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The Intelligent Woman's Guide
To Saving The Country
Charles Lindbergh Has Already Told
Us What Will Save America

By Dick Eastman
Introducing Lindbergh's still-possible solution
Leaving the conspiracy alone five days a week so I can home school my daughter and hold myself together has been good for my immediate health, if not my life expectancy. When teaching algebra, French, history, drama, charm, chemistry and composition I almost forget -- reading Irving Fisher's "The Purchasing Power of Money" as my daughter does the problems in her Saxon math workbook. I become like the man diagnosed with terminal cancer who manages detach himself from the impending end that is only a few months away. An English monk wrote a book on contemplation nearly a thousand years ago. The book was called "The Cloud of Unknowing." That is where I have been. That is where you have been too. The mind, unable to face the conclusions terrible it has reached, retreats, putting itself under sedation.
If you knew your family were all going to be killed by an invading army known for atrocity with an irrational hatred of their victims -- would you want them to be drunk or drugged when happens? I think you would. I think that you to some extent have been participating in passing around the anesthetic because you know you can't face what is coming.
Part of what makes it unbearable is the fact that disaster is upon us all and yet we can't talk about it with each other. We listen to the controlled media and the public ignorance it commands and we don't fight it. We play along with the very deception that is intended to kill us all -- because we lack the courage to speak up about what we know. Of course this is no accident. Of course there are very powerful behavioral technologies behind our conditioned acquiescence and astronomical monetary resources to deploy them.
So here I am on my one day committed to warning my countrymen that they are the targets of murder in a plan that is already being executed. My job is to say a few words that might help prepare people to accept the stark truth and then to lay out the situation and our alternatives as well as I can given my own imperfect -- but better than most -- understanding of them.
The stark truth is that the mass-murderers who control western civilization through the investment banks have a pact with the mass- murderers who conducted the Chinese "communist" revolution. These too groups have been allied since the Opium Wars of the early 1800's. "Communism" is simply a vehicle for these forces to use, like the "Democratic" and "Republican" parties of this country -- people are tricked into thinking that this party represents their interests, when in fact it only represents the interests of those who control the parties' leadership.
The Chinese dictators if every the Chinese people had the freedom and the facts they would demand swift justice for the crimes done in the name of communism. The Western Money Power knows the same thing about us. The Chinese dictators knew they would have to deliver some wealth to their citizens since they have been promising in all of their propaganda to overthrow "imperialist exploiters." The Money Power knew that great wealth would have to be given to "Left," and so they devised a way that great wealth would be transferred to the hungry East without it costing them a penny. "If you don't come and assassinate us and raise up revolutions against our financial empire we will give you with wealth of our middle classes. Just allow us to keep our credit monopoly and our control of international trade and finance -- and we will see to it that America's middle class will be drained of its wealth and reduced to poverty on a level with the East Asian masses. There will be wealth enough for you to provide for yourselves and to buy off the intellectuals and leaders of your country so that you can keep your skins and maintain control. And of course that was a deal that neither side could turn down.
My letters reach only a few people. If you are reading this, then you have probably read several other of my postings. My telling you over and over the history of the conspiracy has worn a rut that is very deep -- too deep, it seems, for someone to put his head up over the edge and shout to anyone else about what you have learned. Wars, depressions, terrorist attacks, recent weather catrastrophies; behind all of them have been human hands working our destruction.
The Zionist Jews simply view us as dangerous, unclean, and soulless beings whom it is OK to rob and destroy. They are convinced that it is "us or them!" The Chinese are also racist and ethnocentric.
The Chinese have been told since 1969 that no American's walked on the moon. That all of the wealth in the hands of Americans was stolen from the hard working people of the East. They are told that we stole North America from the aboriginals and that we have no right to it. They believe that their numbers and their altruistic goodness earns them the right to displace us in North America. This is what Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who represents San Francisco's China Town which is now more a part of Red China than Taiwan. A large army has been inflitrated into the US on the West Coast. They have been armed and provisioned for a lightning strike against us. During the Clinton years container ships we found in the Port of Oakland loaded with automatic weapons. Nothing came of it. One of perhaps thousands of items I have run across in years of sifting. I won't support this claim -- you either believe me, or not, or remain undecided.
Barrak Obama has been groomed for the job of, not our our executioner, but as the front man for our executioner. Some of you were in terror of the Clintons. Some of you were in terror of Cheney-Wolfowitz-Perle. I have been in terror of both and of all of their predecessors back to Bernard Baruch and Edward Mandell House. Rahm Israel Emanuel is the killer who will mastermind our destruction. He has been controlling Nancy Pelosi in the House.
Nancy Pelosi's function is merely to do what Rahm Emanuel tells here to do. The largest Mossad contingent work as staffers in Congress. They write the laws that Congress passes without reading. And Nancy Pelosi brings to a vote only what Rahm Emanuel tells her to bring up. When Pelosi addresses APIAC she speaks on a dias decoracted with the APIAC logo and a single red five-sided star, the symbol of Red China below it. CIndy Sheehan lost to Nancy Pelosi. That could only happen in Red China or China Town. Senator Feinstein comes from serving the same constituency, by the way.
See Christopher Bollyn's dire warning about Obama and Rahm Emanuel: "The Israeli who will Run the Obama White House" http://www.bollyn.info/home/articles/polphil/
rahm-emanuel-and- barack-obama/ Sooner or later we are going to have to, as my Dad used to say, "face the music."
What I have called the Kleptastrophe -- the planned robbing of all middle-class American wealth through the leveraged exercise of the Money Power's monopoly of credit and political power -- is as monstrous an act of total war as any act in history, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- and the death toll will be 500 or a thousand times greater that both of those atrocities combined.
