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The Half Past Human
ALTA Reports

This is a note from Clif High. It is self-explanatory...
The rumor going around the net is that the PowersThatBe have some how scuttled the web bot project. Here's the truth of the matter, though: No, the 'rickety time machine' project has NOT been co-opted, nor has it been sold out...but there are messages like this one floating about the net...
"According to some unnamed sources, the Web Bots may have been sold out. My question is: How much money did it take for TPTB to buy Clif and Crew out?
I'm not sure either, but I guess everyone has a price. I guess too much information on the happenings of the Earthly world which surrounds us was being put into the open. After all, I really cannot see why they would end their long-running program of future-prediction/rickedy time machine monkeybusiness for anything else. I guess TPTB have taken the last of what was once a good warning method for us in the masses... "
Upon receipt, I passed it along to Cliff for comments and he sent back an unexpectedly detailed reply:
"My name is clif high and I invented the process that Geore Ure named the 'web bot project'. I have run this project since its inception in 1994, when I came up with the beginnings of the idea, through to the point that we went into a planned working vacation just a month ago. It is a process of my design and efforts. Others, including George and Igor have participated and have helped shape the project along the way, and have played equally vital roles in its success. However, the burdens, karmic and other, have been primarily mine. I wrote all the code for the software over 1995 through 1997 and have been in production with the work ever since.
In response to the suggestion that the 'web bot project' has 'sold out' to TPTB, I say emphatically BULLSHIT! This is NOT the case.
So, to answer the cowardly unnamed sources whose puzzlement is expressed as: "After all, I really cannot see why they would end their long-running program of future-prediction/rickedy time machine monkeybusiness for anything else."
Let me point out that just cause you can't see it or conceive of it, does not mean it isn't there.
THE primary reason that I decided to take a break was that the work is very grueling, demanding, straining, exhausting, and stressing. I have been doing this work for over 10/ten years, and am tired of the unrelenting demand on personal energy that is required to produce the quality of the work, to say nothing of the volume involved. I am also tired of suffering the mental pressures required to stay centered enough to read and interpret the emotional storm that is humanity expressing itself on the net during these very trying times. In many ways I am now very empathetic towards Edgar Cayce who 'gave up' doing personal psychic readings after years of the toil because of the personal toll that such work extracts. It is the same with the web bot project. Our work was always about being intellectually honest in our approach and good, bad, right or wrong, we would put out our best possible projections. And we did this week after week, run after run, for years.
The web bot project has been in public awareness since 2003, and since that time the work load and pressures have accumulated in direct proportion to the accuracy of the interpretations, and the scale of the 'bad news' manifesting. The last 10/ten years have brought increases in our levels of skills, but not, as many presume, increases in 'riches'. It has brought threats, and acrimony, and other negative responses from groups offended in some manner by our efforts.
As to the suggestion that we have sold out to TPTB, I wish that this was truewhich is to say that it would have been great if someone had come and attempted to bribe or threaten us out of this line of work. Why? Well the mere existance of such an attempt would have pissed me off, and I probably would have continued the work in spite of the emotional/karmic toll paid as it would have been a sign from universe that I was supposed to continue. Also I would have continued under those circumstances JUST to be annoying to TPTB who irritate the crap out of me with their stupidity and monkey-mind view of universe. No, sorry to say, it was not so. Did not happen. No bribes, no threats. No money, no drama.
As an historical note, I have this deal with universe about the web bot project that I would continue the effort in spite of the other conditions provided by universe in my life, and the debilitating nature of the work for as long as it was requrired.by universenot some unnamed sources. Both George and Igor will be able to provide ample examples of how many times I have tried to leave this work behind and live a life for a while regardless of the building chaos manifesting around us all. Each time that I tried to move on, or take time off to peruse my original career goal of being a boat bum, or failing that, find some legitimate work in programming, universe would find some way to slap me upside the head and put me back to work.
Not this time. Finally, apparently, I have accomplished what universe wanted with the web bot project and now can find release and relief from the burdens attached to it. Now it is time for us here at HPH to harmonize with what has been revealed within our work over these last years and to participate actively, perhaps even joyously, but certainly at least, positively, in the [transformation] wave that is sweeping through our galaxy.
Yes, there is a whole lot more than we have said in the ALTA Reports (*what the real name of the web bot project was supposed to be), and maybe that some of that needs telling. Universe will decide that as it chooses.
