- The American public, composed of both citizens and consumers,
is under attack on all fronts. This is being done by government directly,
indirectly, and across the board in every aspect of our lives. What continues
to go unnoticed is that the people of this country have the constitutional
and right to be represented within this "government" that has
become the blood-enemy of everyone that lives here. What the cabal has
failed to credit is that
- "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny"!
- The methods being used by the owners, against the people,
include secrecy, intimidation, blatant lies and their misrepresentations
about everything that comes from the government concerning everything
they say they are doing to correct any of the myriad failures that have
brought this formerly successful nation to its metaphorical knees!
- This siege is being led by the same people that were
supposed to have protected the public, from everything that has happened
since Cheney-Bush took over on 12-12-2000: when they were officially
appointed by the US Supreme Court that stopped the vote-count in Florida
which gave the election to the losers.
- This includes Pelosi who has served not as the Speaker
of the US House of Representatives, but as the handmaiden of the Cabal.
In every instance where leadership was required, Pelosi got down on her
knees before the Cabal and perverted, delayed or prevented the will of
the public from being voted on-in direct contravention of the will of
the public which her office is charged with insuring! As the third person
in-line for the office of the presidency, Pelosi must be charged along
with Bush & Cheney in their covert and now overt wars upon us all.
Nancy Pelosi would do well to research what happened to Marie Antoinette,
during the French Revolution. It took the French population a very long
time to finally get angry, but when they finally did-heads did roll and
that will happen here!
- Currently, the elections process itself is also under
attack by both the Republicans and the Democrats: just in case everything
else fails to force the nation into Martial Law. Most of this was directed
from the White House by Karl Rove who should be in Federal Prison, but
who was never tried for his crimes, so we are all still having to deal
with his Faustian schemes.
- For six straight days stocks around the world continue
to fall, yet the spin-masters of media continue to describe this global
meltdown as "A credit crunch."
- The next government official that uses this criminally-insufficient
term ought to have his or her tongue cut out on the spot! Because these
conditions are now equal to what was last seen in 1937! This behavior,
coupled with wholesale evictions and voter-registration purges, clearly
adds the entire elections process to the lengthy list of crimes against
the public; in this massive drive to deny the right of representation,
along with the right to vote; to those that pay taxes for representation
in the government decisions that are dragging us all down the road to
open tyranny and into a bogus state of Martial Law!
- This entire voting scandal is being exposed by Greg Palast
and Robert Kennedy Jr., in a forthcoming article in Rolling Stone magazine
and in a comic book called "Steal Back Your Vote." (1)
- Meanwhile in the elections process itself, both candidates
have failed to tell the public that "the United States is no longer
a Republic we are a corporation that is still in bankruptcy, which is
why we cannot now just declare bankruptcy! "The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
CORPORATION went BANKRUPT in 1933. They must renew the bankruptcy every
70 years. It was renewed in 2003. So it's already been bankrupt for over
70 years which is why everything is such a mess. The U.S. Government became
the US GOVERNMENT CORPORATION via the Act of 1871. The result is that
even our elections have been a complete sham and scam." (2)
- In the bizarre "debates" where the token audience
sits like so many manikins, prohibited from displaying any reaction whatever
to what is said by anyone-not unlike what would happen inside a prison-virtually
no reality is allowed to invade the comments of the "anointed potential
leaders." They both speak of money to be spent on programs and new
policies as if the current meltdown was not a fact. Ladies and gentlemen
not only are we broke, we are so deep in debt that this corporation (formerly
our Republic) shall never be able to escape: yet none of this is ever
even mentioned.
- Today we have also learned that "the Treasury Department
May Take Ownership Stake in Banks. Having tried without success to unlock
frozen credit markets, the Treasury Department is considering taking
ownership stakes in many United States banks to try to restore confidence
in the financial system, according to government officials.
- Treasury officials say the just-passed $700 billion bailout
bill gives them the authority to inject cash directly into banks that
request it. Such a move would quickly strengthen banks' balance sheets
and, officials hope, persuade them to resume lending. In return, the law
gives the Treasury the right to take ownership positions in banks, including
healthy ones."
- So if you like the way the banks have routinely screwed
you on your credit cards, and their 'management of your money' you're
going to really enjoy having the thoroughly corrupted "government's"
management of your bank's ineptitude, because they will no doubt take
everything to an entirely new level of outright incompetence coupled with
theft and deceit run amuck! (3)
- And if all of the above is still not enough to drive
the nation into Martial Law; then the Dictator still can use the $100
million he just received in discressionary funds to send in his own troops
- To enforce Martial Law!
- This has been made possible because of secret-contracts
whereby Blackwater and others have been retraining police forces throughout
the nation, to militarize what used to be peace officers. This will now
be augmented by US combat troops that began their duties nine days ago
by order of the president. (4)
- This is a full-court press by those that the public has
refused to arrest and charge for their previous crimes against the people
of the United States; and because we failed to act before-this situation
has now created all of the impossible problems that now must be faced
and ended by the 70% of the public that totally disagrees with everything
that is now being done to us in the name of another false-flag "emergency"!
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Gregg Palast on Vote Rigging and Suppression Ahead
of the 2008 Elections
- http://www.democracynow.org/2008/10/9/greg_palast_on_vote_rigging_and
- 2) USA the link to "Point 1" was erased,
but the facts have not changed
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2008/art83.htm#1)
- 3) Treasury Department May Take Ownership Stake in Banks
- http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na
- 4) FEMA sources confirm coming Martial Law
- http://www.heyokamagazine.com/heyoka.16.waynemadsen.htm
- Thousands of Troops are deployed on U S streets
- http://www.heyokamagazine.com/heyoka.16.naomiwolf.troopsdeployed.htm