- Dec 19, 2008 "U.S. President George W. Bush says
automakers will be offered government loans to keep operating.It is anticipated
that the government will agree to provide General Motors, Chrysler and
Ford with low-interest loans. The plan is estimated to be worth as much
as $14 billion US.
- This is expected to trigger a Canadian response under
which the federal and Ontario governments would assist the Big Three's
Canadian subsidiaries with an additional 20 per cent of the US bailout
plan, estimated to be worth $2.8 billion US. Federal Industry Minister
Tony Clement said the extra money would help protect the country's share
of automotive assembly capacity in North America." (1)
- "As the printing presses for the bailouts run at
full speed, those in power are no longer even pretending that the new giveaways
will fix our problems. Now that we are used to rewarding failure with taxpayer-funded
bailouts, we are being told that this is "just a start," more
funds will inevitably be needed for more industries, and that things would
be much worse had we done nothing." (2)
- "A free enterprise system of capitalism also requires
an underlying system of laws* by which the game may be played fairly by
all parties, and a legal system by which differences may be fairly adjudicated.
Without a system of rules and proper enforcement devices, the fallen natures
of men will take over and any sense of freedom and fairness in markets
is thus lost. Our laws and judicial system have been completely and totally
perverted because our politicians and judges, with few exceptions, are
all bought-and-paid for or are compromised by the skeletons in their closets,
which are usually large and numerous. The US Constitution is thus ignored,
and is treated as if it were nothing but worthless piece of paper, like
our fiat Federal Reserve notes. A cadre of malevolent elitists make all
the rules, and then break them at will, holding only non-elitists accountable
because they control the system of laws, and the system for enforcing those
laws. That is not a basis upon which any free enterprise system of capitalism
can be based. That is type of system that underlies crony capitalism and
a corporatist, fascist police state, which is what we now have. So don't
blame our current debacles on what started out as our free enterprise system
of capitalism. That dream is long since gone, discarded on the scrap heap
of history." (3)
- The unspoken actualities inside the Big Three speaks
volumes about what is really going on within the apparent collapse of the
US automotive giants. There is a ten minute video on Democracy Now that
explains what GM really is and why this crash is happening to the auto-workers
and to all those who are depending on the automotive industry for their
survival. This aired before Bush made his announcement this morning. (4)
- Finally, The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) has dropped 93% as
a result of the economic conditions world-wide. This very important information
that is not being made public in the United States,despite the fact that
this reflects a near total shutdown of the global shipping industry - worldwide.
- 1) Bush Announces US Big Three Bailout http://www.montrealgazette.com/Bush+announces+automaker+bailout/1095479/story.html
- 2) The Neo-Alchemy of the Federal Reserve http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21468.htm
- 3) The Fallen Natures of Men took control of the Economy
and Destroyed it
- http://www.theinternationalforecaster.com/International_Forecaster_Weekly/
- 4) U S Auto Workers Face Uncertain Future - 10 minute
video on Democracy Now
- http://www.democracynow.org/2008/12/19/us_auto_giants_workers_face_uncertain
- 5) The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) has dropped 93% as a result
of the economic conditions world-wide - video & charts
- http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Find-Freedom.htm?At=042674
- The Big Three in Perspective
- http://www.heyokamagazine.com/heyoka_magazine.22.kirwan.bigthree.htm