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Illegals Will Transport
The Flu Virus Efficiently
Expect To See Martial Law If It Gets Worse
From Edgar J. Steele
Hello Jeff - Martial law if it gets worse and the WHO could, very well, be in charge.
Note the quote - "potentially prompting travel restrictions,"
"POTENTIALLY prompting travel restrictions" ?? The travel restrictions should be in place and should have been in place Wednesday.
It is probably way too late to stop the virus from entering and spreading...it's here. It is also ALL OVER THE US being spread through the illegal alien 'community'. We need to stop an influx of illegals to prevent sick ones from flooding our health care system and crushing our health care infrastructure before American citizens even have a chance to use it. They will also put our health care professionals and first responders at grave risk...or even wipe most of it out.
I am pretty darn sure this virus is likely already in Chicago, DC, NY State, Florida and in much of the suburbs, cities and rural areas which house illegals. We cannot afford to care for a mass of people from Mexico. I have NO DOUBT that if the US had been hit first, Mexico would have set up powerful military border patrols to stop US citizens from crossing into Mexico. Travel restrictions would have been slammed intoi place in a flash and Americans might even be shot on sight should they try to enter Mexico.
IF this virus doesn't fizzle out, we could be faced with no supplies, no food, no health care workers, police and fire, etc in a very short period of time. When you reach for protective masks and gloves, or gowns, they won't be there...no supplies.
Time to close the flood gates NOW. There won't be enough resources for Americans and we cannot stretch what we don't have.
Swine Flu May Be Named Event of 'International Concern' By WHO
By Jason Gale
(Bloomberg) -- The World Health Organization is set to declare the deadly swine flu virus outbreak in Mexico and the U.S. a global concern, potentially prompting travel restrictions, said a person familiar with the matter.
An emergency committee of the WHO in Geneva will declare the outbreak "a public health event of international concern" in a 4 p.m. teleconference today, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting is confidential. In response, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan may raise the level of pandemic alert, which could lead to travel restrictions aimed at curbing the disease's spread.
"These levels of pandemic alert are all signals for action," said Malik Peiris, a professor of microbiology at the University of Hong Kong, who has studied influenza viruses for more than a decade. "Raising the level of alertness to influenza, especially in returning travelers, would be a relevant thing to do."
Human-to-human spread of the previously unseen H1N1 swine influenza in Mexico and the U.S. is heightening concern that the virus may spark a pandemic. At least 68 people have died and more than 1,000 have fallen ill with flu-like symptoms in the Mexico City region in the past month, Jose Cordova, Mexico's Health Minister, told reporters yesterday. The government has shut schools and distributed face masks.
Sari Setiogi, a WHO spokeswoman in Geneva, declined to comment on the agency's response, saying it will depend on the outcome of today's meeting.
Closing Theaters Mexico's Social Security Institute shut all of the theaters and cultural centers it operates nationwide to avoid spreading the flu strain -- reminiscent of actions implemented during the 2003 SARS outbreak in Asia. Travel curbs imposed there damaged economies throughout the region, where that virus circulated most widely.
In Singapore, where 33 infected people died, gross domestic product shrank 11.4 percent in the second quarter of 2003 because of the severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Swine flu was confirmed in 20 of the deaths so far in Mexico. Of 14 tissue samples tested from Mexico, half were a genetic match with the swine flu reported in eight people in California and Texas, the Atlanta-based <http://www.cdc.gov/flu/swine/>Centers of Disease Control and Prevention said.
"We do not know whether this swine flu virus or some other influenza virus will lead to the next pandemic," Richard Besser, the CDC's acting director, told reporters yesterday on a teleconference. "Scientists around the world continue to monitor the virus and take its threat seriously."
Pandemic Threat
The new influenza strain, a conglomeration of genes from swine, bird and human viruses, poses the biggest threat of a large-scale flu pandemic since the emergence of the H5N1 strain that has killed millions of birds and hundreds of people, said William Schaffner, an influenza expert at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee.
"It re-combined to create something totally new," David Butler-Jones, Canada's chief public health minister, told reporters yesterday. "How, when, or where it did that I don't think we know. What it will lead to is impossible to predict."
WHO's alert level is at level 3, meaning there is no, or very limited, human-to-human transmission of a potential pandemic virus. Officials at the agency have said the global spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus since 2003 has put the world closer to another influenza pandemic than at any time since 1968, when the last of the previous century's three pandemics occurred.
Alert System
WHO uses a six-step alert system to tell the world what preparations to take in response to a pandemic. Flu can spread quickly when a new strain emerges because no one has natural immunity and a vaccine takes months to develop. The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, which killed as many as 50 million people, began when an avian flu virus jumped to people, doctors said.
Teams of disease investigators have been sent to California and Texas to trace how the malady has spread, and the U.S. offered to send scientists to Mexico, said the CDC's Besser. U.S. hospitals are being asked to collect samples from patients with flu-like symptoms, said Schaffner, chief of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt, in a telephone interview yesterday.
'Sense of Urgency'
"They are asking us who work in hospitals to go to our emergency rooms and our pediatric wards to gather specimens and start testing them," Schaffner said. "This has a sense of urgency about it."
Mexico's government has closed schools, museums, movie theaters and libraries in Mexico City and surrounding areas until further notice, according to an e-mail from the National Arts and Culture Council. It's also handing out free facemasks and extending the deadline for filing taxes until May 31, Cordova said. A million doses of antiviral medicine are available for distribution, he said.
Twenty-four cases, including three deaths, have been reported in San Luis Potosi, in central Mexico, and four cases have been found in Mexicali near the border with the U.S., according to the WHO.
Three main human flu strains -- H3N2, H1N1 and type-B -- circulate and cause 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year in seasonal epidemics, according to the World Health Organization. Pandemics occur when a novel influenza A-type virus, to which almost no one has natural immunity, emerges and begins spreading.
To contact the reporter on this story: Jason Gale in Singapore at j.gale@bloomberg.net
Last Updated: April 25, 2009 08:06 EDT
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: http://www.emergingdisease.org/phpbb/index.php Also my new website: http://drpdoyle.tripod.com/ Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health
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