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Goddess Means Every Woman
And God Every Man

By George Paxinos
Today, a lady correspondent of 84 wrote a mail to a writer-friend dozens of times more prolific than I, and me, encouraging us to continue writing, reminding us that we should laugh more, and including excerpts of the wonderful humour of an age when people were still people enough to express their honest, wry and humorous insights from the quintessence of their lives' experience, and media were decent and clean and honest enough to let them do so, because the moral integrity of all participants could still be trusted.
She wrote :
These great questions and answers are from the days when ' Hollywood Squares' game show responses were spontaneous, not scripted, as they are now.
In my mind, she is the quintessence of every True Woman, in whom is Goddess, and here's why :
Her message to us was :
Hello: It is possible that you both are thinking....here she goes again. But let me say this, I don't care if you think that.
My intention is to keep you healthy and prepared to hit it with heavy import every time you send out an article for your public to read. Laughter keeps the body and brain working efficiently because you feel refreshed and better after you have laughed. Your writing is important, very important these days.
So please take the time to read this and let go and let laughter echo in your house. It won't hurt.
l&h a.
I sat, stunned. Here was a helping hand, stretched across a world, an insightful look into the stresses of life and its problems, the burning drives and grim angers against perceived injustices and the daily hopelessness of those who try their best and carry on while others call them fools and our world goes to hell in a bucket. I was filled with gratitude toward Life for blessing me with this token of true, inner meaning in the indifferent, disinterested and falsified world of today.
Here was a lady, a True Lady, a woman of 84 who, with her brilliantly alive mind and insightful, understanding, feminine, gratuitous kindness, gentle wisdom and humour, epitomised every True Woman down history eulogised in song and story.
Her mail encouraged me tremendously. It made me feel I was not all alone here in Switzerland, now alas no more inhabited by William Tells, as most foreigners might still imagine, but, with very few exceptions, by yes-men and functionaries of a Feudal System still very much alive and well, now burgeoning into Globalism under the New World Order.
It made me feel that, in spite of having had a surveillance bug planted in my tiny flat for my being considered a danger to the N.W.O. or whomever due to my few online articles, I had been born to do a task, and I was doing it well enough to be a nuisance to the Powers-That-Would-Be and the lap-dog curs doing their dirty work for them behind the scenes and in secret.
Calling the Swiss Intelligence Agency in Bern, the capital, and saying that, if they wanted to speak with me, they should come in broad daylight, show their IDs and then we can talk, brought only a non-committal response; had it been some other agency poaching illicitly on their territory, they would show immediate interest, but, by saying nothing, they were implicitly admitting by default their guilt. Sometimes I think these are men and some women beneath the dignity of any honest man to even speak to, lest he sully the purity of his very soul by doing so.
Suddenly, reading this lady's mail, the flunkies fell away like darkness before the morning and were too lowly to even think about, let alone despise.
In contrast, my 84-year-old correspondent is a Real Woman. In every woman, there is, or should be, Goddess. Goddess, the Primal Soul of Woman, Essence of the Feminine, which, together with the Masculine, makes the Universe go round.
Goddess, in esoteric terms and in earlier, Matriarchal religions, the Feminine, Good and Preserving, is Life's counterpoint in Creation to what used to be Man, the Creative Progenitor and Protector of Family, now fallen into Disgraced Man, the now-turned- cowardly, the Yes-Man who would hide behind the skirts of even women politicians who, in their warlike actions, represent the heartless, Woman-Gone-Bad we read about as the Wicked Stepmother in Haensel and Gretel and the Wicked Queen in Snow White.
In an inverted world, this lady's femininity came almost as a shock, a reminder of the natural order of things as they should be, in a healthier, more-natural world.
Her words of encouragement, words of solace and humour and admonition to "LAUGH!" -- and then "GO-GET-'EM!" -- are the words expressed down all ages to exhausted menfolk by every true Woman who ever lived, the words of Goddess and every Mother to her children in times when women were Women and men were still Men, and there was a loving truce, if not always peace, between two sexes so disparate in their attitudes, yet so necessary to each other in the Great Cycle of Life, the Dance of the Creative-Destructive and the Bearing-Preserving.
I do not watch TV, I read books to keep my imagination alive, and the world outside is so beautiful, whether it be the landscape lit by Day and the intricate lives of all its living creatures, or the deep starry sky of Night, holy with Father Day's antithesis and the complement that makes Day complete, Goddess Night, Mother, wife, consort and lover, in whose calming and soothing balm we rest and heal ourselves and without whom we could not survive after all the daily running around most beings have to do, just to stay alive. Day is Man, Night is Woman.