For us, it is now transformation time. Now for something completely new. At last.
clif high - Primary jutnob here at halfpasthuman.com "
A couple of notes on my own here: The first is that strange as this may sound, being able to see the future (at least insofar as major psychological impacts down at the archetype level) really is a royal pain in the butt. Just as one example, we got the 'preview' of the Banda Aceh quake and "300 dead / land driven back to a previous age" five months in advance of it actually popping into life.
During that time, I'm tried to talk about it in advance - and people who might have mistaken me for 'normal' at some point wrote me off as a complete wanker.
Need another example? OK, I walked away from a nice job in Burbank area October 2, 2005 because we had a pretty good handle on the "major earthquake", people camping out by fires and geographical hints that pointed to 34º North as well as another terra descriptor "southwest."
Since Burbank - where Elaine and I were living in September 2005 - was at 34º north, and because the Burbank is in the American "southwest" - not to mention the seismicity of SoCal, we chose to mosey back to our ranch here in East Texas, arriving October 6th after visiting kinfolk along the way.
Folks I knew in Los Angeles, and who I had tried to warn (advising them of the pending quake possibilities) thought I had gone absolutely batshit (sorry, but let's call it what it is).
Until the 2005 Kashmir quake that killed 79,000 struck on October 8th..... 34º29'35"N too, and whether you want to think of this as southwest Asia or not, I'll leave that up to you. But if you could see the future...even poorly...would you have the courage to act on your belief even if it could potent9ially cost six-figures?
The technology is in its infancy, but it's still a personal burden like you wouldn't believe.
Suppose you could see pretty well that one of the bit US national banks was going to run into internal difficulties (which is to put it nicely) shortly (I'll remind you of this in the future, BTW) and it would be a nightmare for thousand upon thousands of depositors. Would you try to share that information? But how??!
Without giving the name of the bank, one of the biggest in America, how would you report this possibility or potential that crops up in modelspace without opening up yourself to every corporate lawyer around - and setting yourself up personally for lawsuits for defamation, libel, slander plus a side order of ' he should be committed" and whatever else?
Getting major aspects of the Northeast Power Outage right - a couple of months in advance - and plenty of other "hits" like the May 2008 China quake - large and small - might seem kinda cool.
But, believe me, it's not. While the technology is not perfect, the odds of getting the number of 'hits' (linguistic fits) seems way above chance. Enough so that it's a huge personal burden...and no, that's not being mellow dramatic.
We've done some very small-scale tests with the future...to see if it's malleable...which it seems to be. While that's maybe good news, it's not. Explain? Sure.
If you've been keeping up with physics you should have at least a conceptual outline of what's been evolving in the quantum mechanics department of Physics over the past 75 years:
"Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, often described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics being applied to everyday objects. The thought experiment presents a cat that might be alive or dead, depending on an earlier random event. In the course of developing this experiment, he coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement)."
Turns out that at a very deep, fundamental level, it turns out that God/Universe/Nature (or however you want to refer to in this here Matrix is highly entangled. With respect to Erwin:
"Verschränkung'ed". Expect the cat to live when you view it and it lives! Expect it to be dead and so it will be....
Since Cliff, Igor, and I approached this project with a 'time monk's' perspective (look gently at the future but don't get caught up in profiting from it, or changing it) , we've been able to observe that yes, it appears the future really can be manipulated - future-jacked - if you will.
But it's much more complex than people imagine. A good starting point might be to read Dean Radin's book: Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality?. For you see, the future changes slightly each time we looked at it but more importantly, each time our expectations change.
Best I can figure, our looking at it - without any sense of attachment to a particular outcome is the only way that one can look at the future without changing it, because it seems that when a particular outcome is desired, the future can be made to drift a little, this way or that.
To be more direct, the entanglement / Verschränkung of it is such that it appears influenced by expectations.
What's more, in my study along the way, it seems many different human activities may influence how the future actually shows up because they change expectations. Does prayer work? Well, if it embeds a really firm expectation about how the future will arrive, of course. But doesn't that also mean meditation could work?
Again, most certainly. And what about all those self-help guru's and their positive mindset/ positive expectations? Well, them too, at least to some extent.
But wait! What about groups that hold on to supposed magical traditions handed down from ancient Egypt - do they work too? Then what about a fraternity group or covens of 'magicians' following the tradition of the Golden Dawn schools...they all work on expectations of the future so what about them? Well, yeah, them too.
