopaedias.
The author, himself Jewish, writes with a certain authority and familiarity
concerning his subject and can hardly be accused of the charge of 'anti-Semitism'
which is always leveled at anyone who offers any criticism, no matter how
justified, of Jews and their ways. What does Bermant say?
- "No people is so averse to change yet none in recent
times has dissipated more of its energy on revolution.. Although Jews
formed less than five percent of Russia's population, they formed more
than fifty percent of its revolutionaries..
- "It must be added that most of the leading revolutionaries
who convulsed Europe in the final decades of the last century and the first
decades of this one, stemmed from prosperous Jewish families.. They were
perhaps typified by the father of revolution, Karl Marx.. Thus when, after
the chaos of World War I, revolutions broke out all over Europe, Jews were
everywhere at the helm; Trotsky, Sverdlov, Kamenev and Zinoviev in
Russia, Bela Kun in Hungary, Kurt Eisner in Bavaria,
and, most improbable of all, Rosa Luxemburg in Berlin.
- "To many outside observers, the Russian revolution
looked like a Jewish conspiracy, especially when it was followed by Jewish-led
revolutionary outbreaks in much of central Europe. The leadership of the
Bolshevik Party had a preponderance of Jews and included Litvinov (real
name Wallach), Liadov (Mandelshtam), Shklovsky, Saltz, Gusev
(Drabkin), Zemliachka (Salkind), Helena Rozmirovich, Serafima
Gopner, Yaroslavsky (Gubelman), Yaklovlev (Epstein), Riaznov(Goldendach), Uritsky and Larin.
Of the seven members of the Politburo, the inner cabinet of the country,
four, Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Radomsky), Kamenev (Rosenfeld)
and Sverdlov, were Jews."
- When Lenin died in 1924, Zinoviev - the first
chairman of the Communist International - formed a triumvirate with Kamenev and
Stalin to govern Russia. This 'Troika' as it was known was formed to keep Trotsky from
the succession. Stalin was the only one of the three members of the Troika
who was not Jewish. "Though Zinoviev and Kamenev feared
Trotsky as too militant and extreme, they shared his belief in permanent revolution,
which Stalin did not. Russia had been in almost continuous turmoil for
twenty years and had suffered revolutions and counter-revolutions, war,
invasions and a pitiless and drawn-out civil war. There were limits to
which the endurance of a people could be stretched. The Russians wanted
to bury their dead and resume what they could of normal life. Stalin understood
this. Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev did not."
- "Jews had a prominent role in Communist parties
- Is Bermant alone in these very serious allegations?
- 'The paroxysm of strong anti-Semitism came after the
critical role of Jews in International Communism and the Russian Revolution
and during the economic crises of the 1920s and 30s Anti-Semitism intensified
throughout Europe and North America following the perceived and actual
centrality of Jews in the Russian Revolution.. Such feelings were not restricted
to Germany, or to vulgar extremists like the Nazis. All over Northern Europe
and North America, anti-Semitism became the norm in 'nice society', and
'nice society' included the universities.'
- - Black Athena (vol. 1) by Martin Bernal (1987)
pp. 367, 387.
- "The major role Jewish leaders played in the November
(Russian) revolution was probably more important than any other factor
in confirming (Hitler's) anti-Semitic beliefs."
- - Who Financed Hitler, J&S Pool, p.164.
- "There has been a tendency to circumvent or simply
ignore the significant role of Jewish intellectuals in the German Communist
Party, and thereby seriously neglect one of the genuine and objective reasons
for increased anti-Semitism during and after World War 1.. The prominence
of Jews in the revolution and early Weimar Republic is indisputable, and
this was a very serious contributing cause for increased anti-Semitism
in post-war years.. It is clear then that the stereotype of Jews as socialists
and communists.. led many Germans to distrust the Jewish minority as a
whole and to brand Jews as enemies of the German nation."
- Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question" by
Sarah Gordon (Princeton 1984) p23.
- Was this Jewish involvement in Communism simply a well-intentioned,
philanthropic activity aimed at improving the lot of the poor? Alexander
Solzhenitsyn the Russian writer spent eight years in Soviet labor camps
but afterwards received the Nobel Prize for literature. According to him,
in the eighty years that preceded the Revolution in Russia, - years of
revolutionary activity, uprisings and the assassination of a Czar, an average
of ten persons a year were executed. After the Revolution, in 1918 and
1919, according to the figures of the Cheka (the secret police) itself
- more than a thousand persons were executed per month without trial. In
1937-8, at the height of Stalin's terror, more than 40 000 persons were
executed per month (Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West (1978)
- Millions of persons were executed or sent to labor camps.
