- The public sense of relief at the passing of the Bush
administration was palpable. President Bush was even booed by a large number
of attendees when presented at the inaugural rostrum of dignitaries. The
media has focused on and fomented a cult-like euphoria towards Barack Obama,
but those hopes and dreams are destined to be dashed on the rocks of reality.
There is a marked difference between outgoing president George W. Bush
and newly elected president Barack Obama. The first was an outright puppet
whose every move was scripted and the second, though still controlled,
thinks he is going to be allowed by his handlers to rearrange the world
as we know it--towards a leftist agenda. At least Bush had no illusions
about who was really calling the shots. Obama, in contrast, thinks he is
in charge and therefore comes across more like a preacher or cheerleader
than script-reader. But the end result will be the same-- no real change
except in the negative sense. There is a massive control system beneath
the surface of government and although the rhetoric, tone and style of
government may appear to change, the substance of our root problems--international
bullying, heavy handed government control, a collapsing economy, and illegal
government spying, imprisonment and torture--will not change. The torture
and spying will simply go back underground. This week, I'll present a preview
of what the Obama regime has in store for its naive and euphoric followers
and victims.
- In his inaugural address, Obama portrayed the impossible
dream: "Today I say to you that the challenges we face... will not
be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they
will be met." He uses "met" in the sense that they will
be defeated. In challenging terrorism he claimed, "you cannot outlast
us, and we will defeat you." No savvy military leader believes that.
I predict that this statement will become Obama's equivalent of Bush's
"Mission Accomplished" banner--if the press ever chooses to make
it an issue. Only a fool or a political speech writer would make such claims.
These are illusions of a preacher mentality. Like Jimmy Carter before him,
he will fail but never admit it. The only thing both ideologues succeed
in doing is taking us further down the path to socialism and financial
- Obama's rhetoric is full of false promises. He has already
had to back track on about half of his campaign promises. Yet, he promised,
"On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and
false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too
long have strangled our politics." How's that for a false promise
to end all false promises?
- "The question we ask today is not whether our government
is too big or too small, but whether it works - whether it helps families
find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is
dignified. Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the
answer is no, programs will end." Obviously, his criteria is skewed
toward benefit-corruption of the voters. Sadly, it does work. Argentinians
still remember that dictator Peron gave them free bread and they loved
him for it, though they failed to see that this populist measure and other
forms of socialism eventually destroyed the Argentine economy. The Leftist
agenda of Obama will be popular--benefits always are, especially when the
government uses deficit spending to finance them rather than raising taxes.
The Powers That Be (PTB) have long learned that as long as you don't make
the middle class pay for socialism or wars in new taxes, people will remain
passive. While more people than ever will feel like they have been helped
when Obama puts money into their pockets, future inflation will take it
all back again and people will ultimately be worse off as their true standard
of living declines.
- "And those of us who manage the public's dollars
will be held to account - to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our
business in the light of day - because only then can we restore the vital
trust between a people and their government." This has never been
true. Only lesser scapegoats are blamed. If Obama really believes this
then he doesn't understand how government really works. The historical
trust Americans have had in government shouldnever be restored, because
it is forever gone. The reason is simple: Once a government goes down the
path of using National Security laws to hide illegal acts, as ours has,
it can never go back to the light of day without exposing hundreds of insiders
to prosecution. There are too many officials that would be liable for fraud,
obstruction of justice, drug importation, arming terrorists, insider trading,
illegal spying, torture, violation of civil rights and even war crimes.
It's never going to happen.
- Obama started off this week with a couple of easy-to-please
items--the closing of Guantanamo Bay (GITMO), a salary freeze and rules
restricting lobbyists in his administration--which won't change anything
of substance. Illegal detention and torture will still take place even
after GITMO is closed (which may take years). Since GITMO will still physically
exist, it may well revert to a secret prison instead of any open symbol
of war crimes. One thing I do applaud is Obama's executive order requiring
that conditions of confinement at Guantanamo, until its closure, comply
with Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and all other applicable
laws. That shouldn't have required an EO since that is already the law
of the law--until the Bush administration interpreted away the essence
of the law. Obama doesn't have a clue that he has no way of knowing if
the dark side of his own government is complying with this, outside of
GITMO. In fact, since the order only applies to GITMO, the CIA doesn't
have to apply it to their secret prisons around the world. This is a perfect
example of how the public gets deceived into thinking real change has occurred
when it hasn't.
- As for Obama's lobbyist restrictions, they only apply
to the new generation of officials coming into his administration. These
new rules only add a year or two to the time delay of officials being able
to directly lobby, but it won't stop or restrict current lobbying payoffs
and corruption of the legislative process.
- All of the bad legislation of past years is being repackaged
with new euphemistic titles and offered up to Congress by the new Democratic
leadership juggernaut: more bailouts, gun restrictions, protection for
gays against private discrimination, hate crimes, amnesty for illegals,
national health care, and national service.