I just mention in passing that Rahm Israel Emanuel's direction Mossad congressional staffers has resulted in Congress allowing the Treasury to rewrite tax law by permiting the banks who are buying up their ruined competitors to take the tax write-off -- in effect buying the tax-write offs at taxpayer expense -- a write off that will require the government to borrow an additional $140 billion to meet its expenses in this crisis. When this much money can be had by a little concerted effort to control Congressional staffers and the election process, should we be supprised that the Kleptastrophe would find so many willing accomplices?
9-11 was a false-flag attack arranged by the Money Power and China's tyranny in order to engage the US in a self-destructive conflict with the entire Moslem world. What did the Viet Nam war do to the U. S.? What did war in Afghanistan do to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Do you think that Kissinger, Perle, Wolfowitz and the great minds of Wall Street and the City of London don't know the outcome of "The War on Terror" (I call them "The Frame-up Wars") on the U.S? Didn't they understand the fatal cost off all that debt financing; of all that waste of production on the destruction of innocent foreign nations; of all that provocation of world hatred against us. Of course they did. I was just what they wanted.
Do you know what the world thinks of the US when they see all of the movies that Hollywood is putting out. That movie is the Zionist Communist Jews who run Hollywood conditioning the people of the world to want to see you dead. When people around the world think of Americans they think of the sociopathic characters in Hollywood horror movies and super action crime movies and idiot teenage movies -- as much as they think of our sociopathic President. They chose McCain because he would drive people to Obama. They chose Bush because he would drive the world to backing China when China comes to "bring "Democracy" to the US.
As Presient Barrak Obama will disarm the middle-class once and for all. And then he will impose "anti-racism" laws -- people will vote for them, thinking of protecting "black people," the victims of old wrongs -- but in reality the laws will be crafted to make it a crime to critically examine the crimes of Zionists, as I am examining them now. The poor will tear down the middle class -- the guy who still has his own small-business in town -- just as during the Chinese Revolution the people of the town stood in a circle to watch shopkeepers disembowled with swords as bourgeois "enemies of the people" and cheered -- out of fear of what would happen to them if they did not cheer loud enough. It's coming this way -- all we have to do is stand where we are and it will soon be upon us.
The Kleptastrophe was not the workings of impersonal market forces as Alan Greenspan and the public servants from Goldman Sachs would have you believe. Greenspan says that we are in ruin because he "trusted the free market." But intelligent people with command of the facts and an understanding of human behavior, interest group behavior and market systems know that markets are always controlled by rules and institutions. Markets can be manipulated. Monopoly power can make market forces very "personal" and regulatory power can set up the incentive systems -- moral hazzard -- that forces certain catastrophic outcomes. At the root of every depression is too much debt engineered by he credit monopoly -- the system outside the markets upon which the market system relies. The Money Power has developed its instrumentalities to suck up the wealth of the world. To take our factories, our farms and our houses to reinstate serfdom and feudalism. Laissez-faire for them and slavery for you and I. And when scarcity is felt and money and credit are scarce and there are no jobs with which to earn purchasing power to support your family -- you are tempted to become a yes-man willing to betray anyone and everyone if only you can be spared getting the misery that everyone else is getting.
The Moslem's are right. It takes faith in God that is stronger than fear of hunger or fear of homelessness or fear of death to defeat evil such as we face. That is why the Zionist Jews and the Communists oppose that kind of faith in a God who demands sinlessness and brotherhood. Our slave masters want us to be the "eye for an eye" types -- so that all they have to do is fly some remotely controlled jetliners into some of our buildings and say that "so-and-so" did it, and we will be ready to put on uniforms and go over there and kill whomever the Jew of the moment tells us the "enemy" is.
Barrak Obama will be doing this. And the Democrats will be behind him. The colored people of the world will be behind him. He has a Moslem middle name. He skin is dark. He belongs to the "democratic party." That is what the lie of the "left" is all about. That is what the lie of the "Democratic Party" is all about. Need I say again that the United States is the least racist country on earth. That the true racists are the Zionist Jews and the Chinese who are working to reduplicate the feat of "unifying China" by bringing the world under the Chinese hegemon, with the Jews as their bankers.
And don't think "Them" are not reading what people like me have to say. Their silence is most telling. If they were not taking conspiracy theoriests seriously they would make an attempt to answer us. Instead, they are just rededicate themselves to destroying us as quickly and efficiently as possible. And they will make no discriminations among liberals, conservatives, leftists, rightests. We all have been contaminated with too much of the truth for us to be permitted to survive. Their ruthlessness and brutality will increase as their confidence in our helplessness increases. We are seeing the great transformation in the conformation of their teeth now. The Chinese have a "Morganthau Plan" for America and the Zionist Jews concur with the remedy. President Obama will continue to smile, but he will administer a rod of iron and his rhetoric will remain "liberationist" -- and we will never be sure if the poor really believe him or not; or whether they are just afraid to express disagreement.
Believe it or not, all of the above is just an introduction to a message by Charles Lindbergh written exactly 60 years ago. Lindbergh, many do not know, was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic and the man who led the cause to keep us out of World War II. Here Lindbergh tells us exactly what we need to do; what if we had done we would not be in the mess we are in now.
I said that only religion that breaks with evil and becomes fearless in non-cooperation with evil and resistance to evil -- that puts our humanity above our security -- for therein lies real security.
I read this essay four times before typing it out for you this week. In one place below Lindy says: "There are times when one feels an overwhelming desire to communciate belief to others, to band together with one's fellow-men in support of a common cause." I know that this is what each of us wants. I am certain that this is what we all need to do. The answer is here -- if we are really looking for an answer.
Please read it and let me know what you think of it -- and whether you forwarded it.
Your old friend to the finish,
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
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