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When Worlds Collide
Jim Kirwan
The stage is set, but this charade will never be able to conceal the crash of reality that we have unconsciously been slaving toward for the last fifty years. There are more than just 'Two Americas.' This truth is what has been eating away at the knife edge upon which the world is currently poised, and finally because of this betrayal, real change is about to happen.
On the publicized side, there is all the theatrical thunder of the sounds of fury and celebration that signifies nothing but a massive denial of what we have been and what we supposedly shall now become. Their anthem seeks to steal Martin Luther King's 'Dream' while it delivers on its promises to the fascist police- state-an unending terror in a world gone mad with power and greed. On the life side there is only failure, broken promises and the global plague of lies and deception that brought us to this point. In reality there is nothing in this entire multi-billion dollar masquerade for anyone that needs anything from government in order to survive in daily life. The anthem that rings through the lives of most of us is the one that this nation ought to adopt; because it reflects the only true state of affairs in this country. "Born to Lose"!
Whatever is about to happen, regarding which billionaire will be appointed to MC over the fall of this crouching empire, is of no consequence; because we have not had a true leader for decades and now we no longer seem to need one. America is a dictatorship that is only functioning to serve the needs of the competing elites that have ridden our worst fears and our collective cowardice to the very edge of oblivion with this phrase: "Out of chaos we will instill order." Of course everyone has chosen to overlook the unspoken precondition for this fallacy: "But first we shall create the chaos" in order to prevail!
The preconditions are all in place. The constitution has been dead and buried for decades and there has been no "free speech" since the Democratic convention of 1968, where "freedom" was murdered not just in the streets of Chicago, but throughout the land. This year we have been holding elections 24-7 for over two years and the result has been the very public strangulation of the entire idea of anything like political conventions where 'anything might happen.' No real debates or discussions are allowed! The choices that delegates were once responsible for have been absorbed by party officials, by lobbyists, and by Trillionaires that pull all the strings so that there will never again be any real surprises, as total control and zero tolerance must govern everything in the once public arena. 'Democracy' has been sanitized just as clearly as this Republic has been neutered.
Case in point: Both parties conspired to lift the rules on campaign spending when it comes to conventions. Hundreds of millions went into these gargantuan extravaganzas, supposedly under the guise of financing "civic events" only to have these same civic-events turned into private parties where the public press is not allowed to enter. And of course we have long since taken for granted that all opposition to whatever happens, "inside the conventions" must never be opposed: hence the need for mini-concentration camps miles away from any large public event where suspected protestors are confined behind barbed wire-so much for free speech!
Hundreds of millions are now routinely spent on security, and nothing is ever done to protect the rights of any person who dares to challenge any part of this Pageant of our Political-Pretenders. It matters not that all candidates have been changing their supposed beliefs now for the last two years as often as they change clothes, while 'substance' has been permanently sacrificed to the gods of expediency and private profits. "Lying" in American politics has become the rule, just as deceit is now our only common currency.
Beyond this farce there are much larger questions of national policy, global warfare, and crimes against humanity-all of which reek with the blood and lies this country has created while we raced into a state of indebtedness that can never be repaid. Our military machine is old and tired, we have no new ideas and we are no longer able to even enforce the basic concepts which the world set forth so long ago, when it comes to the rights and expectations that ordinary people deserve to have, in this supposedly new world of the twenty-first century.
We allowed the cabal to steal our 'peace dividend' which the world was promised when the cold war ended. What we got instead was what they planned for all along ­ global war and unending terror ­ to enable them to complete their theft of everything that matters, anywhere on the planet.
For at least the last hundred years the world has put up with The Code of the Western World, as unwritten dogma; a dogma that required allegiance if not belief from all corners of the world. Thanks to the current pretenders in DC, in Tel-Aviv and in London. where this reign of terror is coming to its natural end.
Russia has called our bluff in Georgia and elsewhere, and will fight to keep us from the stated goals of the New World Order. Cheney-Bush has also blown the chance to defang North Korea, as that state has once again decided to continue with its nuclear programs, because we did not remove them from the list of public enemies, as promised.
The changes in Pakistan are widening the war in Afghanistan and insuring that everyone on 'our side' of that invasion will lose bigtime on all fronts, because we engineered the ouster of Musharraf, and paved the way for that nuclear armed nation to defect to the increasingly powerful forces that now oppose the barbarity of our designs on that region. In the last month the entire global 'chess-board' has shifted radically against us because we have failed diplomatically and militarily but especially morally-to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
Proof that we have learned nothing lies in the disinterred corpses of the failed political figures that will all be reborn once the new MC is selected. Since our 'presidents' no longer need to have any experience or knowledge regarding the world beyond the USA, we have failed again and again because we 'know not what we do.' General Petraius is the perfect example of our stupidity. Here is a general with a chest full of ribbons who, until Iraq, had never seen battle. His qualifications are that he's a "yes-man."