In his magnum opus The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn credits Naftaly
Frenkel, a 'Turkish-born Jew', with being chief overseer of the one-hundred-and-forty-mile-long
Belomor (Baltic-White Sea) canal, built entirely with slave labour (paperback
edition vol 2 p 72). Solzhenitsyn quotes the official Soviet history
of the project which describes Frenkel as having '..the eyes of an interrogator
and prosecutor.. A man with enormous love of power and pride, for whom
the main thing is unlimited power. If it is necessary for him to be feared,
then let him be feared.' (ibid p 75). Other Jews were also involved in
influential positions. Yakov Rappoport was deputy chief of construction
(p 78) and Matvei Berman was the Chief of Gulag (p 79). Frenkel, Berman and Rappoport are
amongst six men described by Solzhenitsyn as 'hired murderers', 'each of
whom accounted for thirty thousand lives' (p 91). Is Solzhenitsyn alone
in his accusations? Why are these names generally unknown to ordinary citizens
in the West? The reason is unquestionably related to the very high involvement
of Jews in gatekeeper roles in opinion-forming institutions such as the
universities and particularly through ownership and control of the media.
- When Communism was imposed on Russia, the kulaks as private
property owners now stood in the way of the idea of Communism. In 1929
Stalin called for 'the liquidation of the kulaks', and their small family
farms, animals, implements and crops were declared to belong to the state.
"(The Jews) Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev had
always argued that the peasant would never surrender enough food voluntarily,
and must be coerced and, if need be, crushed" (*Paul Johnson A
History of the Modern World (1983) p 268). The Red Army and the GPU
secret police were used to implement the policy. All peasants who resisted
were treated with violence. A very large number were killed or sent in
cattle or freight trains to exile in remote areas in the frozen north or
the desert steppes. Rather than give up their animals to the collective
farms, many peasants killed and ate them. As a result, the number of farm
animals in the Soviet Union was catastrophically reduced:
- 1928
- 1933
- Cattle
- 30,7 million
- 19,6 million
- Sheep and goats
- 146,7 million
- 50,2 million
- Hogs
- 26 million
- 12,1 million
- Horses
- 33,5 million
- 16,6 million
- (Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p 398).
- The peasants stopped farming on ground that suddenly,
officially, no longer belonged to them. As a result, food production decreased
drastically. After a while, the cities started running out of food. Orders
were given for grain to be confiscated from the peasants, whether they
had sufficient for themselves and their families or not. Those caught trying
to reserve food for their families were 'severely dealt with'. By the winter
of 1932-3, virtually no food was left in the countryside. By early March
1933, 'death on a mass scale really began' (Robert Conquest, The Harvest
of Sorrow (1986) p243). The main farming areas of Russia, in the regions
of the Ukraine and North Caucasus, were utterly devastated. Millions of
people were forced to eat anything that was available, mice, rats, birds,
grass, nettles, bark and even cats and dogs, but even then did not survive.
It was a time of great and terrible hunger, a catastrophic man-made famine.
- The American journalist Eugene Lyons was sent to Russia
in 1928 as chief correspondent for the United Press agency. Arriving as
an avowed communist, he was able to experience the Soviet experiment at
first hand. He became extremely disillusioned. He described the famine
in his book Assignment in Utopia, published in 1937, in the following
- "Hell broke loose in seventy thousand Russian villages..
A population as large as all of Switzerland's or Denmark's was stripped
clean of all their belongings.. They were herded with bayonets at railroad
stations, packed indiscriminately into cattle cars and freight cars and
dumped weeks later in the lumber regions of the frozen North, the deserts
of central Asia, wherever labor was needed, there to live or die..".
The number of people that died is unknown, but the famine alone is estimated
conservatively to have been responsible for 6 million deaths, almost half
of them children (Conquest, p 303-4). Other millions died from the killings
and sickness as a result of the deportations (*p 304-7). At the famous
Yalta conference in 1945, Winston Churchill was able to question his friend
and fellow ally Stalin about the process. Stalin said 'ten million' had
been 'dealt with', but that it had been 'absolutely necessary'. Churchill
records that he 'sustained the strong impression of millions of men and
women being blotted out or displaced forever' (Churchill, The Second
World War, vol. IV p448). However Churchill thank God for Winston
Churchill - had no further comment to make on the matter. Controlling the
agenda is always so important!
