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Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mumbai
By Stefan Fobes 
So, Barack Obama's here for four. While I find the new surge of interest in presidential corruption thrilling, it disappoints me to see this tabloid-like fixation of so many on the tiny little minutae like his birth certificate. True or not, there are many more things to be concerned about. With the veritable wrecking crew that has been chosen to man the decks in the White House, even the changeoholics should be going out of their minds.
I've seen what I guess you could call more enlightened people actually being worried about Obama being assassinated because they somehow got the idea that he's some sort of a threat to the New World Order. Zbigniew Brzezinski as his Illuminati sensei? Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?? Too many people to count have bought the lemon at this time, and this info is what should be filling up space at the forums.
Barack Obama has made it quite clear what he is going to do, and if people who supported Obama weren't dumbed down by the modern educational system and not had their critical thinking capabilities even more so by all the FOX and CNN hypnotic techniques and 30 second news, they might have looked him up and found this Foriegn Affairs article heavily detailing exactly what his "Change" is going to be.
We must also consider using military force in circumstances beyond self-defense in order to provide for the common security that underpins global stability - to support friends, participate in stability and reconstruction operations, or confront mass atrocities. But when we do use force in situations other than self-defense, we should make every effort to garner the clear support and participation of others - as President George H. W. Bush did when we led the effort to oust Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991. The consequences of forgetting that lesson in the context of the current conflict in Iraq have been grave.
Oh? Is Obama HW Bush's secret son or what? It also seems that Pakistan and Afghanistan, something no one else has been focusing on, have also been something that is on the agenda in an Obama administration.
We must refocus our efforts on Afghanistan and Pakistan - the central front in our war against al Qaeda - so that we are confronting terrorists where their roots run deepest. Success in Afghanistan is still possible, but only if we act quickly, judiciously, and decisively. We should pursue an integrated strategy that reinforces our troops in Afghanistan and works to remove the limitations placed by some NATO allies on their forces. Our strategy must also include sustained diplomacy to isolate the Taliban and more effective development programs that target aid to areas where the Taliban are making inroads.
When did Afghanistan become the central front for Al-Qaeda? Note this was written in 2007. Even by the regular propaganda, Iraq is the current hotbed for Al-Qaeda after they fled from Afghanistan, and the baddies that are in there now are the Taliban, who are also grossly inflated and misrepresented in the world media. It's not really a surprise to me that Defense Secretary Robert Gates is going to stay on after Bush because their agendas for the region are one and the same. For the best part of this year, the US military has tried to get its foot in the door with Pakistan.
U.S. military officials have told CNN that commanders are reviewing a classified planning order that could result in troops going to Pakistan for training purposes if Pakistan's government approves.
The announcement comes as Pakistan's government faces what Gates called increased efforts by al Qaeda.
Musharraf and other Pakistani leaders, however, have repeatedly said it is their military - not that of the United States - that will fight elements of al Qaeda and the Taliban that are believed to live and train in the mountainous region of Pakistan that borders Afghanistan.
But the people are stark raving mad over Iraq and want it over and done with. If the occupation ended one day, just wham, bam, thank you ma'am, it might look a little too suspicious, as the script said that Al-Qaeda was the main reason for staying so long, and they have to be taken out of the picture too. So now all of a sudden an unwinnable war with a clever, deadly, tenacious adversary turns into this.

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