In fact, all of them may work, at one level or another (except for the groups that have been co-opted from the inside via Mafia-type favor-traders within the ranks of otherwise 'clean' traditions), but they only work to the extent they effectively implant changed expectations about the future.
Those involved in the web bot project maintained a definite 'hands off' approach to the work. Without that, we wouldn't be able to test 'future-jacking' and such. In other word, if we 'expect' a certain future, then it might appear...hence the focus on non-attachment to the future. Just go along for the rise with good expectations that Universe (acting through he transport layer) will send along a sandwich when needed.
Biggest personal lessons for George in all this? The first has been a really keen insight into how Power functions. Each of us has way more personal power to determine our individual future than most folks would even dream of. The underlying technology or transport layer by which the future arrives, doesn't seem to care much what the expectation of the future is...it just appears to some degree based on expectations about it.
What happens when those seeking Power enter the equation is that this personal self determination or self-manipulation of the future becomes forbidden, or lost, or tabooed away such that regular folks like you and me are hypnotized into thinking it doesn't exist.
Then, what happens with Power is that some person or institution will set itself up and offer that for a price of some kind, you will be reintroduced to the power within each of us. A little 'tribute', either in the form of money, but also in the belief of the Power leadership's ideology/vision of the future and trah lah!
Stairway to Heaven turns out to be right there in front of you....
It's of course, much more complex that that, but human words have a hard time with explaining how reality that we seem to share is a kind of condensate from other layers of reality...and oh boy is that a long subject. One group will call some of the non-condensed critters 'demons' while others might call them 'archons and their kin' while still others might call them 'greys'.
What's most striking is that in the struggle for power various institutions cling to their 'divide and conquer' heritage. Strange battles there to keep humans from uniting, at least so it can look in some ways... plenty of material for a book on the subject....
But back to point: Say something a little too out of line about this underlying transport layer that delivers the future and someone will try to run you out of town on a rail, brand you an infidel, or whatever. Cool...we knew this wasn't gonna be easy from the beginning, which is why the nonattachment is so important.
Did I get to perform an experiment or two along the way? Yup. I got to do a Nostradamus-type thing. I started with the question how could I 'encode' something about the future that would make 21st century sense when read in hindsight after an event showed up?
I told Peoplenomics subscribers the story of one such experiment a couple of weeks ago. (I apologize to Peoplenomics subscribers who have read this a couple of weeks back, but I consider it a fine example of the personal weight of all this:)
"10XCSN Redux, Best Depression Businesses, and Pandemic Preps
Readers of the (free) www.urbansurvival.com site have been pondering the meaning of 10XCSN since I first mentioned it in early October 2008. In this week's report subscribers get to see what that was all about plus a little more insight into the web bot project. From there, we move on to assessing economic impacts of a massive pandemic, and we'll finish up this week's report with a discussion of how to find a good business to be in during this Second Depression. Mask up, glove up, pick a bale of cotton - it's time to rock & roll...
10XCSN Explained
It has been a real privilege to be a small part of the www.halfpasthuman.com predictive linguistics project over the past 9 years and this week two events have occurred that have shown me - without a doubt - that the future can be personally known, at least to some degree.
The first major 'hit' (e.g. getting a prediction absolutely, undeniably, smack-dab right) goes back to a column I wrote and posted at the www.urbansurvival.com site on Saturday October 11th, 2008 under the headline "Things we don't like to talk about..."
Now, in order to prove to you that I didn't just go and write that page yesterday, and to ensure that everything is on the up-and-up, here's the Google cache of the report from October. Link.
Now Grasshopper, I'm going to take you to time monk school: Let me share the little problem, which as a 'time monk lite', I was pondering last October.
Knowing what I did at the time about coming/forward events out a few months, what could I write in what's now the semi-distant past that would show undeniable foreknowledge that the event many months ago, but which without giving away the future (and taking a risk of being party to making it happen would still underscore how really precise the technology can be in the right (no axes to grind) hands.
What we were expecting (October 08) was to see an event to take place in Ohio which would become a kind of a rally-point for the rising confrontation between omnihumanity and PTB / authority.
Much as the Kent State shootings in 1970 became a rallying point for the (then) anti-Vietnam War movement after four students were killed in a confrontation with armed forces of 'authority', we had linguistics that led us to believe something of a similar but different nature would be taking place in the same kind of geographical area.