- Lyons, himself Jewish, credits the Jewish commissar Lazar
Kaganovich with the major portion of responsibility for this major
crime against humanity:
- "Lazar Kaganovich it was his mind that invented
the Political Departments to lead collectivized agriculture, his iron hand
that applied Bolshevik mercilessness." (*Lyons, p 578). The Encyclopaedia
Britannica says tersely, "(Kaganovich) was one of the small group
of Stalin's top advisors pushing for very high rates of collectivization
after 1929.. Within the Politburo, Kaganovich and Molotov led
the opposition to Kirov's proposed concessions to the peasantry and to
his attempts to relax the harshness of Stalin's control.. (Kaganovich)
opposed Krushchev's de-Stalinization..". Kaganovich died at the ripe
old age of 98 in 1991 (Encl. Brit.), ethnically safe from pursuit by the
Israeli secret service, the Simon Wiesenthal organization, the New York
media-intelligentsia or other hunters of alleged war criminals or human
rights violators.
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prizewinner and author
of The Gulag Archipelago, in a speech in Washington in 1975 had this
to say of the Soviet system so admired by many western intellectuals (Alexander
Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West(1978) p 16):
- "This was a system which, in time of peace, artificially
created a famine causing SIX MILLION PERSONS to die in the Ukraine
between 1932 and 1933. They died on the very threshold of Europe. And Europe
didn't even notice it. The world didn't even notice it. SIX MILLION
- This six million is the 'incorrect' six million, because
their story is not useful to today's elite. The tribal affiliations of
the chief perpetrator (Jew) and the victims (non-Jews) are the wrong ones,
not fitting into the 'correct' pattern.
- Against this background, have things in South Africa
shown any parallels? Perhaps the best way to gain an insight into this
topic is to quote from the books of various authorities.
- A History of Communism in South Africa by Dr
Henry R Pike (published by Christian Mission International of South
Africa, Germiston, South Africa (1985, 1988).
- A large number of Jews have worked to promote Communism
in South Africa, as Pike's book indicates. Many of these Jews were involved
in the organization of trade unions, particularly black trade unions. Some
of the names mentioned by Pike are A Z Berman 'a noted Marxist'
who headed the Industrial Socialist League in Cape Town; the communist
writer David Shub, Solly Sachs, secretary of the Garment Workers
Union and expelled from and then readmitted to the South African Communist
Party, Bennie Weinbren who directed the Non-European Trade Union
Federation, Issy Diamond, Abraham Levy, Hymie Levin, Issie
Wolfson, Julius Lewin, Louis Joffe, Dr Max Joffe, Molly (Zelikowitz) Wolton, Lazar
Bach, Rebecca (Notlowitz) Bunting, Fanny Klenerman, Michael
Harmel, Sam Kahn, Katy Kagan, Eli Weinberg, Yetta Barenblatt, Hymie
Barsel, Leon and Norman Levy, Lionel Forman, Jacqueline and Rowley
Arenstein, Erroland Dorothy Shanley, Monty Berman, Bertram
Hirson and Neville Rubin.
- Dr Pike (p 212-3) quotes from a South African Government
Gazette Extraordinary (vol VI 16 Nov 1962 pp 2-28) which listed 'persons
who have been office-bearers, officers, members or active supporters of
the Communist Party of South Africa'. The list included 66 'clearly identifiable
as Jews', 61 'white non-Jews' and two uncertain. At the time, the South
African population was approximately 3 million whites, while the South
African Jewish population was 110 000 (World Almanac 1958 p270). So there
was approximately one Jew for every 26 white non-Jews in the country. If
there had been an equal distribution of Communist involvement between non-Jewish
whites and Jews, the Jewish membership of the Communist Party should have
been one-twenty-sixth the white Gentile representation. Instead, we find
slightly more Jews as members. In other words, Jews were almost thirty
times more likely to become members of the Communist Party than were
white Gentiles. If Jews with non-Jewish names were also counted, the ratio
would be likely to have been considerably higher.