Man Creates and Defends, Woman Brings Forth, Cares For, and Keeps Alive. In every species, as in Man, every Man is God and every Woman is Goddess -- or should be. Man the Creative, the Life Force that goes out and makes things happen, gives energy to Become and Survive and Grow, and Woman, Preserving, Nurturing, Caring, keeps Man's excesses in check when his creativity inverts into its destructive form and good turns bad and creative warmth burns instead :
As Shakespeare put it in his sonnet, "Shall I compare thee to a Summer's Day?", "Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines", and, as Wilfred Owen, in his World-War-One poem, "Futility", before he, himself fell in battle in the final week of the War, asks, while despairingly viewing a young, fallen comrade who was somehow killed in his sleep :
"Was it for this the clay grew tall?
-- O, what made fatuous sunbeams toil
To break earth's sleep at all?"
And, in Shakespeare's same sonnet, when "every fair from fair sometime declines", it , in my own mind, relates to Woman, when She turns destructive, turns masculine, much as Man, when he goes out to destroy, instead of to create, betrays the holy trust given him by Life, and forgets his protective mandate and turns petty and cruel and vindictive, instead of generous, kind and magnanimous from a position of strength.
In this world of today, men seem to have lost their masculinity and women their femininity. Sick scenes of a woman taking part in the willful torture of captured men in a US prison camp in Iraq shock and are then are quickly forgotten, as unthinking men, as always in history, go out and wage war on other unthinking men. There is something wrong with these men, God has gone out of them.
Which raises the question : What if someone held a war, and nobody turned up?
If Man were satisfied at home, at peace in his own being, and someone held a war, why should he have enough aggression in himself to go out and do the bidding of some politician, be it male or female, most of them too old to bear children, and, at their behest, kill those who have done no personal hurt to him or his family, devastating the lives of families exactly like his own, and then fall, a healthy, young person in the prime of life, and that for the enrichment of those who would never go to the front-line themselves, have always ducked the military service they would impose upon others, and, while others are dying in trenches and foxholes and their victims, families of mainly woman and children, are starving to death, destitute outside their ruined homes, never themselves miss at least three meals a day in their guarded homes and their War Ministries, their underground bunkers and their ranches and luxury mountain retreats?
How sick is man's judgment, to let this happen?
Friends, I tell you one thing : Unless every man again becomes a MAN, creative, building and defending his own family and the rights and sanctity of all other families of all nations and all species, world-wide, and finally starts to act like a MAN again, not like some pansy politicians of recent notoriety who have imposed a Never- Ending-War for their own sick, psychopathic, sadist's fun and profit upon this suffering planet, and until every woman again becomes a WOMAN, the local representative of the Spirit of Goddess, the Preserving, and demands of Her Man that he should defend her and their kids against local tyrants depriving them of their homes and their food and sending their men, family bread-winners, off to die and be maimed in wars for profit of those selfsame politicians, and that this does not mean going out and killing other families just like themselves at the behest of some fat slug of a crooked politician who will be further enriched by that killing, we will not have peace in this earth.
How can we achieve this? I have four suggestions :
1. When a war is held and you are invited to attend, DON'T TURN UP.
When politicians and the ultra-rich smilingly rip you off, your pensions, your medical insurance, and you look toward an old age of work-until-you-drop, FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF THE *ROMAN PLEBS* -- if you don't know the story, look it up! -- and get everyone to stick together and JUST G O OUTSIDE ON THE SIDEWALKS AND SIT DOWN IN A SIT-DOWN STRIKE PEACEFULLY FOR THREE DAYS OR MORE -- PARTY! -- and the would-be "Emperors" will cave in as their entire Globalist- N.W.O. world of Big Capital crumbles and falls. IF ALL STAND TOGETHER, THEY CAN'T FIRE EVERYBODY.
If and when government flunkies come to take you and your family away, BE A MAN -- FIGHT LIKE HELL. The only thing we know for sure is that nobody, ever, leaves this world alive. If we are going to die anyway, then let us at least die with a conscience so clear, that should we survive, we will be able to look yourselves in the mirror.
And, remember, when you are caught up in a crooked, loaded game that you do not wish to play and in which someone else has decided your stake in it should be your life, they should also know that they themselves cannot play without bringing chips of equal value. If you pull in their chips instead of them pulling in yours, that is the game THEY decided to force you to play, not you! -- and there is no karma involved in defending yourself when someone tries to kill you. You may be only one, but they are many, and so the arithmetic of it all is that the losing side is always theirs, if you do your job well, and you will do so, if you are a Man.
I write this as a tribute to a Great Lady, an example of everything that once made any people of any nation great, and without the likes of whom we, as a species, would never have survived at all.
Goddess in Woman, whoever, and wherever you are, I salute you!

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