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Homeland Security Predicts
5 Yr Terror Threat

By Karl Schwarz
Well, should we be surprised that the Bush Administration (via DHS Director, dual citizen, Michael Chertoff) has provided Barky enough cover for his entire 4 years in office?
Homeland Security Forecasts 5 Year Threat Picture
I can just see American Sheeple gasping in horror and looking for a place to hide already. Poor fools. I can see Chertoff, Bush, Obama and Clinton snickering at American stupidity knowing that a safe majority will buy off on this newest lie.
What is completely asinine about this 'BOO!' report by Chertoff is the US government cannot predict how much calamity will happen in the stock market next month, next week or even tomorrow...but they can supposedly lay it all out for the next five years for idiot Americans who still believe what these liars in DC have to say on any subject.
The US government cannot predict what the weather is going to be either, but damn, these wizards can spell out the bogus 'terror threat' for the half decade.
Also ludicrous and an insult to the intelligence of anyone with a three digit IQ (that is 100 or above) is the statement that one of the most serious threats is through our US borders. Yeah, right. Those are the same borders that have been wide open since 9-11...and not one damned thing has happened except that America has been flooded with millions more illegals. Of course, DHS says 'al Qaeda' could come through with, we are led to think, everything up to thermonuclear bombs.
The only problem is that Al Qaeda, originally a creation of the CIA and Brzezinski, is now essentially a non-existent boogeyman that our 'government' pulls out of the drawer to try to scare the sheeple while they are being robbed blind.
Get a hint people. Even the former UK Foreign Secretary has gone on the record - THERE IS NO AL QAEDA...
"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . ."
-- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook
Wake the Hell UP, AMERICA
America, the home of the brave, the land of the free. A psychotic, unthinking nation conditioned to think there may be a terrorist behind every tree.
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