- In theory this could be explained away as simple Jewish
concern for the welfare of the underdog, the lowest classes, and in the
South African context, evidence of Jewish sympathies across racial barriers,
or non-racism. In testing such a hypothesis to see whether this is indeed
the case, we can look at another instance. Such concerns have been notoriously,
and very conspicuously, almost totally absent in the protracted conflict
in the Middle East. There, international Jewish support has been overwhelmingly
and steadfastly in favor of the Jewish Israelis, and not of the Palestinians
who have lost their country, and in thousands of cases their lives, to
the violent settlers from Eastern Europe and America. After all, the entire
territory was under Palestinian political control until 1947. The Jewish
population of the area in 1917 was a mere 7% of the 700 000 inhabitants.
The other 93% were Arabs. In 1947 the United Nations under tremendous US
pressure gave the Zionists, who owned only about 6% of the land, 56% of
the territory of Palestine. Since then, there has been a steady take-over
of the remaining territory by force, violence, warfare, bribery and stealth.
- Perhaps you might think Dr Pike is just 'anti-Semitic'
and his approach is biased. But have a look at the next author:
- Jews and Zionism: the South African Experience (1910-67), by Dr
Gideon Shimoni (Oxford University Press, 1980). This book appears
to have been written for a Jewish readership.
- Two extended quotes from the book will serve as a summary
of the situation some decades ago.
- [Dr Shimoni was born in South Africa to parents from
Lithuania, but settled in Israel where he lectured at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem and where he gained post-graduate degrees in Jewish history.
While bitterly contemptuous of South Africa under the apartheid system,
Dr Shimoni in effect identifies with the concept of geographically based
ethnic groupings that was the basis of the South African system. This kind
of irony, not to say hypocrisy, is typical of Jews opposed to 'racism'
in Europe, the US or South Africa.]
- Dr Shimoni writes of '..the extraordinary salience of
Jewish individuals in the white opposition to the regime of apartheid.
Throughout this period Jewish names kept appearing in every facet of the
struggle: amongst reformist liberals; in the radical Communist opposition;
in the courts, whether as defendants or as counsel for the defense; in
the lists of bannings and amongst those who fled the country to evade arrest.
Their prominence was particularly marked in the course of the Treason Trial
which occupied an important place in the news media throughout the second
half of the 1950's. This trial began in December 1956, when 156 people
were arrested on charges of treason in the form of a conspiracy to overthrow
the state by violence and to replace it with a state based on Communism.
Twenty-three of those arrested were Whites, more than half of them Jews.
They included Yetta Barenblatt, Hymie Barsel, Lionel (Rusty) Bernstein, Leon
Levy, Norman Levy,Sydney Shall, Joe Slovo, Ruth (First) Slovo, Sonia
Bunting, Lionel Forman, Isaac Horvitch, Ben Turok, Jacqueline
Arenstein, Errol Shanley, Dorothy Shanley. To top it all, at
one stage in the trial the defense counsel was led byIsrael Maisels, while
the prosecutor was none other than Oswald Pirow. The juxtaposition was
striking: Maisels, the prominent Jewish communal leader, defending those
accused of trying to overthrow White supremacy; Pirow, the extreme Afrikaner
Nationalist and former Nazi sympathizer, defending White supremacy.' (pp.
- 'In this extended five-year period between the emergence
of violent opposition and its effective suppression, the prominent involvement
of individual Jews was in the public eye more than ever before. This was
even more so than in the dramatic circumstances of the 'Rivonia arrests'.
On 11 July 1963 the police raided the home of Arthur Goldreich in Rivonia
near Johannesburg, where it captured, by surprise, the leadership cadre
of the Umkonto we Sizwe underground. Seventeen people were arrested..
Five of those arrested were Whites, all of them Jews. They were: Arthur
Goldreich, Lionel Bernstein, Hilliard Festenstein, Dennis
Goldberg and Bob Hepple.. [There was an] overwhelming impression that Jews
were in the forefront of the White radicals who were trying to overthrow
the system of White supremacy in South Africa. When the secret African
Resistance Movement (ARM) was crushed during 1964, it again became evident
that many Jews were involved. One of its founders was identified as Monty
Berman.. others were Adrian Leftwich and Bertram (Baruch) Hirson.
