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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Welcome to the Chinated States of America
By A. True Ott, PhD, ND

Here's the latest on U.S Government guarantees to keep China investing in U.S. debt instruments.

First, out of the United Kingdom:  


The Los Angeles TImes yesterday reported:  



Clearly, from these two reports, Obama's "recovery and stimulus plan" has ZERO chance of long-term success without the continued investment of the People's Liberation Army's HARD CURRENCY ASSETS in American mortgages and bank debentures. Here are the cold, hard facts explaining why this is true.

1. Thanks to a decades-long massive import/export ratio deficit with China, the Chinese yen is continually able to out-perform the United States dollar in the world commodity markets - specifically in gold futures - the measure of real economic wealth the world over. Thanks also to the Shenzen Special Economic District, China is able to transfer U.S. Paper Dollars to gold, silver, and platinum --- i.e. "Hard" currency. Where it takes 1,000 US dollars to buy an ounce of gold, for instance, it may only take 650 yen to buy the same ounce. 

2. This "hard" currency is then invested into the U.S. mortgage banking companies, which are then in turn secured by American REAL PROPERTY - land and buildings. To date, the Chinese PLA leaders have "invested" over $1 trillion dollars of "hard currency" in these "leveraged" debentures since the presidency of Bill Clinton first legitimized the traitorous practice. 

3.Thanks to the Federal Reserve "fractional reserve" laws, the various mortgage banks and insurance giants like A.I.G. can now create leveraged "paper" as much as 50 times more than the amount of "hard currency" actually on their books and computer data banks. In essence, 1 Billion in "hard assets" can be "leveraged" into over $50 Billion in commercial mortgage paper --- which then, of course, can be bundled and packaged numerous times in a process called "churning".  

4. This process of "churning" creates an apparently rich, robust, yet patently false, PAPER TIGER economy --- for it is entirely based on fraud as it robs the U.S. citizens of their real weath -- their labor, goods and services, and eventually their Homes, Farms and Ranches.  

5. In order to keep the debt instrument "bubble" from bursting completely, it is critical to keep "hard currency" flowing without obstruction. Without continued "hard currency" being invested, any and all "government bail-outs" inevitably result in hyper-inflation and complete fiscal insolvency --- just as Germany found out following the "Great War".  

China's military leaders know they now completely own the American economy. The only question now is what contractual guarantees will they be granted by the Obama adminstration for PHYSICAL POSSESSION of the land, WHEN, (not if) the illusory debt-based American (and World) economy crashes to the ground.  

The right of EMINENT DOMAIN is the only logical conclusion.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, indeed.

A. True Ott, ND, PhD

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