- Carmen Mercer and Chris Simcox of Minutemanhq.org write
that "Barack Obama was just sworn in as President of the United States
-- but he's already working with Democrats in Congress to enact 'comprehensive
immigration reform.' Remember when Ted Kennedy and John McCain pushed their
'comprehensive immigration reform' bill? Remember how they tried to fool
us into letting them pass what was nothing less than AMNESTY for 20 million
illegal aliens? Remember how we STOPPED them by flooding Congress and the
White House with literally millions of faxes, emails, phone calls, and
hand-delivered letters, demanding that amnesty be stopped? We must do it
- "Two weeks ago, a new Congress was convened, and
the newly elected Senators and Congressmen took their oaths of office.
At that point, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) introduced a set
of ten bills, letting everyone know exactly what the Democrats' agenda
is for the new 111th Congress. Guess what number nine was? S. 9 is a little
two page bill called the 'Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009,'
... One of the main focuses of this bill is 'reforming and rationalizing'
avenues for immigration.
- "These people talk a good game. They made sure to
use buzzwords and terms like 'enforcing tough laws' and 'pay their fair
share of taxes.' But they tipped their hand when they and their pro-amnesty
allies started talking about tying amnesty to economic recovery and efforts
to stimulate the economy--you know: 'Immigration reform is a necessity
in order to fix the American economy.' Or, 'Immigrants must be brought
out of the shadows so they can fully contribute to our nation's future
economic and social well-being.'"
- Hate crimes legislation has always been a problem because
of its tendency to criminalize free speech and freedom of association (or
disassociation). Its hidden agenda is to take away people's right to not
associate with, hire, do business with, or rent living quarters to people
whose morals or personal conduct they find objectionable. Most people do
not fully understand the importance of the right NOT to associate or do
business with those you object to. Even business people now find themselves
always looking over their shoulder at a potential discrimination lawsuit
for making any kind of discriminating choice in who they hire or fire.
People need to understand that the hook in all civil rights legislation
is the demise of a very important fundamental right--the right to associate
or not associate with one you choose for whatever reason, as long as their
fundamental rights are not infringed upon. And people don't have a fundamental
right to force others to accept them into a private or business association
- Rev. Ted Pike's commentary shows how the latest attempt
to pass a hate crimes bill will do so through the mask of education, and
how it will end up giving billions of dollars to selected organizations
(the ADL) chosen to indoctrinate American students on non-discrimination
against homosexuals.
- "The Anti-Defamation League, architect of hate laws
worldwide, has served up two hate bills to Congress this term. These include
a condensed version of the same one that failed to pass over the past ten
years, 'The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act.' [David Ray was the murdered
homosexual that has become the poster boy of the homosexual rights community]
Reintroduction of the familiar bill was no surprise, as it had been rejected
five times.
- "The big news is emergence of a different sounding
hate bill, a seemingly harmless version with ostensibly humanitarian, not
punitive, ambitions. This is the David Ray Ritcheson Hate Crimes Prevention
Act of 2009, H.R. 262. It is classic 'Trojan horse' legislation, attempting
to charm wary legislators into making America a hate crimes bureaucracy.
H.R. 262 wants to establish a federal hate crime 'clearinghouse' or 'resource'
center and database. Through a website and 24-hour hotline, it will receive
hate crime complaints nationwide. 'Anti-bias' pro-homosexual education
will pervade every level of American schooling - from kindergarten to graduate
school. It will 'prevent' hate crime through an extensive curricula dedicated
to eliminating those 'seed ideas' which cause hate crimes, i.e., Christian
disapproval of homosexuality. Such reeducation will be enforced upon students,
teachers, professors, and administrators everywhere. Price tag: $10,000,000
- "Who will administer this new hate crime bureaucracy?
H.R. 262 says that, although Congress will make it law, it won't be run
by the government. Instead, the bill says the government will be looking
for a private non-profit organization with broad experience in hate crimes
education, prevention, and statistics gathering... H.R. 262 is ADL's attempt
to insert itself into the U.S. government as the nation's hate law teacher.
It already fulfills that role in law enforcement. Since passage of ADL's
Hate Crimes Statistics Act in 1980, it received federal authority to teach
hate crimes theory, enforcement, and statistics gathering to the U.S. Justice
Department, FBI, and police clear down to the local precinct. ADL is not
only PR representative for Israel but is the adjunct of a Jewish religious
organization, B'nai B'rith International.
- "ADL loudly protests Christian mixing of religion
with politics, but no one compares to ADL's mixing of synagogue with state!
If ADL can't pass the familiar hate bill, establishing power of the federal
government to punish hate crimes in the states, it hopes to pass its second
bill, endowing itself with unlimited powers to educate us and our children
out of the 'mental illness' of 'homophobia.' Through the decades, ADL made
it abundantly clear that it considers bias against homosexuality rooted
in biblical 'hate speech' as the underlying cause of hate crimes against
homosexuals." Quoting the Bible's passages condemning homosexuality
is already a prosecutable offense Canada, so don't think it can't happen
- End Excerpt
- Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution
- Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief
- http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com
- World Affairs Brief, 290 West 580 South, Orem, Ut 84058,