Among those who were associated with ARM were Neville Rubin and Michael
Schneider [and ] others implicated were Frederick and Rhoda Prager, Raymond
Eisenstein and Hugh Lewin..' (pp. 232-3).
- Dr Shimoni records with obvious distaste the wording
of an Afrikaans letter in a newspaper criticizing this fundamentally hypocritical
proclivity of Jews: 'They (the Jews) themselves are the most exclusive apartheid people,
yet they exert themselves here for integration.' While Jews themselves
have shown no intention to integrate or merge with the African masses,
they have been hyper-critical of mainstream whites who are reluctant to
follow this route, criticizing churches with segregationist policies, while
their synagogues have remained ethnically 100% Jewish.
- Cutting Through the Mountain: Interviews with South African
Activists Edited by Immanuel Suttner (Viking-Penguin, England
and USA 1997). This book also appears to have been written for a Jewish
readership. It is a thick expensively bound book of over 600 pages, financially
supported by the Liberty Life Foundation created by the Jewish mega-capitalist
Donald Gordon. Suttner says 'a disproportionate number of individual Jews
played a part in transforming South Africa into a more just society. There
are two streams: those who fought 'within the system' as jurists, members
of parliament, via the media, or in civil society, and those who entered
'illegal' organizations which were socialist, communist or mass-based in
character.' (p.2) He says the book 'welcomes (these Jews) back not only
as worthy South Africans, socialists, communists or liberals, but as worthy
Jews' (p.3). Some of the 'remarkable people' (page vii) who are heroes
of the book include:
- Taffy Adler who was involved in the 1970s and '80s
in the 'formation and consolidation of the black trade union movement'.
His father was a Lithuanian Jew who emigrated to South Africa in 1926 and
who 'was tremendously loyal to Stalin and Russian communism' right up to
the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989. His uncle, Michael Harmel, became general
secretary of the South African Communist Party.
- Ray Alexander (Rachel Alexandrowich) arrived in
South Africa from Latvia and joined the SA Communist Party five days later.
She played a leading role in the organization of trade unions. She
was married to Jack Simons, a 'devoted communist' and lecturer
at the University of Cape Town.
- Pauline Podbrey (Podbrez) born in Lithuania came
to South Africa at the age of eleven. She joined the Communist Youth
League, run by Max Joffe, and the related Labor League of Youth,
run by Hilda Bernstein. Of the Communist Party she says 'the majority
of the members were Jewishlooking back on it now, it seems as if everybody
was Jewish.' (*p52). She married a prominent Indian trade unionist and
Communist Party leader, resulting in her mother being ostracized by the
South African Jewish community, although it has been and still is normal
practice for this community to depict white non-Jews as despicable prejudiced
- Joe Slovo born in Lithuania, came to South Africa
where he joined the Young Communist League at the age of sixteen. He became a
central member of the Communist Party of South Africa and a 'hard-line
Stalinist', becoming general secretary in 1986. He concentrated
on building up Umkhonto we Sizwe, the 'armed wing' of the ANC (African
National Congress), becoming its chief of staff and head strategist
in the campaign of bombings directed at civilian targets and other
acts of terror. He only abandoned his commitment to Stalinism and Soviet-style
communism when the Soviet bloc started falling apart in the late 1980s
and it became necessary to do so. A key strategist representing the ANC
in the negotiations with De Klerk's government in the hand over of power,
he became a minister in Mandela's Cabinet.
- when the ANC came to power in 1994. He died of cancer
a few years later. His daughter published an autobiographical book describing
her father's affair with a Jewish Communist friend's wife and his utter
refusal to acknowledge the son born of this relationship.
- Gill Marcus, the daughter of parents involved with the
Communist Party, a long-time member of the Party and of the ANC, is now
a Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank after being a member
of the first Mandela Cabinet.
- Ronnie Kasrils became a central figure in the South
African Communist Party and head of military intelligence of the ANC's
military wing. He became Deputy Minister of Defense in the Mandela government,
and is now Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry.
- Traitors' End: The Rise and Fall of the Communist Movement
in Southern Africa by Nathaniel Weyl (Tafelberg Press, South
Africa and Arlington House, USA, 1970).
