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When God Pulls The Cheney
By George Paxinos
Last night I received an e-mail news flash from a friend : Dick Cheney had been rushed to hospital.
Immediately I thought : Oh, God! -- please pull the Cheney!
A flash vision suddenly popped into my mind, and I shuddered : Darkness, intermittent, purplish lighting revealing a shadowed, slimy, grey-green, oily swamp, in the midst of it, giant tentacles of ghastly living or semi-living things squirming about, rising ten or twenty feet into the air around a struggling male figure dressed in torn rags of what had once been a suit -- Dick Cheney. I shudder, just recalling this now as I write it.
You see, I had had visions of this sort before. So had Mother, so had Father, and, in cases where they presaged some future event, they were seldom wrong. The good ones were good, the bad ones, very bad indeed.
The case of Adolf Hitler was particularly interesting. Once, I was a Nazi -- or believed I was. I was born and grew up in South Africa. Father Greek, Mother of Boer (South African Dutch) extraction. During the Boer War, distaff Grandma had been interned in a British concentration camp with nine children and had emerged with three. The British were perhaps not quite as efficient as the Germans.
But for me, even though my parents were quite liberal, the British were hated, and, as the Germans had given the British hell in WWII, I and a lot of my friends admired them, especially Hitler, who had started it all, so I was a Hitler fan.
Studying Theology in Germany in the mid-1970s, I bought my first cassette-player. One day -- in a camera shop, of all places! -- I came across a wire basket filled with odd and cheap audio-tapes. One was of Hitler speeches, probably at the time still very "Verboten!" For 10 Deutschmarks, I grabbed it and hurried home to finally listen to the voice of my hero. Very excited, I settled down to hear him speaking -- in his native German ­ Wow!
After an unbelieving 30 seconds or so, I switched off. I sat there, stunned.
After a while, I tried a different section of the cassette, and did not make even 30 seconds. Then the reverse side, with the same result. While I sat, shocked, unable to understand the dichotomy between my emotional programming and actual, listenable fact, berating my own folly in buying it -- ten Marks was a lot of money for a student in those days! -- and debating whether I should try and take it back for a refund ­ would they even own up to having sold it? -- had someone else simply dropped it into the basket? -- or would they claim so? -- another student walked in and asked what was up with me? I told him I had just blown ten Marks.
He switched on my machine and listened for a few seconds. "What's wrong with it?", he asked. I goggled. "The man is insane!" I replied. "Can I borrow the tape?" I came to a quick, emotional decision. I wasn't going to risk embarrassment or worse at a shop that might deny having sold it -- or perhaps even call the cops if they disowned their involvement -- "Hell, you can HAVE it!"
He thanked me, went out, listened to it at ever-increasing volume in his room -- in the dorm corridor downstairs, thank God! -- and at the end of a week, converted from Lutheran Protestant to Roman Catholicism -- and moved out. I pondered a possible causality, but, at the time, it eluded me.
What I hadn't told him was my vision. A vision had -- once again, unasked-for and spontaneously ­ popped into my mind, and this one had goosed the hell out of me. I had seen Hitler, in a thick brown uniform, standing in an underground cave of some sort. The lighting was all flickering orange-red and yellow, like from a wood fire. The ceiling was not high enough for him to stand upright, so his head was slightly bowed over, the back of his head against the irregularly-curving roof. He was facing to his right, half-on to me, looking at me while he pummelled the air with his right fist and shouted at the top of his lungs to unseen persons on the ground above, but they could not hear him. His legs were up to above the knees in molten lava, slowly flowing from right to left. Again I shudder, recalling this vision. It might not have been Hell, but it was HELL. It made me sick to my stomach, as it still does now.
Problem is, when the world's then-richest country, the United States of America, invaded the world's poorest, Afghanistan, in 2002, a population composed then, after the Soviet Union's withdrawal, to over fifty percent of orphaned children under the age of fifteen, widowed women and the fragile aged, I was pondering the karmic meaning for the United States, as this was obviously a war for oil under the lie of hunting down one man, Osama Bin Laden, who to me appeared to be the mechanical rabbit that runs ahead of the greyhound race and which they take off after, just as Bin Laden was rumoured to be anywhere the US military wanted to go to.
And another vision popped up : A broken country, literally broken into pieces by some unimaginable cataclysm, war or earth-changes, islands of polluted soil, scabby grass-and-mud, greasy knolls standing barely feet out of oily, poisonously polluted water separating them from each other, holes in their banks where survivors eked out some ghastly existence, and, over all, low-hanging clouds of toxic smoke-laced fumes as from a gigantic fire, volcanic eruption or war. I almost retched, was gripped by a feeling of pity for those survivors, and, almost as if a higher power had stepped in, I was held back, gently but firmly and prevented from expressing that pity but told to "Watch". I couldn't take it, and the vision dissipated. That was what the United States was to become.
At the time, I had no idea that the Bush War-For-Oil Pirate Crew would go to the excesses it has, nor that it would abrogate international nuclear disarmament treaties, the Geneva Convention, introduce torture camps contrary all human decency and actually be fool enough to get the Cold War cranked up again and cause Russia to re-arm ­ but it did all these things and more ­ and with apparently planned deregulation of market practices, rampant greed, corruption, graft and legalised financial crime promoting hegemonic mergers, Globalisation and the financial meltdown to the detriment of all Humanity, it has brought the world to the brink of human self-destruction :
Why? -- because World War Three is the only alternative left to avoid Hitler's fate for those ensconced in the White House Bunker ­ the traditional last-resort tactic and ultimate comeuppance of Capitalistic practice since time began : when fat farmers living high on the hog of peasant labour squander their money and cannot afford to pay their servants, why, they simply send those servants off to war to liquidate each other, awarding a little piece of stamped tin to pin on the chest of those who kill the most ­ in the farmer's behalf, nota bene! -- killers who, in peacetime, would either be in the highest-security cells, or simply executed for their deeds.
My only consolation ­ from having been ultra-Right-Wing, to the left of me is now only the wall -- or the Void -- is that Russia wins the next war ­ but that is the subject of other visions and especially dreams, which have proven even more prophetic.
May God pull all Cheney act-alikes ­ soon.
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