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The New Credt Card Scam -
Evening The Score 

From Ted Twietmeyer
Jeff - I received a number of emails about the credit card story.
But this one is a classic...
Two weeks ago, I got a call from a very business like "Lady" at the other end.
The call went something like this:
"Hello - My name is is Julie Carson and I am calling from MCI."
...Inviting me to ask - "What is MCI?"
To which she replied - "We are a National Company that can reduce your credit card interest rates to as low as 7 to 8 % - depending on the type of credit card."
I then knew the great "credit card con was on."
I said "Julie - sorry to interupt but can you hold for a minute while I dump my other call that is on hold? I would like to talk to you more about this."
"No problem." she replied
I went and poured myself a cup of coffee
30 seconds later, I came back and said  "Thanks for holding."
"No problem." she replied again
"Can I get your name?" she says
I said my name was "Bruce Conner"
"Can I call you Bruce" she says
"I prefer Mr. Conner - I am probably old enough to be your GrandFather." I said
"No problem, Mr. Conner." she replied in a business like tone
After listening to her pitch, I was asking a few of the usual curosity questions to which she always had the right answers (sounded like a game show)
I gave her the information she wanted to hear about the number of cards I had, the type of cards,the interest rates I was paying, what the card limits are, payment habits etc.
As the conversation dragged along She managed to "smoothly" pry my Visa Number from me - to which I provided her "a Visa Number" - Name of my Bank - along with an address of the Bank (which I had to look up).
Her response was - "Mr. Conner, your Visa number does not seem to have current status."
I said "It MUST have current status - I used the card this morning and bought breakfast with it." and asked her to try it again.
I could just barely hear some keys being punched in at the other end - then she came back to me and said "it still does not seem to be the right number."
I said "Well, try it again young lady" - I must have flattered her because she sounded like she was old enought to be my Mother.
"You must have made a mistake in entering - it has to work - because I am not even close to my limit." I said
This time - I could clearly hear her keyboard rattling away in the background.
She said "no - it is still does not appear to be a proper number" and she asked me for the expiry date on the card.
This time I gave her the Visa number along along with a 09/09 expiry date and I firmly said "Make sure you enter it it properly."
She said in a little agitated tone - "This darn system is not taking it."
"Computers." I said "Are you sure you are entering it properly?"
"Yes, Mr. Conner" she said emphatically, "I am sure I have entered properly " This time she requested the 3 digit security number on the back
to which I promptly 'complied'.
I could hear her keyboard going 90 miles an hour now - as if she knew my Visa number by heart (obviously, she did).
"Mr Conner" She replied "it is still not going through."
"Thats very odd" I said. "It has to work, it's the right number. Can you please read it back to me...all of it back to me?" I demanded.  Which she did - twice.
She then says, "I will try it one more time."
"I should hope so." I said sarcastically.
This time I hear her keyboard sounding like it is going right down through her desk.
Then I hear her say, "Aww, crap"
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"I spilled my coffee" she replied.
"Oh," I said "that's the problem."
"What's that?" she asked.
I said "There is a moral to this story."
"A moral to what story?" she said
I said "Never con a 'conner'."
There was a slight pause at the other end and then she seethed
"YOU FUCKING PRICK!" and hung up
They haven't called me since. I must be on their 'do not call' list.
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