- 'For the most part, the Jews had come to South Africa
from Lithuania at the turn of the century.. They had been popular at first,
but by the mid-1930's this was no longer the case. The Jews had become
heavily urbanized. In Johannesburg, they constituted 17 per cent of the
population and were sufficiently conspicuous so that the metropolis was
sometimes referred to, not as Jo'burg, but as Jewburg. They aroused envy
and some rancor during the years of depression because they controlled
a large part of the business of Johannesburg and other cities.. Anti-Semitism
was fed by the economic discontent.. A perhaps more important ingredient
was the prominence of South African Jews in finance, mining and the other
economic command posts of the nation, on the one hand, and in revolutionary
and racial reform movements on the other. From the outset, the Jews had
been prominent in the Communist Party and its various fronts. They were
equally conspicuous in the various movements that sought to break down
the barriers separating the White from the non-White population. South
African anti-Semitic propaganda.. depicted the Jew as a deracinated element
who sought to destroy White civilization and nationalism with the twin
weapons of Communism and international finance. Given the visible prominence
of Jews in both areas, this doctrine fell on receptive ears.'
- The famous Rivonia Trial of the 1960's resulted from
a raid on a farm near Johannesburg in which many of the top leadership
of the Communist party were detained. The White defendants were virtually
all Jews, including Dennis Goldberg, 'a civil engineer who served
as commander in a Communist camp that trained young guerrillas', and Lionel 'Rusty'
Bernstein, the only prisoner to be acquitted. A Johannesburg architect,
Bernstein 'admitted to having been a Communist for 25 years, but successfully
alleged that he had left the party, without, however, changing his revolutionary
convictions.' (Weyl pp 122-3). Amongst those implicated during the trial
were the Jews Joe Slovo and his wife Ruth First, Bob
Hepple andMichael Harmel. 'Operation Mayibuye [a plan for
guerrilla warfare, armed invasion of South Africa and Communist conquest
of the country] was drafted by Arthur Goldreich, perhaps the most
important of the men captured by the South African Police at Rivonia. Goldreich
managed to bribe his way out of prison.. During the trial, Goldreich was
referred to by Nelson Mandela and other defendants as a military expert who
served as an officer in the Israeli war for independence.. Goldreich's
plan was modeled on the guerrilla strategy of the Chinese Communists..
Goldreich's notebook shows constant preoccupation with the practical details
of revolutionary war. He goes into the types of explosives and fuses needed
and their characteristics' (Weyl pp124, 127-8).
- 'On December 16, 1966, the United Nations branded Rhodesia
"a threat to international peace". President Johnson's Ambassador
to the United Nations, Arthur Goldberg, immediately pledged United
States support for sanctions against Rhodesia "in order to drive home
to the illegal regime (of Ian Smith) that the international community will
not tolerate the existence of a discriminatory system based on minority
rule in defiance of the United Nations and its principles."Ambassador
Goldberg's logic was extraordinary, to say the least. Over half of the
122 UN member states had governments not based upon majority rule As for
the United Nations statement that Rhodesia threatened international peace,
the statement simply reversed the facts of the matter. Rhodesia was exposed
to attacks by guerrillas, armed, financed, trained and abetted by Black
African member states of the United Nations in flagrant defiance of the
UN Charter.. AmbassadorGoldberg had shown on previous occasions that,
where racial issues were involved, he practiced a double standard of morality
in favor of Black demands.. Ambassador Goldberg was not alone
in his fanatical hostility to White rule in Africa..' (Weyl pp 162-3).
- Jews in South Africa in the main and those mentioned
above in particular have all been pushing for a majoritarian government
in which population numbers effectively mean that whites have no say over
their own affairs. The new ANC-dominated South Africa is proclaimed to
be a 'democracy', although a leading political scientist, Professor Hermann
Giliomee, has described the election system as a simple ethnic census.
Whites, for example, have no effective power over the government as far
as their own interests, such as schooling for their children or their language
rights are concerned. The Constitutional Court, supposedly the custodian
of these rights, has an over-representation of Jews who have shown little
sympathy for white non-Jewish rights. Even the traditionally English South
African game of cricket is being transformed - the Jewish director of the
cricket board, Dr Ali Bacher, is doing everything in his power to
turn cricket in the country into a black-dominated sport.
- There are various kinds of hypocrisy at work here. Authors
such as Immanuel Suttner perhaps unwittingly communicate their clear belief
that Jews are morally better than South African whites, because of their
political stance. This in itself is not only racist but also not true.
