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Auschwitz 'Blueprints
Discovery' Settles Nothing

The *interpretation* of the 'blueprints' (if they are genuine) is wide open.  Read on...
The story says the plans were drawn up somewhere between '1941 and 1943' but there are some very serious problems with those dates according to the testimony of the Director of Archives for the Auschwitz State Museum.  (See below).
We are dealing with the masters of spin, of reinventing history, forgers, fabricators. 
We are supposed to believe the Director of Archives of the Auschwitz National Museum was lying or had gone insane when he  revealed, on videotape, that the Soviets had converted that one building into a 'gas chamber' AFTER the war?
It is suggested you view the following video before it is taken down...
Auschwitz Archive Director Interview By Jewish Journalist
So, as is clear, the Director states the 'gas chamber' was only ever 'in use' for about a year from 1941-42.  After that, it was used as an *air raid shelter* for the duration of the war.
Of course, if it was ever in genuine use as a gas chamber at all, what was it really used for? To kill people...or to delouse incoming prisoner-workers which seems a viable and likely designation.
Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax
Soviets Built 'Extermination' Gas Chambers AFTER The War German Claims Russians Faked Nazi Gas Chamber
(See near end of this article...the video test with Zyklon B at 72 TIMES the strength supposedly used to kill millions of people)
We are also asked to believe that the Germans 'dynamited' the Auschwitz gas chamber before leaving...and then went walking shoulder-to-shoulder with countless thousands of camp prisoners as they all fled to the West *together* to escape the approaching genocidal Russian hordes.  One would think that the inmates would want to flee FROM their German 'executioners' and wait for the Russians to save them.
Furthermore, blueprints and drawings of Auschwitz and all concentration labor camps have been around since  the war ended...so now we find some 'undiscovered' blueprints which show 'for the first time' something new at the camp?  All camp blueprints showed 'gas chambers' which were absolutely mandatory to sterilize bedding, uniforms, and so forth of lice which carry typhus.
In the coming weeks, it will be interesting to see what various  unbiased historians say about this very convenient blueprint  'discovery' which, of course, can be used for many things, including efforts to make international extradition for Holocuast research far easier.
Will people be so naive as to accept this 'find' as the truth without  even studying it or the issue in full? Many will...because the controlled media will tell them it is so. 
Also, remember the German man who was on the (Rense) program  for three hours and who described in great detail how he  survived the war which began when he was age 8 or 9 years old.
He explained in clear specifics how, late in the war, he and countless  other Germans came down with TYPHUS, and how he was hospitalized in serious condition in a large ward with dozens of other typhus patients in hospital beds.  
Guess what?  The German doctors and nurses came in one day and  turned the entire ward into a "Gaskammer" by wheeling in several steel  cylinders of ZYKLON B gas.  They opened the valves on the tanks and filled the entire hospital ward with the gas to try to disinfect it and kill the lice on the German patients...including this young boy...and all of their bedding.
Meanwhile, at the camps, similar things were done to incoming inmates (poilitical prisoners, criminals, jews,  communists, gypsies, etc) and clothing and bedding in order to attack and minimize typhus which was rampant in war ravaged Germany.
Also note that Zyklon B at 72 TIMES the strength allegedly used to 'exterminate millions' failed to kill volunteers in a test in an small Auschwitz-style bunker who were locked inside for over an HOUR.
Watch closely...
Bottom line: 'genuine' historical documents have been deliberately misinterpreted or faked throughout history.
The incarceration of ANY people in camps and their deaths for any reason is inhuman and unforgivable...from the German concentration camps to the horrific Soviet gulags.  Or Eisenhower slaughtering over one MILLION German soldiers who had surrendered at War's end. (see Other Losses by James Bacque).
Nonetheless, every effort to achieve accuracy about all of history's tragedies must be made.
While people continue to be directed to look at the vagaries and controversies of WWII, they are being misdirected away from observing the Zionist Bush/Cheney US genocide of FOUR MILLION plus Iraqis and Afghanis since the first Gulf War.
Here's the original story in question
Nov. 8, 2008
The German newspaper Bild published never-before-seen architectural plans of the Auschwitz extermination camp on Saturday that reveal, in their unequivocally marked sections, that everyone involved in the operation of Auschwitz knew full well that it was intended for the systematic extermination of human beings, the paper said.
The floor plans, cross-sections and maps on yellowing paper, mostly on a scale of 1:100, were reportedly found during the evacuation of an abandoned Berlin apartment. They were drawn up between 1941 and 1943.
The 28 documents include detailed blueprints of prisoner barracks, gas chambers marked clearly Gaskammer (Gas chamber) in a Gothic-inspired font and a cross-section of the gate into which the rails of trains entered carrying Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled persons and other people the National Socialists sent to die.
One of the maps carries the handwritten signature of Gestapo commander Heinrich Himmler.
The plans were not construction plans but were drawn after Auschwitz-Birkenau was built (on the foundations of an old military base from the Austro-Hungarian Empire).
On January 20, 1942, Nazi officials met in the resort of Wannsee east of Berlin where they devised the Final Solution, and this has traditionally been taken by historians as the beginning of the Nazis' extermination campaign.
One of the drawings, predating the Wannsee Conference by eight months, sheds new light on the chronology of the German genocide machine.
Dr. Hans-Dieter Kreikamp, chief director of the Bundesarchivs, the federal archives in Berlin, said the find was of "extraordinary importance."
"The plans are authentic certificates of a systematically planned genocide of European Jews," Bild quoted Kreikamp as saying.
As the plans show a "Laundry and shower room" leading into a "Dressing room" and then to the "Gas chamber," there could be no doubt of the purpose of the large room marked Gaskammer.
The documents rebut the last of those who would deny the Holocaust, Bild said in its report.
This article can also be read at
http://www.jpost.com /servlet/Satellite?cid=1225910066286&pagename=

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