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The Big Three In Perspective
Jim Kirwan
"Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government is prepared to provide more than $7.76 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers after guaranteeing $306 billion of Citigroup Inc. debt yesterday. The pledges, amounting to half the value of everything produced in the nation last year, are intended to rescue the financial system after the credit markets seized up 15 months ago.
The unprecedented pledge of funds includes $3.18 trillion already tapped by financial institutions in the biggest response to an economic emergency since the New Deal of the 1930s, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The commitment dwarfs the plan approved by lawmakers, the Treasury Department's $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. Federal Reserve lending last week was 1,900 times the weekly average for the three years before the crisis." (1)
The very next day that amount grew to $8.5 Trillion in taxpayer guaranteed funds that the criminal's in-charge have been handing out like candy on Halloween. The excuses from Congress about bailing out the automotive industry and saving roughly three million U.S. jobs is being held up as "too expensive' and would be 'just throwing good money after another bad investment.' A fifteen billion dollar bridge loan to the big three would not constitute even a droplet in the shipload of money that this government has already squandered on the Banksters and the Corporations. Congress is saying that we can afford to lose all those jobs and the directly dependent jobs that need that industry to survive. Compare that to the $306 Billion that went to Citigroup in the opening paragraph. This fact alone proves Congress is either out to kill these jobs or is incompetent; and either way they should not be in a position to rule on this matter. The Dictator has already shown us where he stands, and this ought to be remembered at his trial, after he leaves office.
The congress killed their attempt to reach a real deal by sighting the Unions failure to give away their stake in their own jobs and they didn't sight any of these possible conditions, which could easily have been attached to that deal.
"They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers start building only cars and mass transit that reduce our dependency on oil.
They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers build cars that reduce global warming.
They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers withdraw their many lawsuits against state governments in their attempts to not comply with our environmental laws.
They could have given the loan on the condition that the management team which drove these once-great manufacturers into the ground resign and be replaced with a team who understands the transportation needs of the 21st century.
Yes, they could have given the loan for any of these reasons because, in the end, to lose our manufacturing infrastructure and throw 3 million people out of work would be a catastrophe." (2)
The following day subsidiary plants that furnish parts to GM began to close, telegraphing "failure-to-survive" to the world, and a delayed but a failed further attempt (by Bush) will only prolong the agony. The Dictator has promised a small portion of what's needed, because he too wants this deal to fail-and everyone at the table except the unions is negotiating in bad faith as there are literally trillions available, and not this magic $750 Billion that seems to stretch to cover everything that no one bothers to track. And no one seems to remember this $8.5 Trillion Mastodon in the national living room.
Government forgets that the people know that they are literally made of politicians and that politics, as Larken Rose says equals Corruption:
"Politicians are crooks. Does anyone NOT know that? What's really amazing is that, despite how often they get caught doing shady
things, some people apparently think that such events are unusual. Getting CAUGHT may not always happen, but politicians are ALWAYS exchanging favors for cash. In fact, it's pretty much all they ever do.
As you may have heard by now, the governor of Illinois was just arrested, on a wide variety of nasty things. Just as every President does, Mr. Obama won the election by promising goodies to his supporters. If elected, he'll hand out "benefits" to those who voted for him, and they know it. In other words, he BOUGHT the position. And that's all any campaign is: a contest to see who can buy the office by promising handouts, whether it be via the welfare state, corporate give-aways, legislation favoring one group over another, or some other means.
Recently the corruption has become completely open, with both Bush and Obama trying to blatantly buy loyalty via promises of sending checks to everyone.
Meanwhile, the slightly hidden version of the same thing is ubiquitous in politics. The whole Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac thing was completely the result of corruption. Barney Frank and Barrack Obama were bought off by the people involved, who got exactly what they paid for. As some were predicting the disaster (which has now happened), the bought-and-paid-for crooks like Barney Frank were promising everything would be fine. And it was fine, for THEM, because they got rich by selling you out.
EVERY federal office is sold for profit. EVERY "political" act is an act of corruption: one group of people trading power for money, or vice versa. All "government" EVER does is use the violence of the state to help the people the politicians like, and punish those they don't. The only mistake the governor of Illinois made was to be HONEST in his description of it. You're not supposed to SAY the office is for sale, though that is ALWAYS the case. No, you're supposed to blather on endlessly about the common good, fighting for the people, fairness, and whatever other meaningless tripe might hide the truth.
If everyone as guilty as the Illinois governor was behind bars, Washington, DC would be a ghost town." (3)
All this unnecessary hand-wringing by the subservient media that are trying to condemn the unions and justify the unjustifiable, in the name of killing what's left of so many real jobs at a single stroke-must be seen for what it is: an act of criminal treachery that literally is endangering the lives and welfare of three million more people!
1) U. S. Pledges $7.7 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit (Update 2)
www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?sid=an3k2rZMNgDw&pid=20601109 www.com/ aptness?Sid=an3k2rZMNgDw&pid=20601109
2) Senate to the Middle-Class: Drop Dead
3) Politics = Corruption
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