We can study the attitude of South African Jews to Middle Eastern issues
to see whether they really do display a genuine moral superiority. Until
a few years ago South African Jews gave more per capita to Israel than
any other Jewish community, including that of America (Suttner p. 420).
- 'When Ronnie Kasrils, a leader of the ANC's armed
campaign against apartheid South Africa, returned home after 27 years in
exile, he was lionized by a local Jewish establishment belatedly eager
to associate itself with the struggle. His picture was put in the Jewish
Museum in Cape Town and his name in the Book of Honor. The Jewish community
basked in his reflected glory' (Fair Lady 22 May 2002 p.37). South
Africa's Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris officiated at the funeral of Joe
Slovo, calling Slovo 'a better Jew than most' (ibid p.39). Who was
Slovo? He was general secretary of the Communist Party of South Africa
and chief of staff of the armed terrorist wing of the ANC (African National
Congress). When Kasrils, in an awkward position because of his cabinet
post in the ANC government which includes several very influential Moslems,
became one of a very small number of Jews to speak out against Israeli
policies against the Palestinian people in Palestine, his name became mud.
He signed a petition along with 286 other Jews to the effect that Israel's
treatment of the Palestinians does not have their blessing. The South African
Zionist Federation quickly organized a rival petition in support of Israeli
prime minister Ariel Sharon, and collected 11500 signatures. Helen
Suzman, the veteran anti-Apartheid Jewish member of the South African parliament
and consequently the recipient of numerous international honors and awards,
'believes that everything Israel has done has been retaliatory' (ibid p39)
in spite of the fact that the Israelis, with support from Jews elswhere
particularly in the US and its government, have been able to take over
Palestine with absolute impunity, disregarding with absolute and violent
contempt the lawful rights of the Palestinians. This hypocrisy is very
common in the Zionist community which forms the overwhelmingly dominant
part of South African Jewry.
- No candid discussion of the issues raised above was permitted
to take place in South Africa before the fall of white rule owing to the
ownership pattern of the newspaper cartel. There has been much talk of
a 'Jewish Capitalist-Communist nexus' - we have to recognize that monopoly
capital has an affinity with Communism. According to Antony Sutton
(Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution) international bankers funded
the Bolshevik Revolution. In 1917, Trotsky and 200 revolutionaries were
literally transferred from New York's Lower East Side to St. Petersburg
to foment the revolution in Russia. Jews are internationally synonymous
with hyper-capitalism or monopoly-capitalism, where ever-greater financial
power is continually being sought, and there is the impression that the
hunger behind this urge is insatiable. Media control is an important part
of this program, because criticism must be stifled at all costs. These
powerful people are ever-seeking to instruct or coerce non-Jewish people
of European ancestry in the direction of non-discrimination, but always
supporting their own country with its fundamental racial discrimination
whereby Palestinians born in Jerusalem have no rights, while even atheistic
Jews born in Milwaukee or Miami have citizenship full rights in Israel.
- The large reserves of gold, diamonds and other natural
wealth attracted Jews in large numbers from Germany, Lithuania, Latvia,
Poland and Russia. The discovery of gold in the Boer republic of the Transvaal
turned out to be tragically unfortunate for the Boers. According to J A
Hobson, an English liberal-socialist thinker and correspondent who reported
on the Boer War, 'a little ring of international financiers', mainly Jews,
led Britain into the war for their own selfish capitalist interests. (Hobson, The
War in South Africa its causes and effects (New York, Macmillan,
1900, pp194, 184, 190). Boer farms and towns were burnt to the ground.
Boer women and children were herded into concentration camps, where 26
000 died through epidemics and unsanitary conditions. But the Jews gained
a wonderful ascendancy in the gold and diamond industry, with leading names
including Barney Barnato, Solly Joel and Lionel Phillips. Eventually the
Oppenheimer family, with financial support from Rothschild interests, controlled
not only the largest gold mines in the country but also the world diamond
cartel De Beers and a very large part of the South African economy, as
well as the English language newspaper monopoly. De Beers in recent decades
has been often implicated in trading in 'blood-diamonds' from war zones
in Africa. (The international diamond trade in New York and Amsterdam is
also largely Jewish-controlled.) The Oppenheimer press cartel normally
depicted white efforts in South Africa to find political self-determination,
including the apartheid policy of parallel or separate development, as
totally and utterly reprehensible and unacceptable. At the same time the
cartel ensured that the Israeli State did not come in for parallel criticism
for its incomparably inhumane and violent oppression of the native Palestinians.
