- With the selection of Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff,
Barack Obama pays back a critical supporter and constituency and signifies
that his administration will not change from Bush in foreign policy except
in certain minor ways.
- Will Obama reduce military expenditures? Will he reduce
the number and scope of missions to which we are obligated? The bottom
line is this-- for over 100 years we've used our military to support our
standard of living... mainly for the rich, but for all of us, rich and
poor. We've crushed resistance in the Americas to our agricultural interests,
and we've done the same in the Middle East for our energy interests
- I'll keep this short. It doesn't matter if we can keep
up this American imperial system. We can, until enough countries refuse
to denominate their oil transactions in USA dollars.
- The more intelligent members of our community will have
to correct my mistakes. Rahm Emanuel will not just be the gatekeeper, he'll
be the one of the first five to have President Obama's ear. Emanuel's record
is one of imperialism and gathering votes without regard for morality.
He is a very capable practitioner of realpolitik.
- Will Rahm Emanuel help continue and expand our empire?
He will. He already has.
- http://diagoras.dailykos.com/