The so-called "surge" did not work. The violence died down not because we had more troops on the ground, but because Cheney-Bush is paying off those that had been creating the most horrific attacks upon American forces. As the elections near, on this side of the water, the payments will stop and the violence will return to ramp up the fear and paranoia here to insure a war-powers leader once again.
Iran is another matter altogether and will become the irresistible Piñata that Israel has decided must be utterly destroyed. The Zionazi's have dropped all pretense of victimhood and are now screaming for the blood and treasure of many peoples throughout that region and the world.
Georgia may well provide them with the opportunity that they need to create another version of their attack upon USS Liberty. This time we have military ships in the Black Sea supposedly trying to deliver humanitarian supplies to Georgia. The Zionists now have five nuclear submarines; whereabouts unknown. If one of those American warships were to be blown up: given the recent hostilities between the Russians and the Americans, the blame for that might well be directed at the Russians, to confirm a false-flag outrage that must then be met by force. In that ensuing chaos, the Zionazi's could then move to begin their long denied bombing of Iran, as we would be too busy elsewhere to object. Yes this would mean WWIII because too many nations would then be automatically infected with their very real fear for their own survival.
Had the USA chosen to have a Department of State and anything besides a talking puppet in the personage of Condoleezza Rice; then most of this need never have happened. But then since 911, we have all been living in that Twilight Zone of artificially created terror, in a turbulent and raging sea of contradicting lies and totally false claims of so-called national-security- interests." Given this, how could things be any different?
The American public seems to know very little about the motivations for events that transpire upon the global stage-and they seem to prefer it that way: choosing to believe instead the patriotic bullshit that is spewed out hourly from the traitors that run both the media and this so-called government. (1)
This is what has brought us to the point where the world of power- politics and global-greed is about to collide with the world where sanity has meaning, and where the health and well being of citizens has real merit. Russia for various reasons has come to understand this, and a number of other nations too are beginning to side with finding ways to bring an end to this era of Western Domination, as the way of all things-because ultimately there has to be more to life than just money and power.
Erich Fromm said it well: "Critical thought will only bear fruit when it is blended with the most precious quality man is endowed with ­ the love of life." In 2008 that statement sounds like something unearthed from the ancient past, along with human rights, freedom of thought and speech, and everything else that people ought to have something to say about in whichever nation they were, by accident of history, born into. Since all of this has been crushed by fascist police-states everywhere, there appears to be little recourse except widespread resistance to all that the American political circus is demanding for itself, at the expense of everyone else.
This country where I was born, no longer exists. When I think about what would happen if Obama or McTraitor were left alone in a room with Putin, it is clear that either 'American' would be chewed- up and spit out in tiny little pieces within minutes; because both are Poser's and neither has lived anything like an authentic life. Putin has understood the forces that make up life and success as well as death, and he has worked his entire life to create that something that does not surrender to insanity or greed!
By contrast the 'anointed one' has recently been talking about all that he's done for America in the last twenty years. I must know at least fifty people that have given more to America in the last twenty years than he has, and there are no doubt thousands of others who can say the same thing. Barrack has only given one speech, with a second one to be added to that tonight-he himself is nothing but a vessel for all those others that have already arranged all the components on the board.
Obama would do exactly what he will be told to do, as will McTraitor. John McCain's military career consisted of exactly 22 days of combat, which ended when he crashed his fifth airplane, and then began his luxury-stay in a brothel in Hanoi: he's a traitor and a liar. Neither of these creatures has ever lived beyond those moments where they have risen to fulfill the dreams of other people, for political or commercial gain-and this is a cause of national euphoria!
When these Worlds crash, probably very soon, it will be the culmination of all the decades of corruption and the slaughter that has gone into their creation. As history clearly shows there can be no other outcome because every single empire has collapsed: the difference this time is only that this ancient New World Order can never actually succeed, because it has utterly failed to understand what has always been at issue-which is the possibility of life itself for anyone besides themselves.
The tragedy is that because we have drunk the Kool-Aid and come to believe that "Resistance is Futile" we may have been mid-wives to turning back the clock a thousand years.
The planet will survive but humanity as a population may not! That's because the laws of nature cannot be trifled with. This world has been making war upon nature and women since the Judeo- Christian Ethic became the ruling thought 'for progress.' in what the West has called an enlightened world. Look around, the species that fail to succeed on this planet all become extinct. We have broken every rule, violated every covenant with all the other life on this planet, and destroyed so much, as collateral damage, in our race to "develop" what was clean and self-sustaining before we were even a thought ­ so why should humanity be any different!
1) Karl WB Schwarz
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