The Jews have found it useful to their ethnic agenda to exacerbate tensions
between white and black in South Africa, with the clear objective of subverting
the apartheid idea of ethnic self-determination for a situation in which
non-Jewish whites would be subject to unfettered black political and social
control. Since this goal has been achieved, Jews have been emigrating in
large numbers, primarily to the United States. Although scornful of white
non-Jews for racism during the apartheid era, none of these Jewish emigrants
are known to have moved to any African country. As Immanuel Suttner says
'The Jewish community.. will likely continue to shrink through emigration,
and those Jews who choose to stay in South Africa, and choose to involve
themselves fully in South Africa's unfolding story, face a difficult period
of redefining their role and finding a niche in which they believe they
are relevant and useful.' (Cutting Through the Mountain p.4).
- Why are Jews prominent as political activists in all
western countries, but definitely not on behalf of the Palestinians, as
fifty years of history have shown? Why were US Congressmen Stephen J. Solarz
and Howard Wolpe, instrumental in securing financial sanctions against
the South African apartheid regime, but 'unwavering in their commitments
to Israel' (ex-Congressman Paul Findley, They Dare to Speak Out: People
and Insttutions Confront Israel's Lobby (1985) p70-71). Are hidden
tribal agendas a factor in American politics?
- George Steiner, Cambridge professor of English and comparative
literature, author of numerous books such as Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky, Language
and Silence etc, set out his sobering views in a novel called The
Portage to San Cristobal of A.H. (1981). Strangely enough (Dr Steiner
is a Jew) he hypothetically 'gives Hitler the chance to defend himself
before a Jewish court', 'to defend the indefensible'. How on earth can
a Cambridge professor, a Jew, in effect defend A.H., the 'greatest embodiment
of evil in human history'? What can be his argument? In summary (Steiner
pp 120-126):
- Point One: 'The Nazi race doctrines were but a "parody"
of the Jewish doctrine of "a chosen people, chosen by God for his
own, the only race on earth chosen, exalted, made singular among mankind..
to set a race apart, to hold before it a promised land".'
- Point Two: 'The Jew's addiction to the ideal.. "It
is no accident that Marx and his minions were Jews, that the congregations
of Bolshevism Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, Kamenev, the whole fanatic,
murderous pack were of Israel..'
- Point Three: "You have exaggerated. Grossly. Hysterically.
What were Rotterdam or Coventry compared to Dresden and Hiroshima? Did
I invent the camps? Ask the Boers.. To whom did you hand over millions,
tens of millions of men and women from Prague to the Baltic? What did (Solzhenitsyn)
say? That Stalin had slaughtered thirty million. I was a man
of a murderous time, but a small man compared to him. That he perfected
genocide (of the kulaks) when I was still a nameless scribbler in Munich.
My boys used their fists and their whips. I won't deny it. The times stank
of hunger and blood. But when a man spat out the truth they would stop
their fun. Stalin's torturers worked for the pleasure of the thing. To
make men befoul themselves, to obtain confessions that are lies, insanities,
obscene jokes. The truth only made them more bestial. It is not I who assert
these things: it is your own Jewish survivors, your historians, the sage
of the Gulag. Who, then was the great destroyer, whose blood-lust the more
implacable? Stalin's or mine? Our terrors were a village carnival compared
to his. Our camps covered absurd acres; he had strung wire and death-pits
around a continent. Yet Stalin died in bed, and yet you hunt me down like
a rabid dog.."
- Point Four: 'Zionism was shaped in the image of German
nationalism.. "The Holocaust gave you the courage of injustice, to
drive the Arab out of his home, out of his field, because he was without
resource, because he was in your way, knowing that those you had driven
out were rotting in refugee camps, not ten miles away, buried alive in
despair and lunatic dreams of vengeance.. You used the Holocaust to create
Israel.. Should you not honour me who have made your long, vacuous dream
of Zion a reality?".'
- Why is anti-Palestinianism, without doubt a form of anti-Semitism,
not 'politically incorrect'? As various commentators for years have been
pointing out, the Palestinians have been made for decades to pay for the
Holocaust. Is this fair or just? Is it logical or even reasonable? Does
it matter? Does anything matter?