So I decided to write about this future event back in October '08 by calling it "10XCSN" which I can now reveal referred in part to Crosby Stills, & Nash, the popular rock and rock group that wrote and performed a memorial to the Kent State Shootings titled simply "Ohio". This was a hugely emotional song. The liner notes from the CSN album "Decade" touched on how deeply moved people were by that song as Neil Young wrote:
"It's still hard to believe I had to write this song. It's ironic that I capitalized on the death of these American students. Probably the most important lesson ever learned at an American place of learning. David Crosby cried after this take."
So that - so we're now clear - is what the "CSN" part of the "10XCSN" was about.
What about the "10X" part? Ah. How many students were killed?
Four. Ask you what four times 10 ("10X") that number would be?
Forty, you say? Bingo.
So, finally, time unveils the "event" that we've been waiting patiently for these past six-months: "Block party becomes Kent riot: 40 arrests and climbing as police break up mob" reports the Record-Courier's Kasha Legeza-Burton. So that's as close to a perfect fit as we can offer: 10XCSN referred in October of 2008 to the 40 (+) that were to be arrested at Kent State, scene of the 1970 shootings memorialized by CSN and 10-times as many humans involved.
Whether we will see this morph into a musical (or viral video) rallying point against corpgov remains to be seen. But I'd suggest that the odds of getting 10XCSN in October and having the underlying event 'fade to real' in the present is well above statistical 'chance' although you're welcome to make your own informed decision about that.
While I personally wish that Cliff would continue the project, there's more --- much more --- that falls under the general subject line "Things we don't like to talk about..." and I totally respect his decision to hang it up for a while.
I take some solace in both Bob Dylan and then Jimmy Hendrix ssinging of "All Along the Watchtower"
There's a hint or two, if you want them, in the Wikipedia entry about "Watchtower" :
Commenting on the songs on his album John Wesley Harding, in an interview published in the folk music magazine Sing Out! in October 1968, Dylan told John Cohen and Happy Traum:
" "I haven't fulfilled the balladeers's job. A balladeer can sit down and sing three songs for an hour and a half... it can all unfold to you. These melodies on John Wesley Harding lack this traditional sense of time. As with the third verse of "The Wicked Messenger", which opens it up, and then the time schedule takes a jump and soon the song becomes wider... The same thing is true of the song "All Along the Watchtower", which opens up in a slightly different way, in a stranger way, for we have the cycle of events working in a rather reverse order."[5] "
Christopher Ricks has commented that "All Along the Watchtower" is an example of Dylan's audacity at manipulating chronological time: "at the conclusion of the last verse, it is as if the song bizarrely begins at last, and as if the myth began again."
And maybe it will.
The lyrics of Hendrix's version are personally poignant because I associate it with our 'time monk' mentality - look but don't touch; we're just here to learn to Dance with Universe better:
"No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."
The other event that was 'trippy' specifically involved me personally - one of those things that falls out of the 'model-of-the-model' [MoM] (a subset of the big modelspace that is used for referential integrity checks where we sometimes look at our own futures a bit) and something happened exactly on schedule and right down to some unbelievable levels of detail that I won't go into here, but I can assure you, it was a world-shaker. Imagine having 6-months of lead time on how a meeting would go.
It's like someone saying "You'll be on the corner of this street and that at this time on Thursday April 23 and the phone will ring and it will be this person and here's what the conversation will be about...and don't forget to ask about X because that unlocks things hidden from most. " Damned if it didn't happen exactly...
Dangerous stuff knowing the future in advance, another reason why you might want to hold to the mental imagery of "Three riders are departing and the wind's begun to growl...." Fine time to be outta Dodge."
Several Peoplenomics readers wrote in to correct my lyrical quote:
"Two riders were approaching..." I was told.
"Nope, you're not getting it...the three riders would be Cliff, Igor, and me..."
Does the technology suggest anything we haven't talked about?
Well, having your money in a local bank of high quality is something on my personal list this week.
Oh, and does the world end in 2012? No. At least a few folks with "be on the road with cheerful courage" but whether that means we'll all be driving Saleen 7's to a party with friends, or wandering around in an out-take from Mad Max's world gleaning what can be found in the leftovers of 2012...well, don't want to spoil the adventure for you.
But the life-changer in all of this for me has been a developing
appreciation that 'be careful what you wish for' has implications that go deeper than you might ever imagine. Want to change your life? Ask yourself this: "How many minutes a day do I spend consciously embedding my expectations about the future into the form I want it to arrive in?"
You might be pleasantly surprised. Or, then again, we could be wrong.

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